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Can You Solve These Pi-Themed Brain Teasers?

This Thursday is Pi Day, the one day of the year devoted to a mathematical constant (it also happens to be Einstein’s birthday). We all learned as kids about how special pi is and have since accepted its cultural status as a geeky totem and a number worth celebrating. But perhaps we should revisit pi through the jaded lens of adulthood. The circumference of a circle is always 3.14… times its diameter. Big whoop! The perimeter of a square is four times its side length, but we don’t assign special significance to the number…

Survivor Contestants Faced This Challenge and They Did Not Do Well

Survivor has produced a whopping 45 seasons, with more in development. If you remember the buzz around season 1 but can’t believe it’s been 45 years, it hasn’t. They’ve cranked out two seasons per year for most of its run to feed their insatiable fanbase. Each season, the mega-successful reality show maroons an attractive cast of clashing personalities on a tropical island to compete for a million dollar prize. Contestants are subjected to physical, endurance, and mental challenges to earn survival gear or immunity from…

Can You Solve This Google Interview Question?

Tech companies are infamous for torturing career hopefuls with mind-melters during interviews. This week, you’ll try your hand at one without the stress of job prospects on your shoulders. Google is rumored to have used this puzzle over the years, although it has since retired the practice altogether.No Google AI Search, I Don’t Need to Learn About the “Benefits of Slavery” I encountered this puzzle a long time ago, and it sounded to me like it would be tedious, so I didn’t give it much thought. Recently, I decided to…