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Mark Zuckerberg Heckled at Senate Child Exploitation Hearing

Parents of deceased and exploited children heckled Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday during a Senate hearing on the role tech companies play in online child sexual exploitation.  Parents holding photos of their deceased children, many of whom died by suicide, audibly hissed at Zuckerberg as he entered the chamber. According to NBC News, some of the family members who attended the hearing hold Meta’s subsidiary, Instagram, responsible for facilitating the abuse and suicide of their children.  As the CEO…

Moon’s resources at risk for exploitation, astronomers warn

Upcoming exploration of the Moon is a highlight for space lovers. However, not everything about these upcoming missions has astronomers excited. In fact, some have even warned that the Moon’s resources could be at risk if we don’t control our exploitation of the minerals and other resources found on the lunar surface.There are several dozens of probes set to survey the lunar surface over the next few years, as well as manned missions to the surface that will see astronauts setting foot on the lunar surface for…

Discord, X, and Snap CEOs served subpoenas to testify on online child exploitation

The US Senate Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas to the CEOs of Discord, Snap, and X, Jason Citron, Evan Spiegel, and Linda Yaccarino, respectively, to demand them to appear at a hearing fixed on December 6 on online child sexual exploitation. The institution has been investigating the child safety policies of social media platforms to find out how to improve the safeguards to protect them from harm in the digital space.Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and South Carolina Senator Lindsey…

Tech CEOs Called to Congress on Child Sexual Exploitation Problem

On Dec. 6, CEOs from some of the biggest social media platforms will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where they are set to face tough questions about what their platforms are doing to keep children safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. Sens. Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham on Monday announced the bipartisan subpoenas of three executives who have reportedly been less than communicative with Congress about the issue of child sexual exploitation on their apps: Linda Yaccarino, head of X (formerly…

Tech CEOs are set to testify in a Senate online child sexual exploitation hearing in December

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on online child sexual exploitation on December 6 and the CEOs of major tech companies are set to testify. The committee expects Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his counterpart at TikTok, Shou Zi Chew, to testify voluntarily. It also wants to hear from the CEOs of X (formerly Twitter), Discord and Snap, and it has issued subpoenas to them."Big Tech’s failure to police itself at the expense of our kids cannot go unanswered," committee chair Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and ranking…

Twitter Unbans Dom Lucre Who Posted ‘Child Exploitation’ Pics

After Twitter banned the account of Qanon influencer Dom Lucre for posting “child exploitation pictures,” Elon Musk stepped in to reinstate him. Mr. Tweet Fumbles Super Bowl TweetOn Wednesday morning Twitter—recently rebranded by Musk as X—banned Lucre, a right-wing conspiracy theorist with over half a million followers. The move sparked protest from X’s rage-fueled conservatives and even some criticism from users on the left. X doesn’t alwayspublish the reasoning behind account takedowns, but Musk tweeted an explanation

Workers that made ChatGPT less harmful ask lawmakers to stem alleged exploitation by Big Tech

Kenyan workers who helped remove harmful content on ChatGPT, OpenAI’s smart search engine that generates content based on user prompts, have filed a petition before the country’s lawmakers calling them to launch investigations on Big Tech outsourcing content moderation and AI work in Kenya. The petitioners want investigations into the “nature of work, the conditions of work, and the operations” of the big tech companies that outsource services in Kenya through companies like Sama — which is at…

Reports of a ‘Zelda’ Adaptation Were Wildly Exaggerated but News of Intentional ‘Exploitation’ of ‘Lord of the Rings’ Still Sours Fantasy…

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Why do the powers that be insist on ruining everything we love? Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s hard not to feel cynical after so many fantasy properties have either been utterly tarnished by god-awful adaptations, or got a worthy attempt only to get a premature cancellation. We were in a brief panic, which has since (blessedly) eased, after learning of a potential Legend of Zelda adaptation, but the brief relief we felt at that false rumor was dashed on the rocks of…

Consumer protection agency to monitor compliance, prevent exploitation

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission on Tuesday said it will ensure that filling stations sell petroleum products in compliance with the law to prevent hardship on Nigerians. The commission made this known Tuesday in a statement signed by Babatunde Irukera, the Executive Vice Chairman/Chief Executive Officer. Nigerians have had difficulty getting petrol at filling stations since Monday after President Bola Tinubu announced government’s plan to put an end to the subsidy regime. The government…