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False memory

Things You Didn’t Know About Memory

A baby mobile above a cribImage: TobinCStudio (Shutterstock)A 2018 study, for instance, found that many people’s first memories likely never happened as remembered. Specifically, around 40% of people in the study recalled their first memory occurring before the age of two, while 15% recalled it before the age of one. But experts generally agree that our brains simply don’t form long-term memories before the age of three, at least ones that we can remember as adults.These implausible childhood memories, as the study

False Memories Can Form Within Seconds, Study Finds

Human memory might be even more unreliable than currently thought. In a new study, scientists found that it’s possible for people to form false memories of an event within seconds of it occurring. This almost-immediate misremembering seems to be shaped by our expectations of what should happen, the team says.Over the past few decades, it’s become clear that our process of rememberingis deeply flawed. Studies time and again have shown that our memory is routinely inaccurate, while others have found that you can easily

PAX 2023: These were the 7 best games we played at the show

This weekend, PAX East returned to Boston with a lively show full of panels and game demos. It was a return to form for the gaming expo after suffering a few difficult years during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital Trends was on the scene once again this year, sampling a wide range of indie games during the multi-day event. There was a lot to get excited about this year, from stylish roguelikes to a riff on Vampire Survivors featuring capybaras. After many hours of behind-closed-door previews and…