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ET Life? NASA discovers potential extraterrestrial oceans on 17 far-off exoplanets

In a groundbreaking study, NASA has unveiled a revelation that expands the search for extraterrestrial life. Researchers have identified 17 exoplanets positioned beyond our solar system that might boast subsurface oceans beneath their icy exteriors. The intriguing aspect lies in the possibility of periodic eruptions, resembling geysers, breaking through the frozen crusts of these distant worlds. Subsurface OceansThe research, conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, included a meticulous analysis of…

New modeling study shows that most plastic debris on Seychelles beaches comes from far-off sources

Debris accumulating on Aldabra Atoll, a remote coral island and UNESCO World Heritage Site in the southwestern Seychelles. These photographs were taken as part of a major 2019 clean-up operation on the island, the Aldabra Clean-Up Project. Credit: Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF). Vast amounts of plastic debris accumulate on beaches across the Seychelles and other small island developing states. Observational analysis (for…

Hubble and Spitzer spot two far-off watery worlds

While we have discovered over 5,000 exoplanets to date, most of the information we have about these planets is fairly basic. Researchers typically know about a planet’s mass or radius and its distance from its host star, but little more than that, making it hard to predict what these worlds are actually like. However, new tools and techniques are allowing researchers to learn more about details like a planet’s density, allowing a better understanding of what these places are like. Recently, researchers using data…

AI model’s insight helps astronomers propose new theory for observing far-off worlds – TechCrunch

Machine learning models are increasingly augmenting human processes, either performing repetitious tasks faster or providing some systematic insight that helps put human knowledge in perspective. Astronomers at UC Berkeley were surprised to find both happen after modeling gravitational microlensing events, leading to a new unified theory for the phenomenon. Gravitational lensing occurs when light from far-off stars and other stellar objects bends around a nearer one directly between it and the observer, briefly…