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Using Twitter/X to promote research findings found to have little impact on number of citations

Daily article downloads for tweeted vs. control articles after the tweeting date. Data obtained from John Wiley & Sons for five journals for the experimental (blue, n = 10 per journal) and control (red, n = 40 per journal) articles, aligned to the number of days after tweeting occurred for each experimental article. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292201 A team of researchers with varied backgrounds has…

Scientists Discover “Molecular Rosetta Stone” – Findings Reveal How Our Microbiome Talks to Us

A groundbreaking study by UC San Diego researchers has uncovered thousands of new bile acids, shedding light on their critical roles beyond digestion and highlighting their potential in treating various diseases. This discovery marks a significant step forward in our understanding of the gut microbiome’s communication with the body and human metabolism.Scientists at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, part of the University of California San Diego, have discovered thousands of new bile acids. These…

NASA’s Messenger mission findings indicate presence of ice on Mercury! Check surprising facts

Recent revelations from NASA's MESSENGER mission have challenged long-standing beliefs about Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system. Traditionally considered too close to the Sun to harbor ice, Mercury's scorching surface temperatures exceeding 700 K (426 C) seemed inhospitable to any form of frozen water. However, radar imaging from Earth has unveiled areas of high reflectivity near Mercury's poles, indicating the presence of ice, a discovery reminiscent of findings on the Moon. NASA MESSENGER mission…

Research unveils findings in storm microphysics parameterization

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Research led by Professor Ming Xue from the University of Oklahoma's Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms has uncovered new insights into microphysics parameterization (MP) schemes, significantly advancing our understanding of ice hydrometeor representations in weather modeling. Published in Advances in Atmospheric

Mars Water Mystery Deepens With Latest Groundwater Findings

A study reveals that ancient Mars had a significantly low groundwater recharge rate, suggesting that despite evidence of water on its surface, the planet’s water regime was vastly different from Earth’s. This finding, derived from various modeling methods, highlights the challenges in understanding Mars’ hydrological past and has implications for future exploration and the search for water resources. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.comResearch indicates ancient Mars had minimal groundwater recharge, vastly…

“Concerning” Findings – Study Links Everyday Chemicals to Parkinson’s Disease in Western U.S.

Recent research indicates that pesticides and herbicides used in farming could be contributing to higher rates of Parkinson’s disease in certain U.S. regions, emphasizing the need for more in-depth studies and potential reduction in pesticide usage to mitigate disease risk.A preliminary study recently presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 76th Annual Meeting has linked pesticides and herbicides used in farming to Parkinson’s disease in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region of the country“We used geographic…

New Findings Shed “Literal Light” on a Decades-Long Mystery About How Photoreceptors Work

Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have discovered that certain retinal photoreceptors employ two signaling pathways simultaneously for vision signal transmission, suggesting ancient evolutionary origins. This finding provides new insights into the complex functioning of the mammalian eye and marks a significant advancement in the field of neuroscience.Neuroscientists at Johns Hopkins have demonstrated that specialized cells can signal the presence of light simultaneously in two distinct waysWorking with mammalian retinal…

“Shocking” Findings – Scientists Discover How Stress Triggers Cancer’s Spread

New research reveals that stress promotes cancer metastasis by causing neutrophils to form structures that facilitate the disease’s spread. This finding highlights the importance of incorporating stress reduction into cancer treatment and suggests new avenues for preventing cancer metastasis through targeted therapies.Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life. However, excessive stress can have detrimental effects on our health. Prolonged stress elevates the risk of developing heart disease and experiencing strokes. It may…

“Astounding” Findings – Scientists Uncover Startling Origins of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Researchers established the world’s largest gene bank of ancient human DNA, analyzing remains from up to 34,000 years ago to trace the spread of genes and diseases. Key findings include the historical introduction of multiple sclerosis risk genes into Europe and the genetic origins of neurodegenerative diseases. This study, offering new insights into disease evolution and treatment, marks a significant advance in understanding the interplay between ancient genetics and modern health.Researchers have created the world’s…