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Oldest human genome from southern Spain

Overview of Cueva de Malalmuerzo. Credit: Pedro Cantalejo An international team of researchers has analyzed ancient human DNA from several archaeological sites in Andalucía in southern Spain. The study reports on the oldest genome to date from Cueva del Malalmuerzo in southern Spain, as well as the 7,000 to 5,000-year-old genomes of early farmers from other well-known sites, such as Cueva de Ardales.…

Innovative software assembles complete genome sequences in days : The Tribune India

PTI Washington, February 18Researchers have developed and released an innovative software tool to assemble truly complete, gapless genome sequences from a variety of species, according to a new study.This software, called Verkko, makes the process of assembling complete genome sequences more affordable and accessible, the study said.Researchers from National Institutes of Health (NIH), US, developed the software.Verkko, which means “network” in Finnish, grew from assembling the first gapless human genome sequence,…

Unprecedented Precision – New DNA Sequencing Method Lifts “Veil” From Genome Black Box

Researchers have created a new DNA sequencing technique called Chem-map, which enables researchers to perform in situ mapping of small molecule-genome interactions with unparalleled precision.Many life-saving medications interact directly with <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>DNA</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule composed of two long strands of nucleotides that coil around…

New Technology Exposes the Evolutionary Weak Spots of the Human Genome

The research team has developed a computer program that tracks the history of harmful mutations in the human genome throughout evolution. Mutations can be good and bad. They sometimes enhance an organism’s survivability and adaptability. Sometimes they are so damaging that an organism is incapable of surviving or reproducing. Adam Siepel’s team at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) has developed a computer program that tracks the history of harmful mutations in the human genome throughout evolution.They found that some…

Scientists Are Using the “Dark Matter” of the Human Genome To Help Cure Cancer

The researchers are planning to continue their research and develop a drug that can treat patients.Scientists have identified new cancer treatment targets.In Switzerland, cancer is the second-leading cause of death. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the cancer form that kills the most people and is still mostly incurable. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of patients survive the metastatic stage for a long time, and even recently approved therapies can only prolong patients’ lives by a few months. As a result,…

Diagnosis of Rare Diseases Doubled With Personalized Whole Genome Sequencing

A new scientific study finds that personalized whole genome sequencing could double the diagnostic rates of rare diseases.Tailoring the analysis of whole genome sequencing to individual patients could double the diagnostic rates of rare diseases, finds a new study led by researchers from University College London (UCL).A National Health Service (NHS) Genomic Medicine Service, which allows patients with rare diseases to have their entire genetic code read in the hope of providing a much-needed diagnosis, was announced by…

Genome Sequencing and Genetic Engineering Could Help Protect Ocean Ecosystems

Illustration depicting the conservation actions and interventions addressed in this Essay and showing the major infrastructure required for each. Numbers relate to the following actions/interventions: 1. Genetic rescue (translocation); 2. Marine protected area design and spatial planning; 3. Species identification and delineation; 4. Assisted gene flow (translocation) and restoration (provenance); 5. Biobanking; 6. Assisted evolution (via managed breeding; 7. Biodiversity monitoring; 8. Early warning biomarkers of…

Neanderthal genome sequences reveal close family ties

New research has provided unprecedented insights into the genetics and social structures of Neanderthals. Scientists have sequenced the genomes of 13 individuals that lived in a close-knit community, revealing some specific family ties.Neanderthals are extinct human relatives that lived until about 40,000 years ago, populating much of Eurasia and meeting and mingling with modern humans and other hominins like the Denisovans. Evidence is building about how they lived as a species, but the new study drills down into an…

How the Ancient Viral DNA in Our Genome Affects Disease and Development

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research. Remnants of ancient viral pandemics in the form of viral DNA sequences embedded in our genomes are still active in healthy people, according to new research my colleagues and I recently published. HERVs, or human endogenous retroviruses, make up around 8% of the human genome, left behind as a result of infections that humanity’s primate ancestors suffered millions of years ago. They became part of…

Scientists Reconstruct the Genome of the 180-Million-Year-Old Common Ancestor of All Mammals

The mammal ancestor had 19 autosomal chromosomes and 2 sex chromosomes.University of California, Davis scientists help reveal the genome of the common ancestor of all mammalsFrom a platypus to a blue whale, all living mammals today are descended from a common ancestor that existed some 180 million years ago. Although we don’t know a lot about this animal, a global team of experts has recently computationally reconstructed the organization of its genome. The findings were recently published in the journal Proceedings of…