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Exploring Creativity in Large Language Models: From GPT-2 to GPT-4 | by Yennie Jun | Apr, 2023

Analyzing the evolution of creative processes in large language models through creativity testsCreativity as envisioned by Midjourney. Generated by the author.This blog was originally posted at recent weeks, people have used large language models (LLMs) to generate a variety of creative content, such as books, flash fiction, rap battles, and music chords. But is it possible to measure the level of creative process more broadly in these models?Human…

GPT-4 Is a Giant Black Box and Its Training Data Remains a Mystery

“You don’t want to know how the sausage gets made.”As much as you’ve probably heard this refrain, I’m here to say that, really, you do, or at least you should. If you’re going to be shoving a bratwurst in your mouth hole, don’t you want to know if somebody was pouring sawdust into your sausage? The same goes for tech. Now with AI large language models taking the tech world by storm, you’re damn tooting we want to know what kind of data is being used to make ChatGPT or any other LLM. On Tuesday, OpenAI released its GPT-4…

Training GPT-2 To Generate Haiku

Purpose In this article, I will show how to easily train GPT-class neural networks from home. Let me start by saying that we won’t train NN from scratch, as that would require 8 (eight!) A100-class GPUs at least and a massive dataset. Instead, we’ll focus on fine-tuning a pre-trained GPT-2 model using a smaller dataset, which anyone can easily make or find online. OpenAI has kindly released GPT-2 under Modified MIT License. nanoGPT We’ll use the nanoGPT repository created by Andrej Karpathy for fast and easy GPT training.…

Top 5 Free Tools for Detecting ChatGPT, GPT3, and GPT2

In this article, we have enlisted the top 5 free tools for detecting ChatGPT, GPT3, and GPT2 The Pandora box was unlocked once ChatGPT was introduced. Our current modes of working are changing due to technology. ChatGPT is being used to build websites, applications, and even books. We have observed an increase in negative actors as a result of all the hoopla and the launch of AI-generating tools. If you keep up with current events, you are probably aware that ChatGPT has successfully passed the Wharton MBA exam. From a…

Language Models: GPT and GPT-2. How smaller language models inspired… | by Cameron Wolfe | Nov, 2022

How smaller language models inspired modern breakthroughs(Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash)Language models like GPT-3 have revolutionized modern deep learning applications for NLP, leading to widespread publicity and recognition. Interestingly, however, most of the technical novelty of GPT-3 was inherited from its predecessors GPT and GPT-2 . As such, a working understanding of GPT and GPT-2 is useful for gaining a better grasp of current approaches for NLP.The basic methodology explored by the GPT and GPT-2 models is…