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How to upgrade potions in Final Fantasy 16

Potions are the default healing items in nearly every RPG. These mysterious tonics usually are the weaker of the healing items and are eventually replaced with stronger ones like Hi Potions, but while Final Fantasy 16 does have Potions, Hi Potions, and even Elixers, you will rely on the most basic version most of the time. As you level up and get stronger, they will start to feel less and less effective, even if you've upgraded your carrying capacity. Rather than spending more money to stock up on more expensive…

Street Fighter 6 Tracking the Mystery Code: How to solve the Passcode Puzzles

World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6 is one of the most bizarre and unique modes in this package. Traditionally, fighting games focus on their multiplayer, with the single-player components usually just being a gauntlet of fights against CPUs, with a small cutscene and the beginning and the end. Not only does World Tour mode spice things up by adding hubs to travel around, masters to meet and train with, and tons of things to unlock, but it also adds in a ton of new gameplay mechanics besides your traditional 1-on-1…

How to unlock all Classic Costumes in Street Fighter 6

For the first time since Third Strike, the Street Fighter series has finally moved forward in the timeline. Street Fighter 6 takes advantage of this will some fun new designs for the classic fighters we've known for decades, including brand-new default outfits. Ever since the early days of the series, we've been able to change those outfits, first just their colors, but later on even the entire look. Still, there's no getting around that those first outfits hold a special place in our hearts, so if you want to go…

How to make or join a clan in Diablo 4

It's dangerous to go alone in Diablo 4, so take friends! The latest in the hit ARPG series is closer to an MMO than ever before, making it easier to team up with friends or strangers as you explore Sanctuary. However, if you have a bigger group that you want to be able to call upon to team up with to tackle the game, then you will want to take advantage of the clan system. While it is easy enough to use, it is strangely never explained in detail. To make sure you are never too far from a friendly companion joining…

How to fast travel in Diablo 4

Sanctuary has never been bigger or more dangerous than it is in Diablo 4. It doesn't help that it takes quite a while before you're given the ability to buy and ride a mount, but fast travel is thankfully easy and available almost right away. Because it is so simple to do, the game doesn't bother telling you about it, which makes it somewhat easy to miss in a twist of fate. Instead of slogging back and forth across the horrid lands all day, here's how to fast travel in Diablo 4. How to fast…

Diablo 4: How to change World Tier

All the prior entries in the Diablo franchise have stuck to a more traditional difficulty level system where you select from a list ranging from easy up through hard and beyond. In Diablo 4, the system has been altered somewhat in the form of World Tiers. This system does more than just change how tough the enemies are, however, so understanding exactly how they work and how to change it as you play is the only way to build the ultimate demon slayer. Before you head off into the depths of Sanctuary, here's how to…

How to get a horse in Diablo 4

Being called a Wanderer in Diablo 4 is extremely appropriate. You will be traveling all across the massive map to complete quests, enter dungeons, and just generally explore the region. Your character can run at a decent pace, but it won't be long until you've expanded the edges of your map so far that even the helpful fast-travel points won't be enough to get you where you want to be fast enough. For that, a mount comes in handy. You'll find a stable in the opening hours of the game, but it will take a lot longer…

Street Fighter 6: how to enroll with every master

If you want to be the best, you need to learn from the best. Street Fighter 6 lets you put yourself into the action by creating your own custom character who learns the art of fighting from both the iconic world warriors and a host of newcomers while advancing through the World Tour mode. Each master you pledge yourself to will unlock their own unique moves to add to your list of possibilities when customizing your moveset. You might think meeting all the characters would happen naturally through the story, yet you…

How to get a pet in Diablo 4

Since it's an always-online experience, you'll never truly be alone in Diablo 4. Between all the other players you can encounter roaming around the world, and the ability to play co-op with friends on any platform, odds are you will never be lacking a companion. Even so, you can't expect someone to keep you company at all times, unless you get yourself a pet. Granted, there's only one pet available at the moment, and it is purely a cosmetic item and won't help you in combat, but is an adorable companion nonetheless.…

Diablo 4 Twitch Drops: How to earn weapon colors and back trophies

If you want to get your hands on some new cosmetic items for your Diablo 4 character, regardless of which class you are, then you will want to head on over to Twitch to get those sweet drops! This title offers the most extensive character customization the series has seen, and Blizzard is giving everyone who tunes in to participating streams a chance to get some exclusive cosmetic rewards just by watching. This is a multi-week-long campaign, with each one focused on a different class, so check out this guide to make…