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ai revolution: India a key player in responsible AI revolution, skilling way to go: IBM’s Sandip Patel

India has a significant stake in the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and the best part is that the government is very open to partnering with the industry, not only for the advancement of AI technology in a responsible manner but also how skills can be scaled up in this space, Sandip Patel, Managing Director, IBM India/South Asia, said on Sunday.Speaking to IANS, Patel said that to be 'Atmanirbhar' with AI, India must quickly establish itself as one of the hubs for AI adoption and innovation in the world.Elevate…

LinuxONE 4 Express: How IBM’s budget mainframe could be right for you

Steven Dickens, The Futurum Group VP and practice leader, said: "With the new LinuxONE 4 Express solution, IBM is uniquely positioned to handle mission-critical workloads with high availability. When you combine this with the system's cybersecurity posture, IBM is well positioned for market traction."Cybersecurity? The new mini-mainframe comes with IBM Secure Execution for Linux. This is a hardware-based security technology that protects data run in Linux Kernel Virtual Machines (KVM) guests from being viewed or

IBM’s Matthew Candy Sees Evidence of Innovation in Australia’s 2024 Pursuit of Generative AI Scale

Australian organisations are keeping pace with global innovation in generative AI, according to IBM Consulting Global Head of Generative AI Matthew Candy. A local legislative focus on regulating high-risk use cases could also foster AI’s potential in the local market, he said. Candy recently visited Australia and the broader APAC region to meet some of IBM Consulting’s regional clients and partners, many of whom will be moving from piloting generative AI to implementing models at scale throughout the calendar…

5 things about AI you may have missed today: India preparing AI regulations, IBM’s AI acquisition, more

Today, December 19, has turned out to be an important day for artificial intelligence, especially for India. The government has announced that it has commenced the process of formulating regulations on AI to foster development, protection, and innovation in this space. In other news, IBM has revealed its plans to acquire StreamSets and webMethods platforms of Software AG for a total of 2.3 billion dollars in a bid to improve its own AI offerings. This and more in today's AI roundup. Let us take a closer look.Indian…

Red Hat saved IBM’s bacon this quarter

IBM reported earnings this week, and if we’re being honest, the results were rather uninspiring. The company generated revenue of around $15.5 billion, down a disappointing 0.4% from its year-ago result. However, even inside its less-than-stellar report, there were some favorable tidbits for the well-known tech giant. On the negative side, IBM’s infrastructure business is deep in the doldrums with revenue down 14.6% to $3.6 billion, compared to year-ago metrics. That overall loss includes IBM Z Systems, the company’s…

IBM’s quantum ambitions, and tasting lab-grown burgers

What’s happening: Last year, IBM took the record for the largest quantum computing system with a processor containing 433 quantum bits, or qubits, the fundamental building blocks of quantum information processing. Now, the company has set its sights on a much bigger target: a 100,000-qubit machine that it aims to build within 10 years. Why it matters: The project is part of IBM’s plans to push quantum computing into the realm of full-scale operation, where the technology could potentially tackle pressing problems that…

IBM’s Watson returns as an AI development studio

Years before everyone was being impressed with the human-like text output of ChatGPT and other generative AI systems, IBM's Watson was blowing our minds on Jeopardy. IBM's cognitive computing project famously dominated its human opponents, but the company had much larger long-term goals, such as using Watson's ability to simulate a human thought process to help doctors diagnose patients and recommend treatments. That didn't work out. Now, IBM is pivoting its supercomputer platform into Watsonx, an AI development studio…

Quantum-centric supercomputers to soon be a reality: IBM’s Dario Gil

  Do you see quantum computing accelerating development of more foundational (large language and multimodal) models like GPT-4, ChatGPT, etc.?It’s a nascent field of research. Quantum computers will provide clever and sophisticated new ways to encode information that could be used as a basis to connect it to some form of a neural network structure. But it’s not going to be simple. A quantum computer is not a big data machine. But that doesn’t mean that quantum may not have a big impact on…

Can AI make better art than humans? We asked IBM’s Seth Dobrin

Artificial intelligence has been infiltrating every industry and the world of arts and culture is no exception. In other words, AI art is poised to explode. AI text-to-image generators such as DALL-E or Midjourney have been creating remarkable visual artworks. ChatGPT has taken the world by the storm with its ability to answer questions, write essays, and summarize texts, among other things. AI-generated art is even being displayed at world-renowned museums. These examples show just how…

IBM’s first acquisition of the year could help GraphQL developers

Image: gilaxia/Getty ImagesIBM has acquired StepZen, a company that aims to make it easier for developers to build GraphQL application programming interfaces (APIs), and improve the performance of tools that use REST APIs. GraphQL is a query language for working with APIs that Facebook developed and opened sourced in 2015. The project, which is today hosted by the Linux Foundation, is growing in popularity and has become a popular alternative to REST APIs for service integration via graph-based programming.Also: