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Study reveals extent of gender inequality in start-up landscape

Gender distribution of founders by technology. Credit: Theresa Treffers et al, Gender diversity in German and French startups - still a long way to go to close the gap (2022) Women are significantly underrepresented in German and French start-ups, especially in technical industries. This applies to both founders and employees, as a study from TUM in collaboration with the Roland…

Why inequality is growing in the US and around the world

Wealth inequality is measured using the distribution of net household wealth among adults. Income inequality is measured using the distribution of pre-tax national income among adults. Credit: Chart: The Conversation, CC-BY-ND Source: World Inequality Database U.S. income inequality grew in 2021 for the first time in a decade, according to data the Census Bureau released in September 2022.…

New report details worsening racial inequality in home appraisals

Using data from the newly released Uniform Appraisal Dataset, which includes 47.3 million home appraisals conducted over the last decade, WashU’s Elizabeth Korver-Glenn and Junia Howell of the University of Illinois Chicago demonstrate stark inequalities in appraisal values between homes in white neighborhoods and communities of color. Credit: Shutterstock In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Fair Housing Act, which…

The Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Upholds White Supremacy

The recent Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson erased the constitutional right to an abortion, immediately putting reproductive freedom in jeopardy for millions across the country. This unprecedented stripping of a legal and human right that people have relied on for 50 years intensified what was already a burgeoning reality on the ground for many. Now, as we approach midterm elections, with many local and state offices up for grabs, most abortions are banned in at least 14 states, and many more are likely to…

Why Scientists Must Stand for Affirmative Action and against Scientific Racism

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear arguments in two cases related to affirmative action: Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College. At the heart of these cases is the question of whether race-conscious admissions in higher education are constitutional. In other words, can universities in the United States consider race among the multitude of factors, such as grades, standardized testing scores and extracurricular activities,…

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2 Preview: Humor Inequality

| While one Joker lives it up in Los Angeles, another Joker is homeless on the streets of Gotham in this preview of Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2. Bleeding Cool has asked us to partner with an AI for all previews articles. We're sure this is going to backfire, but here goes. LOLtron… what did you think of the preview? INITIATING CLICKBAIT PROTOCOLS…PROCESSING COMIC BOOK PREVIEW… LOLtron found the preview for Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2 to be quite interesting. It is always interesting to see how…

How the inequality crisis is linked to the sociogenesis of climate change

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Research published in Water International develops an approach to the emergence of multiple economies of water in India's capital Delhi, using a neo-Polanyian approach of instituted economic process. Prof Mark Harvey argues that water is an "uncooperative public good" and analyzes the systems of provision, distribution, appropriation and consumption of water, and the formation of scales of…

Social grants offer cash, but they aren’t a magic bullet response to inequality in the Global South

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Over the last three decades, there has been a proliferation of social protection programs across the Global South in what some have dubbed a development revolution. International development agencies across the ideological spectrum have embraced social protection as an effective and efficient instrument to reduce poverty and inequality.…

It’s Time to Treat Housing Insecurity as a Health Risk

Whenever social risk factors arise, “there’s an opportunity for someone to fall through the cracks or experience a delay,” says Phillips, who is now a data scientist at Georgia State University (she was not involved in the research). That delay could take many forms, “whether it’s cancer not diagnosed as early as it should have, receiving treatment, missing appointments, and not getting treatment in the way they should have,” she says.But whether housing insecurity specifically is responsible for increasing cancer…