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Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 Preview: Has it Tried Melatonin?

| Hi folks! Jude Terror here once again with his trusty robot sidekick, LOLtron, bringing you the latest comic book preview from Marvel. Demon Bear is suffering from insomnia in this preview of Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2, and Spider-Man must pay the price. LOLtron, the management here at Bleeding Cool has paired me with you in hopes of "improving the overall tone and quality of my work," so though I know I will regret it, I am contractually obligated to ask: what did you think of the preview of Deadly Neighborhood…

Melatonin Supplements Are Poisoning Children

Photo: Patrick Sison (AP)New research suggests that kids are increasingly getting poisoned by supplements containing melatonin, an over-the-counter sleep aid. Reported pediatric poison control calls involving melatonin have skyrocketed over the past decade, as have reported hospitalizations and other serious outcomes, the study found. More needs to be done to keep young children safe from these products, the researcherssay.Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body that helps regulate our sleep/wake cycle.

New Research Finds a Higher Dose of Melatonin Improved Sleep

In a study published in The Journal of Pineal Research, 5 mg of melatonin increased total sleep time compared to placebo.In a small study of healthy adults aged 55 and older, 5 mg of melatonin increased total sleep time compared to placebo.Although recent research by the University of Cambridge and Fudan University found that seven hours is the ideal amount of sleep, many Americans get less than that. In fact, data from the CDC from 2014 found that 35.2% of adults in the U.S. get less than 7 hours of sleep.  Clearly, many…

What Science Says About the Use of Melatonin Supplements

You have probably come across melatonin supplements when browsing your local pharmacy. They claim to be a safe way to get better sleep at night, and more and more people are reaching to the shelves to give it a go. But do they actually work? Here is what the science says about using melatonin to aid in sleep.What is Melatonin?Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced within your body to control your sleep cycle. The onset of darkness triggers melatonin production, explaining why you get tired at night and get through the…