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James Webb reveals never-before-seen details at the center of the Milky Way

The Milky Way is a vast galaxy, and while it may be our home, scientists are still discovering new things about it. The latest photos captured by James Webb have revealed new details that scientists have never seen before at the center of the Milky Way, giving us an even deeper glimpse into the galaxy we call home. This newest photo showcases a specific portion of space near the center of our galaxy. The region is known as Sagittarius C, and it’s located roughly 300 light-years away from the Milky Way’s…

JWST Gazes Into The Heart of The Milky Way in Breathtaking New Image : ScienceAlert

Thanks to its infrared capabilities, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) allows astronomers to peer through the gas and dust clogging the Milky Way's center, revealing never-before-seen features.One of the biggest mysteries is the star forming region called Sagittarius C, located about 300 light-years from the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.An estimated 500,000 stars are forming in this region that's being blasted by radiation from the densely packed stars. How can they form in such an intense environment?Right…

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures new features of Milky Way Galaxy

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the world's premier space science observatory. This space telescope is helping scientists in solving various mysteries of our solar system. With the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists are able to look beyond to distant worlds. Recently, an image released by the James Webb Space Telescope shows a part of the dense center of our galaxy which includes features that have never been seen before. Astronomers are still studying it and they haven't found any explanations yet.According to…

The Milky Way’s supermassive black hole is spinning faster than we thought

A new paper published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has proposed something quite intriguing. According to the authors of that paper, the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, which is known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is spinning close to its maximum speed, much faster than we previously anticipated. This discovery has far-reaching implications for our understanding of how black holes form, as well as the processes that are associated with these cosmic items, a theoretical…

The Milky Way’s Stars Reveal Its Turbulent Past

To make maps of these structures, astronomers turn to individual stars. Each star’s composition records its birthplace, age, and natal ingredients, so studying starlight enables a form of galactic cartography—as well as genealogy. By situating stars in time and place, astronomers can retrace history and infer how the Milky Way was built, piece by piece, over billions of years.The first major effort to study the primordial Milky Way’s formation began in the 1960s, when Olin Eggen, Donald Lynden-Bell and Alan Sandage, who…

400 Earth-mass rogue planets in the Milky Way Galaxy? NASA explains

NASA reveals that the Milky Way Galaxy may contain over 400 Earth-mass rogue planets. These rogue planets drift in space and they do not orbit any star at all, which makes them special. It is speculated that these planets are hidden in the Milky Way Galaxy and NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could spot over 400 of these rogue planets.According to NASA's report, the unknown planets were from outside the galaxy, but drifted into it with some unknown mechanism. “We estimate that our galaxy is home to 20 times more…

Scientists one step closer to understanding unexplainable ghost stars in the Milky Way

For over a decade, astronomers have been baffled by ghost stars in the Milky Way. These planetary nebulae, as they are more formally known, were first discovered to be aligned in the bulge of our galaxy ten years ago by Bryan Rees, a Manchester PhD student. Since the discovery, the reasoning for their strange alignment has been unexplainable. Now, though, we may be one step closer to solving this mystery. Tech. Entertainment. Science. Your inbox. Sign up for the most interesting tech & entertainment news…

Old Stars Near Milky Way Center May Unravel Galactic Evolution

A group of astronomers comprising the Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) just found a large group of ancient stars circling the galaxy’s center in surprisingly orderly fashion.What Is Planet Nine and Why Can’t We Find It?The astronomical team’s work is the largest set of detailed observations yet taken of these very old metal-poor stars orbiting near the core of the Milky Way. The research was presented this week at the National Astronomy Meeting 2023 at the University of Cardiff. “It is exciting to think that we are…

Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and the Milky Way Core

In July 2023, Mars and Venus begin the month close together but eventually part ways. Mars aligns closely with the star Regulus on July 9th and 10th. Saturn and Jupiter are the main attractions of the night sky, accompanied by the star Fomalhaut. The full moon on July 3rd, new moon on July 18th, and a crescent moon appearing close to Mars on July 20th are other highlights. The core of the Milky Way is also visible from dark locations. The month is perfect for stargazing, with Venus and Mars observable after sunset, and…