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You can now play Resident Evil 4 Remake in first-person with this mod

While there’s nothing wrong with playing the remake of Resident Evil 4 as intended, some have been hoping for a first-person view. The VR update does allow for that, but now there is a mod for those that don’t have a headset but still want a first-person RE4 experience. As noted by PCGamer, Nexus Mods user elsuperaguas has released the beta version of a mod for Resident Evil 4 that switches the perspective. Now, without having to use the PSVR 2, you can play last year’s remake in glorious first-person.…

You want lightsabers in Baldur’s Gate 3? Yeah, you want lightsabers in Baldur’s Gate 3

You don’t need me to tell you how highly praised Baldur’s Gate 3 has been since it dropped last August. It’s won multiple awards and is currently one of the top-selling games on Steam right now. So let’s talk about Star Wars for a bit. Well, we’re still in Baldur’s Gate territory, but this relates to a mod for the game that brings some of Lucas’ IP to Larian Studios’ release. As spotted by DSO Gaming, Nexus Mods user Palmaman33 has given us the ability to wield a lightsaber in BG3‘s otherwise magical, fantasy-based…

This Baldur’s Gate 3 mod lets you play as a Dunmer from The Elder Scrolls

Look, I’m just going to say it. I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate 3 yet. I know, I know. The fact that it’s won so many awards should clue me into just how much of a gaming phenomenon it is. However, what I am really into is The Elder Scrolls series, and a recent mod is making my ears prick up. Over on Nexus Mods, user Ghouls0Rules has made it possible to play Baldur’s Gate 3 as a Dunmer, the dark elf race from such hits as Morrowind and Skyrim. While it has a “heavy focus on visuals,” it goes beyond a simple skin and…

Salvation is a Half-Life 2 mod that puts you in the shoes of Father Grigori

It’s a shame Arkane Studios’ Ravenholm was cancelled. That would have definitely filled the large Half-Life hole us fans have felt for some time. However, a modding team has been on the case with a custom story that lets us experience the creepy mining town some more. From the people that brought us the Raising the Bar project – an overhaul of Half-Life 2 that breathes new life into the iconic FPS – comes Raising the Bar: Salvation. In this mod, we fill the shoes of Father Grigori, the pastor of Ravenholm who…

Half-Life 2 RTX project shows off a shiny Ravenholm in new trailer

Turning 20 this year, Half-Life 2 is held aloft as one of the greatest first-person shooters ever made. While the 2004 game still holds up visually, a team of modders has been hard at work giving Valve’s classic a bit of a spit-shine. At CES 2024, the Half-Life 2 RTX Remix project released a new trailer, showing the work that’s so far gone into the Nvidia-powered graphical improvement. In this instance, we get to see what Ravenholm looks like in all its shiny glory. It’s an…

Resident Evil’s ‘Jill Sandwich’ is real, thanks to this mod

Over the years, the Resident Evil series has become famous for more than its horror elements. From Chris Redfield punching a boulder to the cheesy voice acting in the original games, these moments are iconic in their own right. But the one that older fans will know and love is the infamous “Jill sandwich” line. Now, that has pretty much become a reality, thanks to user tombraidermods. Essentially, their mod allows you to play the original Resident Evil game as Jill, only now she’s decked out to look like a giant…

Pilotable mechs are coming to Starfield, thanks to a modder

It’s been a weird trajectory for Starfield. It went from being the most anticipated game of this generation to boring the pants off players to winning a Steam Award (though some are curious as to how that came to be). In any case, it hasn’t quite gone away yet, and the modding community is still engaging with it. One such example comes from user Korodic, who’s attempting to put something into Starfield that Bethesda never did. It’s mechs. I’m talking about being able to control giant mechs. To be honest, the title…

Skyrim mod makes NPCs react realistically to friendly fire

If you’ve never tried a Skyrim mod before – either on PC or console – you are truly missing out. The vanilla release just doesn’t seem to cut it these days for a lot of fans, so the modding community has dedicated itself to making TES5 as brilliant, everlasting, and immersive as all get out. With that in mind, Nexus Mods user JaySerpa is back once more with further Skyrim improvements. This time, they’ve made it so NPCs react to being attacked by one of their friends. The video below shows it in action.…

Maruti Suzuki Swift ZXI Plus Modified with 17-inch Alloy Wheels & Unique Aesthetic Mods

When it comes to car modifications, what people generally like to do is buy base variants of cars and then modify them. However, this particular Maruti Suzuki Swift owner bought a brand-new Swift ZXI Plus top-spec variant and modified it according to his taste. This black Maruti Suzuki Swift has been given a number of aesthetic mods, which include a set of new 17-inch alloy wheels, Z-black window tints, and a few other mods. Maruti Suzuki Modified The video of this modified black Maruti Suzuki Swift ZXI Plus has been…

Long-awaited Fallout 4 mod, Fallout London, announces release date

It’s been a long time coming, but the ambitious Fallout London mod is on the horizon. The bad news is that the team has been unable to meet its intended 2023 deadline. The good news, however, is that the fan-made Fallout 4 project is just a few months away from release. In the latest dev video diary, narrator and voice actor Drew Faithwaite has given the skinny on where things are at with Fallout London. As of now, the project is pretty much complete, save for some testing. After all the hard work and dedication,…