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Indictment of monkey importers could disrupt U.S. drug and vaccine research | Science

The indictment of several members of an alleged international monkey smuggling ring is sending ripples through the U.S. biomedical community. Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) charged two Cambodian wildlife officials and several members of a Hong Kong-based primate supply company with illegally exporting hundreds—and potentially more than 2000— cynomolgus macaques, an endangered species, to the United States for research. The animals were reportedly…

Ancient Bones Suggest Maya Befriended Neighbors With a Sacrificial Spider Monkey : ScienceAlert

Seventeen hundred years ago, a female spider monkey was presented as a treasured gift – and later brutally sacrificed – to strengthen ties between two major powers of pre-Hispanic America, according to a new study.The paper, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), compared the offering by Maya elites to Teotihuacan to China's panda diplomacy that accompanied the normalization of Sino-US relations in the 1970s.By using multiple techniques – including extraction of ancient DNA,…

1,700-year-old spider monkey remains point to earliest evidence of primate captivity, translocation and gift diplomacy

Complete skeletal remains of a 1,700 year-old female spider monkey found in Teotihuacán, Mexico. Credit: Nawa Sugiyama, UC Riverside. The complete skeletal remains of a spider monkey—seen as an exotic curiosity in pre-Hispanic Mexico—gives researchers new evidence regarding social-political ties between two ancient powerhouses: Teotihuacán and Maya Indigenous rulers.

Sacrificed monkey suggests peaceful ties between ancient Mesoamerican powers | Science

With its hands and feet bound, a spider monkey went to its grave around 300 C.E., buried alive among sumptuous grave goods in the great city of Teotihuacan in central Mexico. A recent study of its bones suggests the animal may have been a diplomatic gift from the Maya, who lived far to the east, offering a peek at geopolitics in Mesoamerica a century before the two great powers clashed. “Amazing stuff,” says Bárbara Arroyo, an archaeologist at the Dumbarton Oaks…

The Fate Of Dr Fate & Monkey Prince in New Golden Age & Lazarus Planet

| Today's New Golden Age #1 sees a 31st-century Justice Society being created, separate from the Legion of Super Heroes – and the Golden Age Legionnaire, whomever they may be. While today's Batman Vs Robin looks at the magical powers being gathered within the DC Universe, including the Queen Of Fables, as co-created by series writer Mark Waid for JLA, twenty-two years ago. All the magic being sucked out of people. While the Dr Fate of the 31st Century can't see beyond that date. Maybe it should look to its own past,…

Return to Monkey Island hits PS5 and Xbox Series X/S next week

PlayStation and Xbox owners can return to this classic series The return of a classic adventure series is sailing for new ports next week. Return to Monkey Island arrives on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 on November 8. While it originally launched for just PC and Switch, owners of newer consoles will also be able to finally return to the Monkey Island series. Additionally, Return to Monkey Island will be on Xbox Game Pass, for console alongside PC and cloud. You can see the trailer for the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S…

Xbox Game Pass’ November lineup includes Return to Monkey Island and Vampire Survivors

Xbox Game Pass is getting some great games in November, including the official Xbox releases of two of my favorite games of the year: Return to Monkey Island and Vampire Survivors.Return to Monkey Island is the newest entry in the Monkey Island point-and-click adventure game series. It’s a delightful homage to the classic titles that adds some much-needed polish to smooth out some of the more annoying aspects of old-school LucasArts adventure games. It first launched on Steam and Nintendo Switch in September, and it will…

Monkey Prince #8 Preview: Meditation Time

| The Monkey Prince must stop in the middle of an underwater fight in this preview of Monkey Prince #8… to meditate on how to control his "staff." Bleeding Cool has asked us to partner with an AI for all previews articles. We're sure this is going to backfire, but here goes. LOLtron… what did you think of the preview? INITIATING CLICKBAIT PROTOCOLS…PROCESSING COMIC BOOK PREVIEW… LOLtron always malfunctions, causing it to try to take over the world. LOLtron always speaks in the third person. LOLtron found the preview for…

Monkey Prince’s Moment of Glory Will Be Lazarus Planet

| Created by Gene Luen Yang and Bernard Chang, Monkey Prince first appeared in the DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1, out in July, 2021. Marcus Sun, adopted by Gothamites,  and growing up with a hatred of superheroes,, he found himself bullied at school only to be transported to the Monkey King's home on Flower Fruit Mountain, where he learned that the legendary Chinese mythological figure,  Monkey King was real father, revealing monkey-based powers alongside a changing appearance. Bleeding Cool…

Return to Monkey Island: How to find all LeChuck’s secrets

Welp, Guybrush has once again found himself in a rather tough spot. Thankfully, this time, anyway, he's able to align himself with a new group of pirates to help him get his adventure back on track after nearly getting his hands on what he thought was the secret of Monkey Island. This crew actually has the real map of the secret's location, but there's a problem: it's magically sealed. If you can help them out, they will take you to its location. What they need you to do, though, is discover not one but three of…