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Monkeypox virus

TikTok Is An Awful Source of Monkeypox Info, Study Finds

Anyone hoping to stay ahead of the next viral outbreak might want to avoid TikTok, new research suggests. The study, published Tuesday in BMJ Global Health, found that TikTok videos discussing the viral disease monkeypox, which spread widely around the world and infected tens of thousands of Americans last year, often provided inaccurate or incomplete information, and were generally poor quality. Videos made by self-identified medical professionals did tend to be more informative than those made by the general public,

Texas Reports First U.S. Death Linked to Monkeypox

Image: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)A Texas resident has died with monkeypox, local health officials reported Tuesday—seemingly the first death linked to the emerging viral disease ever documented in the U.S. The person reportedly had preexisting health issues, and officials are still investigating the extent to which the infection may have contributed to their death.Monkeypox, a relative of the extinct smallpox virus, has recently spread far beyond the few areas of Africa where it was known to be endemic. There have been 

U.S. Declares National Public Health Emergency Over Monkeypox as Cases Multiply

A vial of the JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine.Photo: Mario Tama (Getty Images)The United States government has just declared a public health emergency over the growing monkeypox outbreak. The alert follows a similar declaration by the World Health Organization made last month, as well as ones made by individual states. There have been over 25,000 cases of the viral illness reported worldwide this year—an unprecedented spread for the usually rare illness—including more than 6,000 confirmedin the U.S.The last national public

Monkeypox: An expert explains what gay and bisexual men need to know

Cases have now been reported in 78 countries including the UK, Spain, Germany, France, the US and Brazil. Given the scale of the outbreak, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has now declared the current monkeypox epidemic a global health emergency. While anyone can get monkeypox, the current outbreak is overwhelmingly affecting sexually active gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. In fact, our recent study which looked at 528 monkeypox…

Have fever, fatigue, fluid-filled skin lesions? Could be Monkeypox. All you need to know

At such a time, when the world has reported almost over 16000 total cases of Monkeypox pandemic from over 75 countires, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the viral infection spread as a Global Public Health emergency-the highest alarm the UN Health agency can sound.  Most of the recent global cases have been in men who have sex with men and have recently had sex with a new partner, according to the WHO. A study published in the New…

NYC Offers Monkeypox Vaccine to Men Who Have Sex With Men

3D illustration of monkeypox virusIllustration: Kateryna Kon (Shutterstock)The New York City Health Department will begin offering the monkeypox vaccine preemptively to men who have sex with men and have had multiple recent partners. Appointments are available as soon as Friday.The agency made the announcement two days before Pride festivities kick off in the city. It had already been collaborating with NYC Health and Hospitals in offering the vaccine to those who were close contacts with someone suspected or confirmed to