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nasa solar storm

Sunspot changes Sun’s vibration! Solar storm THREAT faces Earth, shows NASA’s SOHO satellite

After days of warnings for a G3-class geomagnetic storm, yesterday the coronal mass ejection (CME) finally hit the Earth and it turned out to be a dud. The impact only sparked minor G1-class storms briefly before being dispersed by the planet's magnetosphere. While the Earth was lucky in this encounter, soon a far bigger problem is coming its way. Researchers have spotted a huge sunspot group on the farside of the Sun and it is big enough to change the way the Sun vibrates. It is expected to face our planet the next week…

Solar storm fury! Multiple solar flare explosions cause nonstop BLACKOUTS on Earth

The minor geomagnetic storm, which was supposed to be sparked by multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs), has passed us by without causing much concern. However, a new development on the Sun has begun troubling the Earth. A sunspot complex including AR3293, AR3294, AR3295, and AR3296 has turned unstable and is crackling with solar flares. These flares have been erupting incessantly and as a result of the intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation, a rolling series of radio blackouts have been caused on Earth. Find out if another…

Solar storm ALERT issued as multiple CMEs charge towards Earth today

Yesterday, we were discussing the possibility of a solar storm this week as a result of a solar flare eruption on the sunspot AR3288. The early projections revealed that not enough coronal mass ejection (CME) had been released to spark a solar storm on Earth. However, something interesting happened. With the sunspot being in a constant state of instability, multiple flares occurred, all of which released faint CMEs, not capable of causing a solar storm by themselves. However, some of them have merged together to form a…

Solar storm DANGER! Intense solar flare explosion sparks blackouts on Earth, NASA says

On April 30, the forecasters from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned about a sunspot, named AR3288, which was growing at an exponential rate and contained unstable delta-class magnetic fields. Just a day after the warning, the sunspot exploded, blasting a powerful solar flare in the direction of the Earth. As per NASA, it was an M7-class flare eruption and it sparked a radio blackout over the Atlantic Ocean region. The bigger question now is whether a solar storm is coming for the Earth.A…

NASA reveals SCARY truth behind Cannibal CME: The worst solar storm offender for Earth

In just a few hours, the Earth is expected to witness a G1-class geomagnetic storm. This minor storm will be triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud which is going to deliver glancing blows to the Earth. The storm is not expected to be intense. And one of the reasons behind that is the CME cloud is not a cannibal CME. This particular subtype of CME is considered one of the most dangerous solar phenomena when it comes to triggering solar storms. Recently, the NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)…

Another CME to hit Earth! DESTRUCTIVE solar storm set to strike

It has been just over 24 hours since the severe solar storm struck Earth, but looking at things today, there appears to be no relief for our planet. Forecasters have predicted that another coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud is expected to strike the Earth tomorrow, April 27, sparking a geomagnetic storm. Another major storm just days later could lead to a series of radio blackouts, GPS disruptions, and more. As scientists continue to assess the full impact of the previous G4-class geomagnetic storm, this one can add to…

Massive EXPLOSION on Sun blasts CME; Solar storm to wreak havoc on Earth

A few days ago, several astronomers warned about the high number of magnetic filaments present on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. These looping structures are filled with plasma and magnetic fields and they are set off randomly causing big explosions on the surface of the Sun. And just hours ago, today, April 21, the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted a massive blast in one of the filaments. It was also seen that a massive coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud was also hurled toward our planet. Early predictions…

NASA gives MAJOR solar storm warning; Earth to suffer huge hit over the next 2 days

It has been almost a week since the last solar storm hit the Earth. And it was a relatively minor storm that did not really affect us much. The worst was experienced over the Indian Ocean region where a temporary radio blackout was observed. But things are about to change quickly for the worse. NASA has issued a warning over a major solar storm strike on Earth. The initial hit is expected tomorrow, April 19, when glancing blows are expected and on April 20, a massive direct hit has been predicted. If this solar storm…

Solar storm fury! Australia, Indian Ocean region suffer blackouts as Sun EXPLODES

For the second time in less than a week, the Indian Ocean region has become a target for solar disturbances. On April 6, a solar flare eruption disrupted GPS service and low-frequency radio waves resulting in a short-wave radio blackout in the region. And now, in the late hours of April 10, another eruption, this time an M2-class flare, occurred which resulted in blackouts over the Indian Ocean region and Australia. Notably, the geoeffective area for this blackout included India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and other…

Horrifying solar storm sparked Geomagnetic storm! Red streak seen over Danish skies

A menacing cloud of coronal mass ejection, erupting from a sunspot that was 20 times wider than Earth, struck our planet on March 23 and unleashed a horrifying solar storm that caught everyone off guard. Exploiting cracks in Earth's magnetic field due to the vernal equinox, this horrifying solar storm resulted in a very dangerous G4 Geomagnetic storm which caused radio communication shutdowns, GPS malfunctions, auroras and even a rare phenomenon known as STEVE. Experts later revealed that this geomagnetic storm was the…