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nasa solar storm

Menacing solar storm likely to strike Earth today as CME clouds approach

Yesterday, it was reported that a ring-shaped sunspot group grew 10-folds in just a period of 24 hours and was posing a threat of solar flare eruption for the Earth. But that is a problem for the future. The immediate concern is a giant cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) which is fast approaching our planet. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that there is a possibility that it can deliver glancing blows to the Earth and cause a solar storm event today, April 5. Know its possible…

Weird threat! NASA detects Ring-shaped sunspot; Solar storm fears rise for Earth

Earlier, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had revealed that as many as four sunspots have been detected on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, among which one was likely to erupt a C1-class solar flare and eject it towards our planet. However, in the last 24 hours, the situation has far worsened. The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has detected an unusual sunspot group which is shaped like a ring. The sunspot group has grown more than ten times in the last 24 hours and has now created a big concern…

NASA reveals how a powerful solar storm DESTROYED Elon Musk led SpaceX satellites

The Earth has been plagued by solar storm events this year. And while we have seen some really intense storms, including a terrifying G4-class geomagnetic storm last week, none have had the destructive effect of the one that hit the Earth on February 3, 2022. On that day, SpaceX ignored a solar storm forecast and went ahead with its launch schedule to deploy a fleet of its Starlink satellites. However, shortly after the launch, the solar storm ended up destroying as many as 40 of its satellites. NASA has conducted an…

NASA turns to AI to tackle Solar storm terror

Knowing any kind of upcoming threat can help you prepare for it in advance. There are several events happening in space like asteroids rushing towards Earth, solar storms, and more, which can pose a serious threat for our planet. However, NASA keeps an eye on the movement of asteroids to get fair warning of any impending collision with Earth. What about a solar storm? Notably, NASA has turned to AI predictions now. "Like a tornado siren for life-threatening storms in America's heartland, a new computer model that…

Solar winds moving at a hellish 600 km per second, COLLIDE with Earth as solar storm terror continues

Solar activity has been on the rise ever since the turn of 2023, but the month of March in particular witnessed some record-breaking solar storms. In the second week of the month, the Earth suffered the blow of a G3-class geomagnetic storm that delayed a SpaceX rocket launch and disrupted the operations of oil rigs in Canada. Worse was to come. In the third week of March, the worst solar storm in six years, a G4-class geomagnetic storm struck the Earth. And now, the planet must brace for another ordeal as solar winds,…

Gigantic hole on Sun to spark dazzling auroras as far as New York as Solar storm imminent

Just a couple of days ago, a CME grazed Earth which had a ripple effect and its presence alone sparked auroras in the Arctic Circle. Moreover, a spotted Sun during sunrise was detected by astrophotographers in regions of higher altitudes, which could lead to disastrous consequences in the near future. However, there is more pressing concern as a large hole was observed on the solar surface, one which could lead to a dangerous solar storm as well as stunning auroras.According to a report by the U.S. National Oceanic and…

Solar storm DANGER! NASA spots giant hole on Sun blasting solar winds towards Earth

Yesterday, March 20, it was reported that the Earth may suffer a glancing blow from an incoming coronal mass ejection (CME) today. While astronomers keep an eye out on its development, a far more concerning development has been spotted on the Sun. The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory has detected a large hole in the Sun's atmosphere which is spewing a stream of solar winds. This solar wind is expected to reach our planet between March 23 and 24, and can cause another powerful solar storm event. Things can worsen if there

G2-class solar storm HAMMERS the Earth; Blackouts to haunt Arctic Circle entire week

Yesterday, it was reported that powerful bursts of coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds were released during a farside explosion on the Sun and some of it were deflected towards our planet due to shock waves. The resultant solar storm was found to peak at G2-class, which is considered a powerful event. The highly charged particles have ionized the atmosphere around the Arctic Circle and have caused a shortwave radio blackout condition. Check details.The incident was reported by which noted in its website,

Solar storm bludgeons Earth as CME strikes; Can intensify in next few hours

Yesterday, March 14, NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) reported that a huge explosion took place on the farside of the Sun which spewed out an extremely rare coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds that were traveling at mind-bending speeds exceeding 3000 kilometers per second. Due to such a high speed, shock waves have been released, which sent some of the solar particles in the Earth's direction. Just hours back, these clouds made it to the Earth and sparked a solar storm. Worryingly, the storm can intensify

TERRIFYING! ‘Extremely rare’ farside CME blast sparks solar storm on Earth, NASA says

A strange incident occurred in the early hours of yesterday, March 13. The NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected that after a huge explosion, a powerful wave of coronal mass ejection (CME) escaped from the surface of the Sun. This event should not have concerned the Earth under normal circumstances since the event took place on the farside of the Sun (the side of the Sun opposite to the Earth). However, the CME blast was deemed extremely rare as it was traveling at a mind-numbing speed of 3000