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Carbon sink models need nitrogen, says study

Nitrogen is necessary when predicting how land plants will take up atmospheric carbon. That's because nitrogen's future trajectory will diverge from that of other factors of plant growth in the coming decades, according to a new study. The terrestrial carbon sink sequesters a third of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. To project how carbon sequestration might change in the coming years, scientists need to

What is the Atomic Mass of Nitrogen?

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Like Article Atomic Mass of Nitrogen is                   .A)  14B)  14.007C)  14.07D)  15Answer:Option B) 14.007 is correct.Explanation:Atomic Mass of any substance is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus of that atom.For Nitrogen,Number of Protons =  7Number of Neutrons = 7Thus,Atomic Mass of Nitrogen =  7 + 7 = 14Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere. In absolute terms, the average atomic…

Scientists used liquid nitrogen to blast Moon dust off a Barbie

A new study has found that liquid nitrogen could act as a great Moon dust remover. Ever since the first astronauts stepped foot on the surface of the Moon, astronauts have been looking for better ways to keep their spacesuits clean. In the past, they would use abrasive brushes to remove the powdery dust from their spacesuits. However, scientists say those brushes degraded the material of the suits themselves. Keeping its newest spacesuits clean is vital because too much Moon dust can cause their seals to stop…

How to Make Carbon Capture Way More Efficient

A CO2 collector on display at a museum in Germany. Photo: Daniel Karmann/picture-alliance/dpa (AP)Scientists agree that we’re going to need to build machines to suck carbon from the sky to stave off the worst impacts of climate change—but there are a lot of challenges for this new industry in the coming decades, including figuring out how to make the technology more effective. A discovery from a team of researchers at Lehigh University, published in Science Advances on Wednesday, could make this process three times more

Researchers Develop Groundbreaking Liquid Nitrogen Spray

Cryoclastic flow caused by liquid nitrogen poured on lunar dust simulant. Credit: WSUResearchers at Washington State University have developed a liquid nitrogen spray that can effectively eliminate almost all of the simulated moon dust from a space suit, potentially solving a significant challenge for astronauts on future moon missions.According to the researchers’ report in the journal Acta Astronautica, the sprayer was able to eliminate over 98% of the moon dust simulant in a vacuum environment with little to no harm to…

Liquid Nitrogen Could Keep Moon Suits Free From Lunar Dust

No Barbie dolls were injured during the course of these experiments. Photo: I. Wells et al., 2023Pesky lunar dust is an annoying obstacle for astronauts landing on the Moon—it sticks to pretty much everything. New research from Washington State University may have cracked the code for keeping space suits dust-free, in which pressurized liquid nitrogen was used to literally blow the dust from surfaces.During testing, the research team found that a sprayer full of liquid nitrogen could remove an average 98% of the dust

Study forecasts tile drainage and crop rotation changes for nitrogen loss

Graphical abstract. Credit: Water Research (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119468 Midwestern agriculture contributes the vast majority of nitrogen in the Gulf of Mexico, causing an oxygen-starved hypoxic zone and challenging coastal economies. State and federal policies have tried for decades to provide solutions and incentives, but the hypoxic zone keeps coming back. A recent study from the University of Illinois offers a…

Liquid nitrogen may do the trick for getting moon dust off spacesuits

If you've ever been to the Moon (and who hasn't?), then you'll know that the clingy dust which covers its surface can damage spacesuits. According to a new study, a spray of liquid nitrogen may offer the best method of getting the stuff off – while leaving suits intact.Scientifically known as lunar regolith, moon dust isn't like most natural dust here on Earth.For starters, because it isn't subject to erosion by wind or water, the fine particles are quite jagged and abrasive. Additionally, because regolith is saturated…

Life on Earth was created by meteorite strikes and gamma rays, claims study

Researchers claim that life on Earth could have been sparked by a combination of meteorite strikes and gamma rays. Check the details now. The space agencies across the world have peered deep into space to find another planet where life flourishes and so far we have found nothing. One reason behind it could be that the conditions required to create and sustain life are so rare that it is incredibly difficult to find a similar planet. And this is why scientists have always been fascinated by the question of how life