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Political Advertisers Say They Are Stuck Using Facebook, It Sucks

Photo: Ben Stansall (Getty Images)It turns out Facebook isn’t just the place where your angry uncle goes to vent his irate political opinions and numb out to soft porn; it’s also one of the last viable avenues for pushing political ads on the internet in 2022.Other major social platforms like Twitter and TikTok have specifically turned their backs on political ads (officially, at least), in part, to avoid dealing with toxic communities ripe with misinformation, but Facebook’s quietly held the line. With the 2022 midterms

Instagram Is Getting More Ads

Instagram already allows businesses to add shopping tags to post to advertise goods, but the app will also now allow more ads in the Explore tab and in users’ profiles.Photo: David Dee Delgado (Getty Images)If you are tired of ads popping up in your Facebook or Instagram reels, on your pages news feed, in the apps’ shopping sections, or on the screen behind your eyes when you sleep (not really, but you can bet it’s coming eventually), get ready because Meta’s introducing new ways to offer advertisers your eyeballs while

Instagram ‘Contributed’ to Molly Russell’s Death, Coroner Finds

Molly Russell, a 14-year old from London who died of self-inflicted injuries in 2017, didn’t die by suicide, according to a senior British coroner who examined her.“It would not be safe to leave suicide as a conclusion,” Andrew Walker said in a court hearing on Friday, at the end of a two-week investigation, the BBC reported. Instead, according to Walker, “she died from an act of self-harm while suffering from depression and the negative effects of online content.” Coroners are judges in the United Kingdom, and the…

Trump Could Be Back on Facebook as Soon as January

Donald Trump could be back to his old social media antics in just a few months. The two-year ban, barring the former poster-in-chief from Facebook, expires at the beginning of 2023. And Meta, Facebook’s parent company, hasn’t revealed whether it’ll be extending Trump’s virtual exile. “When you make a decision that affects the public realm, you need to act with great caution,” Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, reportedly said during a media event hosted by the new news organization Semafor. It seems that

Getty Says ‘No’ to AI-Generated Images

Getty Images is fine with altered photos or artistic images, so long as they were created by human hands.Photo: Wirestock Creators (Shutterstock)Deepfakes are no longer desired, fakes are now forlorn, and any AI-originated content will be ostracized from image hosting website Getty Images.Getty provided a communication originally sent to the site’s contributors to Gizmodo confirming that, effective immediately, the site will deny any submissions created by AI image generators. Getty specifically mentioned that any images

Antivaxxers Are Using the Carrot Emoji to Disguise Talking About the Jab

Wake up sheeple.Image: GizmodoListen, I hate needles as much as the next person, but antivaxxers are taking their hatred of basic scientific advancement a step further by coding their communication in Facebook groups with carrot emojis to avoid the social media platform’s content filters.What a hectic past two and a half years it’s been, huh? A deadly respiratory virus is unleashed on the world, and we were forced to stay home and avoid contact with friends and loved ones. It was a dark time for most, but the glimmer of

TikTok’s Newest Feature Is a Brazen Copy of BeReal

TikTok Now sends users push notifications to record a picture or quick video of whatever they’re doing at the moment. It’s extremely similar to the existing app BeReal.Image: TikTokOriginality is a dead language, at least in the world of social media apps. TikTok’s held up as the most popular app for its curated, AI-based content feed, but it’s realized there is a growing market of young people who are tired of scrolling through celebrities’ incoherent buzzing and algorithm-based feeds. Unfortunately, instead of creating

Why Instagram reels could not be as engaging as TikTok videos?

Image Source : PIXABAY Instagram Instagram has been reportedly struggling to attract the attention of the creators as its Reels (short-video) engagement has notably fallen against formidable competition which is coming from TikTok, a Chinese rival. An internal Meta document which was accessed by The Wall Street Journal has revealed the data stating that the…

Report Claims ‘Most Reels Users Have No Engagement Whatsoever’

Instagram users have not sunk their teeth into Instagram’s TikTok-like Reels as much as Meta has wanted them to, according to reported internal documents.Photo: Koshiro K (Shutterstock)Instagram looks a lot more like TikTok as of late, but that radical metamorphosis and new focus on short-form video hasn’t translated into TikTok’s ludicrous viewership numbers.The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that it had seen copies of internal research documents titled “Creators x Reels State of the Union 2022” which was released