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Scientists Discover 2 Strains of Probiotics That Promote Weight Loss in Dogs

A recent study has identified two probiotic strains capable of reducing weight in obese dogs. This groundbreaking research demonstrates the strains’ effectiveness in improving metabolism and reducing body fat, emphasizing the need for more specialized research and guidelines in the field of probiotics for pets.Two probiotic strains have been discovered by researchers as effective in decreasing weight in obese dogs, according to a study published recently in Microbiology Spectrum, a journal of the American Society for…

How active are the microorganisms in your yogurt? We created a new tool to study probiotic activity — and made it out of cardboard

Humans have been fermenting food and drinks — everything from kimchi and yogurt to beer and kombucha — for more than 13,000 years. Fermentation – a natural process that uses microorganisms to create alcohols and acids from carbohydrates – can preserve food so it lasts longer, and it can enhance the quality of a food by turning some components into more easily digestible forms. Some fermented foods that contain live microorganisms are called probiotics, which can increase the shelf life of food and provide a range…

How Two Common Food Fungi Might Be Nature’s Newest Probiotics

A new study indicates that two yeasts used in food production, Cyberlindnera jadinii and Kluyveromyces lactis, might have probiotic properties beneficial for gut inflammation, pointing to potential new treatments for inflammatory bowel diseases. The food industry has long utilized various fungal strains for their fermentation, flavor production, and ability to produce heterologous molecules. A recent study highlights the potential probiotic effects of two fungi, commonly used in food production, on gut inflammation. The…

A Natural Guard Against Depression and Anxiety

University of Virginia School of Medicine scientists have discovered the significant role of Lactobacillus in managing stress and potentially preventing depression and anxiety. Their research has identified how this bacterium, found in fermented foods and yogurt, influences mood disorders by regulating the immune system. Researchers have uncovered the crucial role of Lactobacillus in stress management and the potential prevention of depression and anxiety, paving the way for new probiotic-based treatments for mental…

Probiotic powers genes to relieve constipation, without upsetting gut

At any given time, as many as four million Americans are suffering through bouts of constipation, which has many causes but can also prove stubborn to relieve and hugely impact daily life.Functional constipation (FC) is characterized by recurrent infrequent stools, or difficulty passing those, and is associated with many serious health conditions such as including cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s and colorectal cancer.Constipation also has somewhat of a double-whammy effect on the gut. If there's already a…

Scientists Discover New Probiotic That Could Protect Corals From a Mysterious and Devastating Disease

A close-up of extended polyps of an apparently healthy great star coral colony (Montastraea cavernosa) on a reef near Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The tentacles surrounding the mouth of each polyp help trap food particles for the coral to eat. The brown coloration is from the symbiotic microalgae (Symbiodiniaceae) that live in the coral tissues. Credit: Valerie PaulThe new treatment provides a viable alternative to traditional antibiotic treatment, minimizing the threat of resistant pathogenic bacteria.Scientists from the…

New Potential Probiotic Treatment Reduces Alcohol Absorption, Prolongs Alcohol Tolerance, and Shortens Recovery Time

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to both short-term and long-term health problems. However, researchers have discovered a potential solution by genetically engineering a probiotic to express an enzyme called ADH1B, which accelerates the breakdown of alcohol in the body. In mice studies, those treated with the probiotic showed faster recovery from alcohol exposure and fewer resulting health problems compared to untreated mice.Overconsumption of alcohol can result in severe hangovers, characterized by headaches,…

Experimental Probiotic May Prevent Organ Damage From Alcohol, Scientists Say : ScienceAlert

The worst effects of alcohol go far beyond the last head-splitting, gut-wrenching hangover you had and would rather forget.Dehydration is part of it, but consuming alcohol also inflames the intestines and leaves the body with a bunch of toxic byproducts it has to deal with – which over time can lead to serious health harms.Aiming to alleviate the burden of alcoholism, a team of Chinese researchers has been trialing a modified probiotic supplement that they say can protect mice – and maybe one day humans – against the…

Fish poop ‘probiotic’ could help stressed corals recover from bleaching

In a surprising twist on ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’, scientists have discovered that the poop from fish that predate on coral provides a massive payload of crucial microscopic organisms that strengthen reefs.The discovery has found that feces from coral-eating fish – corallivores – is packed with symbiotic dinoflagellate algae, which is essential for coral survival. It upends traditional views that these fish were damaging reef structure and, instead, it was the grazers eating detritus and bushy algae…

Drunk Mice Avoided Hangovers Thanks to a Probiotic

The hangover cure of the future just might be a chuggable probiotic. In research out this week, scientists in China detail the creation of bacteria that can produce an enzyme meant to help the body break down alcohol faster. Alcohol-fed mice that were given the probiotic beforehand experienced less drunkenness and recovered more quickly, the study found.La Borinqueña’s Connection to Puerto Rico | io9 InterviewFun as the acute effects of ingesting alcohol can be, too much can be dangerous, even deadly. To protect us, the…