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quantum computing

US Technological Dominance Is Not What It Used to Be

With everyone so mesmerized by silver-tongued AI chatbots, it’s easy to forget that most flashy breakthroughs in science and technology depend on much less glamorous advances in the fundamentals of computing—new algorithms, different computer architectures, and novel silicon chips. The US has largely dominated these areas of innovation since the early days of computing. But academics who study advances in computer science say in a new report that by many measures, the US lead in advanced computing has declined…

Google’s Quantum Computer Hits Key Milestone by Reducing Errors

Physicists at Google have reached what they describe as their second milestone along the path to a useful quantum computer. At a laboratory in Santa Barbara, California, they have demonstrated that they can lower the error rate of calculations by making their quantum code bigger. The feat, reported in Nature on 22 February, follows up on a celebrated 2019 experiment in which a Google quantum computer achieved ‘quantum advantage’ — by performing a calculation that would have taken thousands of years on an ordinary…

What Is Quantum Computing? The Complete WIRED Guide

Like the befuddling math underpinning quantum computing, some of the expectations building around this still-impractical technology can make you lightheaded. If you squint out the window of a flight into SFO right now, you can see a haze of quantum hype drifting over Silicon Valley. But the enormous potential of quantum computing is undeniable, and the hardware needed to harness it is advancing fast. If there were ever a perfect time to bend your brain around quantum computing, it’s now. Say “Schrödinger’s superposition”…

Indian workers with digital skills contributing $508 billion to country’s GDP

Workers in India, who use advanced digital skills like cloud architecture or software development, are contributing an estimated $507.9 billion (Rs 10.9 trillion) to the country's annual gross domestic product (GDP), a report showed.This is attributed to 92 per cent higher salaries that these workers earn compared to those with a similar education who do not use digital skills at work.About 80 per cent organisations in India that employ workers with advanced digital skills report higher annual revenue growth, but 88 per…

Alphabet spinoff Sandbox AQ raises $500 million for cyber security, other quantum work

Sandbox AQ, a startup spun off from Alphabet Inc last year, said on Tuesday it raised $500 million as it helps customers prepare for a quantum computing future. Quantum computers, whose processors run based on quantum physics, could one day carry out certain calculations millions of times quicker than today's fastest super computers, yet they remain years away from making a big change, such as breaking encryption. But as hackers can harvest data today and wait to decrypt them when the quantum computers are ready, the…

Quantum Support Vector Machine 101

Welcome to this blog on quantum support vector machines! SVMs are a type of supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used for classification and regression tasks. They identify the hyperplane in a high-dimensional space that maximally separates different classes and are known for their robustness and ability to process large amounts of data. Quantum support vector machines (QSVMs) are a variant of SVMs that use quantum computers to perform the optimization required to find the hyperplane. By leveraging the…

Quantum Startups’ Stock Market Dreams Are Decohering

At the end of September, Rigetti reported $212 million in assets and a net loss of $49 million for the year to date. The SPAC deal was originally expected to net $458 million, pushing Rigetti’s valuation to about $1.5 billion, but after some investors pulled out it raised not much over half the expected amount.Quantum computing is a particularly precarious investment field. The technology, meant to accelerate computer processing by harnessing quantum mechanics to solve complex problems, will likely not be widely useful…

Quantum Computing Has a Noise Problem

Quantum computers have a huge problem. Or, to be more accurate, lots of incredibly tiny ones. These futuristic devices promise to revolutionize everything from the financial industry to drug discovery by tapping into the power of quantum uncertainty—instead of using bits like your laptop or phone does, quantum computers use qubits, which means they’ll be able to perform certain tasks much more quickly than traditional computers and may be better at simulating natural processes.Tech giants including Google, Microsoft, and…

Samsung replaces IBM in US patent league table

Samsung has replaced the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) from its top spot in the number of patents registered in the US in 2022, which has been on the top for almost 29 years.In 2022, Samsung Electronics registered 8,513 utility patents in the US, roughly the same as the previous year, reports SamMobile.IBM, on the other hand, dropped to second place with 4,743 patents registered in 2022, a 44 per cent decrease from the previous year.Read AlsoLG Electronics also saw a 5 per cent increase in patent…