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Apple Rebuffs Epic Request to Restore Fortnite Developer Account in South Korea

Apple rejected on Thursday a request by Fortnite creator Epic Games to restore its account on the iPhone maker's iOS platform in South Korea to add its own payment option, in their latest tussle over app development fees.Apple is battling a lawsuit filed last year by Epic Games, alleging that the smartphone maker has abused its dominance in the market for mobile apps.Their battle pivoted to South Korea last week when its parliament approved a bill that bans major app store operators, including Apple, from forcing software…

How to Restore a Disabled iPhone or iPad

Have you ever forgotten your iPhone or iPad passcode? If yes, you probably have managed to disable your iPhone or iPad temporarily. In this guide, we will be telling you how to restore your disabled iPhone or iPad. If your iPhone or iPad is disabled then you will have to wait for some time before you can enter the passcode, or if you have entered the passcode wrong 10 times, then you will have no choice but to restore it to factory settings. Either way, it's possible to restore a disabled iPhone but it may not always end…

343 is working with modders to restore the ‘Halo 2’ Earth City demo

343 Industries is working with modders to restore old cut content from the classic Halo games, including the infamous Halo 2 Earth City demo shown off at E3 2003.  The announcement comes via a lengthy blog post on Halo Waypoint titled Cutting Room Floor, which details two restoration projects: Digsite Alpha, which focusses on Halo: Combat Evolved cut content, and Digsite Delta for content that didn’t make it into Halo 2. The modders involved with these projects include General_101, Con, Num0005, Scruffy, Sean T, Ludus,…

Controllers Restore Communications With NASA’s CAPSTONE Probe

An illustration of the CAPSTONE spacecraft during its elliptical orbit around the Moon.Illustration: NASAAfter going MIA for nearly 24 hours, NASA’s CAPSTONE probe finally reestablished contact with ground controllers. The microwave-sized satellite is currently en route to the Moon where it will test a unique orbital configuration for an upcoming lunar space station. Ground controllers successfully restored communication with the spacecraft on Wednesday at 9:26 a.m. ET, when the operations team began receiving signals

How to restore pages of tabs on Chrome

Issue I was forced to manually shut down Chrome and reboot my computer — losing dozens of tabs. Quick fix Use History to restore complete Chrome windows, including all groups and tabs. The full story Over the weekend, I needed to use my somewhat elderly MacBook Pro — the one I usually use for work — for a Zoom call. Unfortunately, I had been running several work projects and had two iterations of Chrome going, each with about 40 or 50 tabs. (Okay, I had a couple of other apps going as well.) As a result, when I began…

Harvard Scientists Develop a Method To Restore Damaged Tendons and Muscles

After the use of their tissue platform, the researchers observed regeneration of tissues and shoulder function recovery.The new complex tissue platform can restore damaged rotator cuffsThe typical office worker often has soreness throughout their body as a result of their sedentary desk jobs. Even young individuals may develop shoulder pain, which was previously primarily an issue for elderly people. Once shoulder pain creeps in, it is difficult to dress oneself, let alone move one’s body freely. It is also difficult to…

Snapchat Streaks restore: How to get Snapchat Streaks back using mobile phone and desktop

A Snapstreak is a feature that makes users of the ever-so-popular social media app Snapchat keep coming back every single day. Aimed at giving a sense of achievement, losing a Snapstreak can be upsetting since the daily streak is broken and also lowers the chance of gaining certain rewards in the form of emojis for maintaining streaks. If the Snapchat Streaks is broken, there could be chances that the user may not be at fault. Apps sometimes go through glitches and server issues. That said, in this article, we’ll be…

How to restore files using Time Machine on a Mac

Knowing how to restore Mac files from a Time Machine backup is very important, offering a solution when a file is missing or a document has been changed in an unexpected way. Recovering files with Time Machine is quick and easy and protects the owner from both hardware failures and accidents. Time Machine is the failsafe software built into MacOS since the very first version of OS X, which brought major changes and improvements to Apple's operating system. With Time Machine, backups are automatic, and restoring a…

Indian Railways Poised To Restore Rameswaram-Dhanushkodi Line Destroyed 60 Years Ago

The government is now prepared to restore the Rameswaram-Dhanushkodi rail link in Tamil Nadu, which will be a key moment in the history of Indian Railways’ rich history. The Southern Railways is poised to connect Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu with a train link after completing a number of significant railway projects. The Pamban bridge will be tracked using a lift system, on which trains will run at a speed of 80km per hour. Rameshwaram and Dhanuskodi were connected earlier by a railway line, but the 1964…

FromSoftware is nearly ready to restore Dark Souls PC multiplayer features

FromSoftware says it’s one step closer to restoring the PC servers for its Dark Souls games, months after the forced the studio to take them offline. "We are currently in the process of restoring the online servers for the Dark Souls series on PC," FromSoftware . “We plan to restore online service for each game progressively, bringing back servers for Dark Souls 3 once we complete the necessary work to correct the problem." From did not say precisely when it would start bringing its servers back online but promised to…