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screen time

Safer Internet Day 2024: How Apple is looking to make tech simple and easier for kids and families

Safer Internet Day 2024: Youngsters take to technology with ease and familiarity that is quite refreshing. Their hunger for something new and exciting draws them towards gadgets as well as the Internet to explore, communicate with the world and learn new things quickly that was undreamt of even 10 years ago. However, with tech come some dangers and here many manufacturers like Apple, look to craete some kind of guard-rails to ensure children and families are not impacted adversely - both body and mind. Keeping this in…

The Hill’s holiday guide to screen time and social media for kids

Many families will be buying their children new tablets or maybe their first cellphones this holiday season. The kids will love it, but there is growing concern among health experts on the impact that screens and online activity has on young, developing minds. There’s also a growing body of advice on how to encourage healthy use of electronics. The Hill spoke with child psychiatry expert Dr. Erin Belfort about the issue and rounded up guidance from across government and academia for a holiday guide to one of…

Android is still beating the iPhone in a small (but important) way

Tushar Mehta/Digital Trends Our phones, as you know, can sometimes become depthless abysses. Almost everyone has experienced the inconquerable pull of spending hours switching from one social media or entertainment app futilely. And this routine even has a name — “doomscrolling.” Thankfully, overlords that control the smartphone world, namely Google and Apple, have been conscious of this issue and offer tools that constantly remind you to spare your eyes from the screen and revisit the physical world to replenish…

Indians spent 4.9 hours every day on smartphones in 2022: Report

Image Source : PIXABAY Smartphone use In a recent report, it was stated that Indians have spent 4.9 hours on their smartphone per day in 2022. This has made India stand in the 8th position with the highest average hours being spent on their handsets per day., which was formerly known as AppAnnie released a report titled ‘State of Mobile 2023’ on Wednesday,…