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The Long History of How the Rebels Originally Stole the Death Star Plans

Image: LucasfilmIn current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands. But in the expanded universe, one of Star Wars’ most legendary games set the stage for a much larger, more complicated process.Dark Forces, released in 1995—and re-released this week with a new remaster across PC and

Somehow, Ventress Returned

Screenshot: LucasfilmWell, aside from being another legacy character for whom death is a revolving door or something to frequently lie about for the drama of it all, Ventress’ return in the final season of The Bad Batch raises a lot of interesting questions about how she’ll fit into events, and more broadly into this era of Star Wars. After all, we thought she didn’t survive to see Sidious’ rise and his ultimate plan to form the Empire actually come to fruition—but now she has, so what will her place in all that be? Is

‘Star Wars’ Fans Pit Two Of Darth Sidious’ Best And Brightest Against One Another For A Theoretical Stand-Off

Image via 20th Century Fox In Star Wars, there are plenty of bad guys who have never met each other in a fight. You never see Dooku and Maul duke it out on film and, now, some fans of the franchise are debating just who would come out on top had they ever paired up for a dynamic duel. The above post on Reddit is burning up with debate as of this story’s filing. The top comment for the moment suggests Dooku would be the favorite given his greater level of experience and more control of his emotions, but many…

‘Star Wars’ Stans Ponder Whether Darth Sidious Was Really a True-Believer Sith

Via Lucasfilm The Star Wars universe is fortunate that most Sith Lords burn out fairly quickly. The physical strain of devoting yourself to the Dark Side warps your body into something monstrous, and trying to dominate the galaxy in a black cloak with a red lightsaber (scary mask optional) paints a big target on your back for any budding Luke Skywalkers out there. On top of that, the Sith “Rule of Two” means there’s always an ambitious apprentice waiting for you to slip up so they can seize the throne for…

Order 66 Destroyed the Jedi, but ‘Star Wars’ Fans Point Out That Order 65 Could Have Stopped Darth Sidious

Order 66 was one of the most consequential moments in Star Wars history. This was the culmination of Darth Sidious’ prequel trilogy scheming and the moment the tide truly turned against the Jedi order as the clone troopers they were fighting alongside attacked them. Not even the most talented Jedi Master could deflect concentrated blaster rifle fire from all angles, and by the end of the day there was just handful of survivors. But it didn’t have to go down this way. Fans on r/StarWars have noted that there was an…