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slow internet

How to fix slow internet speed on your smartphone?

Image Source : PIXABAY Tips to fix slow internet speed on your smartphone In today's smartphone-dominated era, having a reliable and fast internet connection is the most important thing that one looks for. Without internet access, smartphones seem like mere empty boxes. We all are dependent on the internet in today’s time- to do our essential tasks, office work,…

Have WiFi, but internet still running SLOW? Are you at fault?

Life without internet- how difficult it is even to imagine! In the era of 5G connectivity, slow internet will definitely annoy people. The Internet is required for almost everything-from making online payments, shopping, to studying or doing official work. Imagine, you are in the middle of something important and your internet is running slow. It not only annoys you, it also delays your work.Though you can work with the data pack you have on your sim card, having WiFi will make your work much faster and easier. But if

Slow internet woes? These 5 cool hacks will boost speed in a jiffy

Don’t tolerate slow internet. Get the most out of your internet with these 5 cool hacks. In today's world, fast internet is not just a luxury but a necessity. With the hybrid work environment, many working professionals have to attend important meetings and give presentations from home. Yet many people deal with slow internet speeds on a daily basis. And if you have already invested in fast internet, this becomes even more irksome. But do not worry. Before you dial your network provider to register a complaint, there

Slow internet? Bluetooth blues? These tips can fix 99% of your tech problems

If you have suffered from one of these headaches—or are similarly bombarded with queries as the official family IT person—there’s good news: With patience, you can solve the majority of problems yourself. Most tech troubles have simple solutions. Not connecting? Turn wireless settings off and on again. Not syncing? Sign out, then sign back into your account. Sluggish performance? Restart the device or clear browser cookies. Here are the settings and tools you need to become…

Tired of slow Wi-Fi speed? Stop doing THIS; Know how to get faster Internet

If you are frustrated with slow internet speeds on your Wi-Fi, there is a chance that you might be doing something wrong. Know how to get the most out of your Wi-Fi router to get fast internet. One of the biggest frustrations of the modern world is dealing with slow internet. While the expectations from mobile internet are anyway non-existent, the annoyance of your Wi-Fi internet beginning to slow down is unparalleled. And if this happens during an important virtual meeting or while downloading a particularly large