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Exploring the Geothermal Mysteries Under Nemrut’s Snow-Capped Surface

By NASA Earth Observatory March 1, 2024Astronaut photo of the snow-covered caldera of the Nemrut volcano in eastern Türkiye captured on April 17, 2022, by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station.Lakes and lava flows fill the depression atop this geologically young stratovolcano in eastern Türkiye.An astronaut aboard the International Space Station captured this photo of the snow-covered caldera of the Nemrut volcano in eastern Türkiye, along the western shore of Lake Van. Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Daği) is a…

Snow-capped mountains at risk from climate change

The Ansel Adams Wilderness of the California Sierra Nevada mountains is likely to experience major effects from climate change. Depending on future greenhouse gas emissions, it could have low-to-no snow winters as soon as 35 to 60 years from now. Credit: Alan Rhoades, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Humans store water in huge metal towers and deep concrete reservoirs. But nature's water storage is much more scenic—the…

Snowcapped Mountains Are Turning into Dangerous Rain-Soaked Slopes

CLIMATEWIRE | Mountaintops across the Northern Hemisphere are transforming as rainy downpours replace snowfall, raising the risk of floods and landslides. The change has been happening for decades, a new study finds, and it is expected to get worse as global temperatures rise. “This is not a far-off problem projected to occur in the future, but the data is showing us this already,” said lead study author Mohammed Ombadi, a postdoctoral research fellow specializing in environmental data science at Lawrence Berkeley…

A Snow-Capped Sci-Fi Mystery Vanishes Without a Trace on Streaming

via Level 33 Entertainment If you like science fiction, mystery, intense character-driven drama, sweeping landscape shots, luscious cinematography, and the element of surprise, then by all accounts Arctic Void should be right up your street. Then again, reviews from critics and fans haven’t been too kind to co-writer and director Darren Mann’s freezing cold flight of fancy, which currently holds a less-than-stellar 4.7/10 score on IMDb from upwards of a thousand votes. However, that hasn’t done a single thing to…

Snow-Capped Alps Are Going Green, And You Can See The Consequences From Space

The famous snow-capped peaks of the Alps are fading fast and being replaced by vegetation cover – a process called "greening" that is expected to accelerate climate change, a study said Thursday.  The research, published in Science, was based on 38 years of satellite imagery across the entirety of the iconic European mountain range."We were very surprised, honestly, to find such a huge trend in greening," first author Sabine Rumpf, an ecologist at the University of Basel, told AFP.Greening is a well-recognized phenomenon…