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Solar wind

Parker Solar Probe reveals secrets of the solar wind, which sparks geomagnetic storms on Earth

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery about the solar wind, revealing how it reaches extraordinary speeds exceeding 1 million miles per hour. The findings, published in the journal Nature, draw on data collected by NASA's Parker Solar Probe. The researchers found that the magnetic field's energy near the sun's surface pushes the solar wind to achieve such terrifying speeds, reports SciTech Daily.Co-led by James Drake from the University of Maryland and Stuart Bale from UC Berkeley, the study sheds light on a…

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe to help understand geomagnetic storms, prevent internet apocalypse

NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has gathered crucial data that could help prevent a potential internet apocalypse caused by solar storms. A recent study reveals that understanding the origin of solar wind is essential in predicting these storms, which can have devastating effects on satellites, the electrical grid, and communication networks on Earth. The research team suggests that fast solar winds are produced through a process called magnetic reconnection, where magnetic fields on the sun create solar storms that…

Solar flare hurls CME into space, sparking risk of geomagnetic storm

While Earth's magnetosphere deflects most solar activity carried by solar events, some charged particles seep through. These energetic particles cause magnetic disturbances, classified as Geomagnetic storms. These supercharged storms can wreak havoc on all forms of wireless communication, including GPS, mobile networks, and satellite communication. Power grids are also susceptible to fluctuations and could potentially sustain irreversible damage.In light of the danger that is posed by geomagnetic storms, forecasters at…

Revolutionary Discovery! Method to probe powerful solar storms uncovered

In a recent discovery, scientists have found a way to better understand the speed of solar particles that causes a solar storm. Did you know that the most energetic processes seen in the solar system are Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that cause massive solar storms. Even with Earth's protective electromagnetic field, it can have a serious impact on our daily lives. Making a reason for scientists to study solar energetic particle (SEP) events.According to, researchers have found that particles…

Strong solar winds, CME approaching Earth; Could trigger G1-class Geomagnetic storm soon

Just yesterday, an unstable sunspot named AR3335 exploded, producing a solar flare that triggered blackouts over the Atlantic Ocean. The resulting solar flare was M2.5 in intensity and caused a shortwave radio blackout. Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Solar flare riskAccording to a report by, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) forecasters have…

NASA’s Solar Probe Solves a Longtime Mystery About the Sun

Although the Sun fuels life on our planet, Earth’s host star is not to be messed with. The inflamed ball of hot gas can often times get violent, flinging streams of plasma in our direction in the form of solar wind. By the time this solar wind reaches us, it has already traveled 93 million miles and interacted with Earth’s own magnetic field. What scientists really needed, however, was to get a closer look at what’s drivingsolar wind from the Sun’s burning surface.What Is Carbon Capture? With Gizmodo’s Molly Taft |

M9.6-class solar flare EXPLODES, sparks blackouts! Satellite hints at new solar storm

After a relatively low period of solar activity, the Sun sprung back into action yesterday, May 16. A near-X-class solar flare eruption occurred on the southeastern limb of the Sun. Even as the explosion was on the horizon of the Sun and a part of it was eclipsed due to its edge, the solar flare had a major impact on the Earth. Ultraviolet radiation ionized the upper atmosphere and caused a shortwave radio blackout over North America and the northern parts of South America. And now, fears are rising over another major…

Solar storm in 2023 can be as DANGEROUS as scary Carrington event; Will Earth survive?

Today, the Sun is quiet. After a long period of continuous and regular solar activity, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has revealed that the solar disturbance levels are expected to stay low today, April 8 and chances of a solar storm event is next to none. But, if you have been following space weather in 2023, you will know that this is a rare break amid a series of destructive events. The Earth has suffered damage from multiple X-class solar flare eruptions, one G4-class and multiple G3-class…

X-class solar flare EXPLODES, sparks blackouts in Asia! Solar storm shadow looms over Earth

A terrifying X-class solar flare has erupted on the Sun in the early hours today, March 29. The solar flare eruption occurred on the Earth-facing sunspot AR3256 and has caused strong shortwave radio blackouts in large regions of Australia, southeast Asia and New Zealand. This came after it was reported yesterday that as many as 9 sunspot groups have appeared on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. Forecasters had claimed that the sunspots seemed to be stable, but one of them unexpectedly exploded.The incident was reported…

SPOTTED Sun could be the harbinger of extremely dangerous solar storm on Earth

Ever since the start of the year 2023, the Earth has been continuously bombarded by solar storms. So far, not a single week has gone without one incident of solar particles hitting our atmosphere. We have seen multiple X-class solar flare eruptions, G3-class solar storms and super-charged CME clouds and solar winds wreaking havoc on our planet. And still, the worst is yet to come. That is what astronomers believe after many have detected a spotted Sun during sunrise in regions of higher altitudes. Why has the Sun turned