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space debris

Space Fuel Station: International Effort Underway to Turn Space Junk Into Rocket Fuel in Space

There is a growing amount of space debris, comprising everything from dead spacecraft and spent rocket parts to the junk created by anti-satellite tests. This junk is whizzing around at incredible speeds, posing a serious threat to communications satellites and the International Space Station (ISS). The Russian ASAT test last week even sent astronauts aboard the ISS to follow emergency protocol briefly to evacuate. To reduce this possibility for the future, there is an international effort underway to find ways to recycle…

Elon Musk Slammed Online by Chinese Citizens After Starlink Satellite-Space Station Near-Misses

Chinese citizens lashed out online against billionaire Tesla founder Elon Musk's space ambitions on Monday after China complained that its space station was forced to take evasive action to avoid collision with satellites launched by Musk's Starlink programme.The satellites from Starlink Internet Services, a division of Musk's SpaceX aerospace company, had two "close encounters" with the Chinese space station on July 1 and October 21, according to a document submitted by China earlier this month to the UN's space…

China Slams US After Space Station’s ‘Close Encounters’ With Elon Musk’s Satellites

Beijing on Tuesday accused the United States of irresponsible and unsafe conduct in space over two "close encounters" between the Chinese space station and satellites operated by Elon Musk's SpaceX.Tiangong, China's new space station, had to manoeuvre to avoid colliding with one Starlink satellite in July and with another in October, according to a note submitted by Beijing to the United Nations space agency this month.The note said the incidents "constituted dangers to the life or health of astronauts aboard the China…

China Tests Drag Sail For Removing Space Junk

This kite-like space sail will help deorbit a rocket component within two years.Image: Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight TechnologyEngineers in China have successfully deployed an ultra-thin sail attached to a rocket part to expedite its departure from low Earth orbit and reduce the amount of space junk aimlessly floating above our planet. The 269-square-foot (25-square-meter) sail unfurled after launching from a Long March 2D rocket on June 24. Although the mission was not publicized beforehand, the Shanghai Academy of

Falling Rocket Parts Becoming More Likely to Cause Fatalities

This Chinese-made Long March 5B Y2 rocket launched in April, 2021, but this type of rocket has been cited at least twice for parts left in orbit striking the Earth upon reentry.Photo: The Yomiuri Shimbun (AP)Sorry kids, but when you’re wishing on a falling star, those flashing streaks in gterthe night sky might actually be flaming rocket parts. And as new research suggests, some of those flaming rocket parts could be headed in your generaldirection. Scientists say there’s a growing likelihood that raining rocket parts

How Uvalde and Buffalo spurred push for first gun law in decades

After two horrific mass shootings in Texas and New York, Congress just passed the most meaningful gun legislation in decades.The Safer Communities Act will expand background checks in some cases, close the so-called boyfriend loophole to prevent domestic abusers from obtaining or keeping firearms and deal out grants to help prevent gun violence and secure schools."Some parts are very promising," said Alex McCourt, a firearms policy expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. "Other parts? Perhaps less…

How the U.S. Space Force plans to police outer space

Outer space is getting crowded, with both commercial endeavors and secretive military projects. And it's going to be up to the newest United States military branch, the Space Force, to protect American interests there.Space launches in the U.S. have been on the rise, and participation by private companies has increased over the last decade. What's more, satellite imaging in the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia has underscored the importance of space-based assets, both commercial and military."We've been…

Europe’s Space Agency Invests in Orbital Trash Removal Service

Astroscale is set to develop ELSA-M. The company’s previous debris removal spacecraft, ELSA-d, is shown here.Illustration: AstroscaleThe European Space Agency is joining forces with Astroscale, an orbital debris removal company, to thin the massive cloud of space debris orbiting Earth. This effort will pave the way for communications company OneWeb to continue building its telecommunication network.The European Space Agency revealed in a press release today that Astroscale, a company focusing on space debris removal, will

How European Space Agency’s Laser Ranging Station Prevents Collision of Satellites and Space Debris

Lasers have stolen much of the spotlight in recent times, thanks to their depiction in high-octane films. But there's more to laser lights than just the movie stunts. The European Space Agency's (ESA) Izaña-1 (IZN-1) laser ranging station in Tenerife, Spain is making use of laser for space debris mitigation. Lasers from this station will point towards the skies to seek out satellites and bits of "space trash". The laser will then help to measure the positions and trajectories of these objects in order to prevent a…