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Musk, scientists call for halt to AI race sparked by ChatGPT

Are tech companies moving too fast in rolling out powerful artificial intelligence technology that could one day outsmart humans? That's the conclusion of a group of prominent computer scientists and other tech industry notables such as Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak who are calling for a 6-month pause to consider the risks. Their petition published Wednesday is a response to San Francisco startup OpenAI's recent release of GPT-4, a more advanced successor to its widely-used AI…

How Finance Invaded Tech and Sparked the Silicon Valley Bank Backlash

People don’t see the technology industry as they once did – and it almost cost the sector a rescueIn the early 2010s, hundreds of technologists would pack NYU’s Skirball Center for the monthly New York Tech Meetup. At the event, local developers would show off their latest products. And depending on the slate, you might see new dating websites, funny weather bots, or Foursquare plugins that made you look busy while you did nothing. The meetup had just one rule: Show the tech. Anyone with a long preamble got “Get to the…

Scientists Identify “Pioneer Peptide” That May Have Sparked Life on Earth

Rutgers University scientists have identified a portion of a protein called “Nickelback” that is a likely candidate for kickstarting life on Earth over 3 billion years ago. This finding has important implications for the search for extraterrestrial life, as it offers a new clue for researchers to look for. The researchers believe that a few precursor proteins played a key role in the transformation from prebiotic chemistry to living biological systems, and “Nickelback” is one of these “pioneer peptides.”Research could…

Geomagnetic storm, sparked by powerful X2-class solar flare, to hit Earth today

A Geomagnetic Storm is on the cards, which could potentially destroy electronics, cause power grid failures and more on Earth. An X2-class solar flare erupted on a freshly formed sunspot AR3229 just days ago on February 17. This flare was hurled out in the Earth's direction by the Sun and has been travelling towards the planet. Experts now expect this solar flare to reach Earth today and it could spark a dangerous Geomagnetic storm.According to a report by, the X2-class solar flare, which was hurled

EXTREME solar flare eruption sparked BLACKOUTS, NASA said; Another solar storm coming?

Earlier, NASA prediction models revealed that there was a chance of solar flare eruption between February 17 and February 18. The prediction stated that there was a high chance of an M-class solar flare eruption with a minor possibility of X-class solar flare. However, the resultant flare that erupted at around 1:46 AM IST last night was the worst we have seen in two years. An X2.2-class solar flare erupted on a freshly formed sunspot AR3229. The severe radiation from the eruption caused a shortwave radio blackout that

Train Sparked Miles Before It Derailed in Ohio, Videos Show

The derailed train in East Palestine, Ohio. Photo: mpi34/MediaPunch /IPX (AP)Videos of the Norfolk Southern Railway train that went off the tracks in Northeastern Ohio show that the train was on fire miles before it derailed on February 3 and caused an ongoing hazardous chemical disaster.Two videos obtained by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, taken by security cameras at an equipment plant and a processing plant in Salem, Ohio, show flames flickering out from underneath parts of the train about 20 miles away from where it

Angelina Jolie To Obtain Full Custody Of Her Kids? Actress Finally Receives Papers Of FBI’s Investigation On The Altercation On A Plane That…

Angelina Jolie Finally Obtains Papers Of FBI’s Investigation Into The Infamous Altercation On A Plane That Sparked Their Divorce ( Photo Credit – Facebook ; Wikimedia ) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were one of the most loved couples in Hollywood. Before their two-year marriage came to an end, they dated for 12 years. Pitt was then married to Jennifer Anniston, and Jolie was a single mother when they first met on the sets of the 2005 movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The actress shocked the world when she filed for divorce in…

A Found Footage Horror Classic That Sparked a Parade of Senseless Sequels Suddenly Finds Itself in the Hot Seat

Unlike other favored elements in the horror genre such as slashers and zombie flicks, the found footage sub-genre is one of those less sought-after trivialities in the widespread catalog, if only for the simple fact that the aspect of this filmmaking style can often feel deflated and as if directors are grasping at straws. And while most of these found footage features have been dragged through the mud, 2007’s Paranormal Activity has stood the test of time as one of the most successful. Piggybacking on a low-budget value…

Top 10 Robotech Start-Ups that Sparked a New Industry in India

Can anyone deny the very fact that robots are taking over the world in ways that surpass our imagination levels. From defence to healthcare, every sector has relied on robotics in one form or the other. Irrespective of the objective achieved, one thing is for sure – robotic inventions are changing how we are leading our lives. On the same lines, have a look at what are the top 10 robotech start-ups in India that are redefining innovation. FANUC India FANUC is a Bangalore based startup wherein the application specialists…

The Unlikely Duo That May Have Sparked Life on Earth

Scientists are uncertain about the origins of life on Earth, but one hypothesis is that meteorites brought amino acids, the building blocks of life, to the planet. Researchers have found that amino acids could have formed in early meteorites due to reactions within the space rocks caused by gamma rays.Even as detailed images of distant galaxies from the James Webb Space Telescope show us more of the greater universe, scientists still disagree about how life began here on Earth. One hypothesis is that meteorites delivered…