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Spiderwebs catch environmental DNA, new research finds

Life on Earth is a rich and beautiful thing. But there’s a lot that is changing and even fraying thanks to the effect that human-caused habitat loss and global warming are having on the environment. As more and more species vanish, researchers have found new ways to track environmental DNA, and it’s all because of spiderwebs.Sure, spiderwebs might be annoying to run into in the wild, but what if I told you that the web you’re contemplating tearing down with your hands is actually a treasure trove of environmental…

Scientists Translated Spiderwebs Into Music, And It’s Absoutely Stunning : ScienceAlert

Spiders rely significantly on touch to sense the world around them. Their bodies and legs are covered in tiny hairs and slits that can distinguish between different kinds of vibrations.Any prey blundering into a web makes a very different vibrational clamor from another spider coming a-wooing, or the stirring of a breeze, for example. Each strand of a web produces a different tone.A few years ago, scientists translated the three-dimensional structure of a spider's web into music, working with artist Tomás Saraceno to…

Think spiderwebs, not funnels, for remarkable SEO results

With access to more data than ever before—and tech to interpret that data for marketers looking to write the right content to drive organic traffic—we now know the better framework for marketers to embrace is the spiderweb. Join SEO experts from DemandJump for a live webinar covering: Why the waste at the top of most funnels leads to poor organic traffic outcomes. What industry-leading marketers and researchers like Gartner say about the modern buyer’s journey. How to…

O, were blood thicker than spiderwebs in MURDERWORLD variant covers

“Ladeez, gentlemen, an’ children of all ages — Arcade welcomes you to — Murder World, where nobody ever survives!!” Marvel Comics heroes are gearing up to compete in their own “Squid Game” in a new Murderwold series from Jim Zub, Ray Fawkes, Jethro Morales, and more. In 2012, the villainous Arcade showcased how dangerous he could be when he forced Marvel’s heroes to compete in the Avengers Arena series. Then, in 2021, the Alan Tudyk-voiced Arcade in Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K. on Hulu demonstrated that he was also capable of…

Even Spiderwebs Are Now Hosting The Most Pervasive Plastic Pollution

If microplastics have boundaries, we don't yet know what they are. We seem to find this microscopic trash everywhere we look, from the bottom of the ocean to Earth's highest peak.  We're starting to figure out why. Beyond all the disturbing discoveries of microplastics turning up inside our bodies, we now know these tiny fragments can travel in the air, floating through the atmosphere, at least until they get stopped by something.In a new study, scientists made use of an ingenious method for tracking this insidious air…