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Stanford University

Cutting Energy Use by 97% – Stanford Engineers Invent Game-Changing Actuator

Researchers created an energy-efficient electric motor actuator, using springs and clutches to slash energy use in dynamic tasks, offering up to 97% efficiency improvement and potential applications in robotics and assistive devices. Energy-recycling actuator prototype. Credit: Erez KrimskyResearchers at Stanford have developed a spring-assisted actuator, a device that can accomplish dynamic tasks using a fraction of the energy previously required.Whether it’s a powered prosthesis to assist a person who has lost a limb or…

The Anti-Hunger Molecule Mirroring Exercise

Researchers have found that the molecule lac-phe, produced after intense exercise, is responsible for weight loss seen in metformin users, linking it to appetite control and metabolism. Studies show that metformin increases lac-phe levels, mirroring the effects of vigorous exercise, suggesting new pathways for developing weight loss drugs.A Stanford Medicine study found that metformin, a commonly prescribed diabetes drug associated with moderate weight loss, stimulates production of lac-phe, a molecule abundant after…

Free Online Data Science Courses at Stanford University

Stanford’s gift to aspiring data scientists: Dive into excellence with free online Data Science courses Data science is one of the most popular and lucrative fields in the twenty-first century. It entails collecting, analyzing, and interpreting massive and complicated data sets to solve real-world problems and add value. Application of Data science necessitates a combination of skills and knowledge from multiple disciplines,…

Stanford’s Tiny Accelerator Promises Giant Leaps for Medical and Physics Breakthroughs

Illustration of a shoebox-sized accelerator. An electron source and buncher/injector feeds into a sub-relativistic DLA (the device described in this article), which accelerates electrons up to 1MeV in energy. These electrons are further accelerated by SiO2 waveguide-driven relativistic DLA, and finally pass through an undulator to produce coherent free-electron radiation. Credit: Moore Foundation / Payton BroaddusA new advance by Stanford engineers could lead to particle accelerators being widely available in science,…

Short-Term Machine Learning Courses in USA to Enrol in 2024

Here is the ultimate list of short-term machine learning courses in the USA for 2024 As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial for professionals seeking to enhance their skill sets. Short-term machine learning courses offer a convenient and focused way to acquire relevant knowledge and practical skills. In this article, we explore some of the top short-term machine learning courses in the USA that professionals can consider ing in for 2024.…

Researchers Add New “Twist” to Classical Material Design

A groundbreaking new study introduces a twisted multilayer crystal structure with potential implications for future materials in technology, leveraging a novel “twisted epitaxy” method that could revolutionize semiconductor applications and quantum electronics.Scientists have discovered that crystals can twist when they are sandwiched between two substrates – a critical step toward exploring new material properties for electronics and other applications.Researchers from the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator…

Women vs Men – Stanford Scientists Uncover Key Brain Organization Differences

Stanford Medicine researchers developed an AI model that successfully identified brain scans’ sex with over 90% accuracy, providing evidence of sex differences in brain organization which could impact understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders. The study, highlighting the importance of sex in brain development and disorders, utilized advanced AI to reveal brain networks differing between sexes, suggesting these differences may influence cognitive abilities and behaviorBrain patterns vary between women and men.A recent…

Stanford Scientists Uncover Looming Crisis in East Antarctica

Stanford researchers have revealed that the Wilkes Subglacial Basin in East Antarctica, holding enough ice to raise global sea levels by over 10 feet, is nearing a tipping point towards irreversible melting, challenging previous beliefs of stability. By developing a new technique to analyze radar data, they discovered areas close to thawing, suggesting potential glacial retreat and a significant, previously underappreciated contribution to sea level rise.In a changing climate, the increasing meltwater from Antarctica is…

An Alien Invasion That Could Trigger Catastrophic Changes Is Underway Across North America

A new study highlights the invasion of at least 70 imported earthworm species across North America, posing significant threats to native ecosystems and biodiversity. Researchers emphasize the urgent need for better understanding and management of these alien earthworms to protect native species and ecosystem processes.An alien invasion capable of triggering catastrophic changes is underway across North America. At least 70 imported earthworm species have colonized the continent, and represent a largely overlooked threat…

Is Elmo a Time Traveler? We Talked to Physicists to Find Out

Elmo celebrated his birthday earlier this month. The beloved children’s entertainer made his first appearance on Sesame Street in 1980, so it seems like a fair guess that he would have turned at least 44 years old this year. By any normal measure, Elmo should be a middle-aged man, but lurking in the details of his back story is a fact so bizarre that it strains our most basic assumptions about the universe. Elmo is three and a half years old—and every year, on February 3rd, he turns three and a half again.Why Bitcoin…