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Star Trek spin-off fiction

SDCC 2023—Strange New Worlds Reveals First Star Trek Musical Ep

Screenshot: ParamountNot to be outdone by last year’s Comic-Con announcement that Strange New Worlds would team up with Lower Decks for a crossover episode in season 2, this year the latest Trek series returned to San Diego to go one weirder: the Enterprise is getting downright lyrical.How Has Ortegas Changed and Grown Coming into Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 | io9 InterviewToday Paramount confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con that the upcoming ninth episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ sophomore season would be

Strange New Worlds Free on YouTube

Image: Paramount+Now is the time to catch up on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season one in its entirety—and watch the first episode of the currently airing season two—for free on YouTube.How Has Ortegas Changed and Grown Coming into Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 | io9 InterviewThe Paramount+ exclusive Star Trek series is on YouTube to celebrate the release of season two. The premiere episode, entitled “The Broken Circle,” is currently available to entice new fans into the series—and presumably into becoming

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 1 Streaming Free on YouTube

Image: ParamountWe might be just about ready to return to the U.S.S. Enterprise for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ sophomore season, but if you missed out on the show’s maiden voyage—one of the best TV series on the air last year—then we’ve got good news: the whole season is currently up on YouTube for free.To celebrate Strange New Worlds season two in a few weeks, Paramount has released the first season in its entirety on YouTube to stream for a limited time. The big catch is that while Star Trek presents a future with a

Star Trek Resurgence Game Review: Great Story, Clunky Gameplay

Star Trek has an up and down history with video games moreso than most storied franchises. It’s rare for a singular game to properly capture Star Trek as an experience when, at its best, Star Trek debate, diplomacy, and scientific investigation don’t quite line up with gaming hallmarks. But the adventure game genre is one where Trek has succeeded in the past—and for the most part, Star Trek: Resurgence adds to that history... with some significant caveats.Playing Raffi Throughout Star Trek: PicardOut this week, Star Trek:…

Star Trek Updates on Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Prodigy

Anson Mount as Captain Pike on Star Trek: Strange New WorldsPhoto: Marni Grossman/Paramount+Good news, Star Trek fans—in the broadest sense, because this affects multiple among Paramount+’s current crop of shows. The streamer has just revealedpremiere dates and renewal news for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Star Trek: Lower Decks, and Star: Trek Prodigy.io9 Q Star Trek Phone MessageFirst, new seasons of pre-TOS series Strange New Worlds and animated series Lower Decks will be arriving very soon: Strange New Worlds on

Star Trek Scripted Podcast Will Follow Khan on Ceti Alpha V

Image: Paramount PicturesStar Trek II: The Wrath of Khan came out in 1982. Now, 40 years later, its writer-director, Nicholas Meyer, returns to Star Trek to tell the story of Khan and his followers on Ceti Alpha—before the events of the film—in Star Trek’s first scripted podcast. Meyer announced the podcast alongside Paramount+’s Star Trek Day. Alex Kurtzman, Aaron Baiers, Trevor Roth, and Rod Roddenberry will serve as executive producers.According to a press release, the story will “examine what happened in the years