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Researchers take deep dive into how much water is stored in snow

OSU civil engineering professor David Hill carries a snow coring device uphill near Thompson Pass, Alaska. Credit: Ryan Crumley. A heavy snowpack is fun for skiers and sledders, and it also acts like an open-air storage tank that melts away to provide water for drinking, irrigation and other purposes during dry months. But exactly how much water is

The Android photo picker now shows photos stored in the cloud too

Android 13 introduced a privacy-focused photo picker – instead of granting apps full access to your gallery, it let you select only a few photos (and/or videos) which would be made available to the app. This only worked with files stored locally on your phone, however. Now Google has introduced an update that lets you select files stored on the cloud just as easily. Here’s how that works: This gives you seamless access to photos and videos you have uploaded from other devices. An alternative use case is to move…

How to back up your Mac and keep your files safely stored

We all know we should back up our computers in case something goes wrong, but many people are put off by what seems like a complicated process. Luckily, it’s very easy to back up your Mac, and there are plenty of options open to you, meaning you can find one that suits you best. One of the easiest ways to back up your Mac is to use Time Machine, which is a free backup app that’s included with your Mac. Once you’ve set it up, it will automatically do hourly backups for the last 24 hours, daily backups for the…

Scientist Discover How to Convert CO2 into Powder That Can Be Stored for Decades

December 20, 20234 min readA team of scientists has figured out how to convert planet-warming carbon dioxide into a harmless powdery fuel that could be converted into clean electricityBy John Fialka & E&E News CLIMATEWIRE | A team of scientists from Massachusetts has developed a process to convert one of the world's most threatening planet-warming emissions — carbon dioxide — into a powdery, harmless fuel that could be converted into clean electricity.The breakthrough follows an almost centurylong effort to turn

Former ByteDance exec says China can access TikTok user data, even when it’s stored on US soil

According to the court filings, "Mr. Yu observed that ByteDance has been responsive to the CCP's requests to share information, and even to elevate or remove content at the request of the CCP."Yu alleges that ByteDance promoted content that expressed hatred for Japan, and in 2018, ByteDance demoted content that expressed support for political protests in Hong Kong. Yu alleges this was possible in Hong Kong because the CCP monitored activists' locations via backdoor data access.Also: TikTok gives users another small

How are strings stored in JavaScript ?

In this article, we will try to understand how the Strings are stored in JavaScript. Strings are a primitive data type in JavaScript and are allocated a special place in the memory to store and manipulate. The special place allocated in the memory is known as String Constant Pool. The string constant pool is a small cache that resides within the heap. JavaScript stores all the values inside the string constant pool on direct allocation.In other words, the string constant pool exists mainly to reduce memory usage and…

How are characters stored in JavaScript ?

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Like Article In many languages like C, C++, Java, etc. char is a primitive data type but in JavaScript, there is no special data type to store characters. Internally JavaScript stores characters as String only. In JavaScript, a String of length only is considered a character. Since a character is also a string so character also gets stored in a string constant pool.The string constant pool is a small cache that resides within the heap. JavaScript…

How numbers are stored in JavaScript ?

In this article, we will try to understand how numbers are stored in JavaScript. Like any other programming language, all the data is stored inside the computer in the form of binary numbers 0 and 1. Since computers can only understand and process data in the form of 0’s and 1’s.In JavaScript, there is generally only a Number as a primitive data type but the numbers are of the form Integer and float. So these types come under the Number data type and are internally stored according to their different formats depending…

Digi Yatra Data Stored on Passenger Devices and Not in Centralised Storage, Minister Says

Ministry of Civil Aviation on Thursday clarified that under Digi Yatra, passengers' data are stored in their own devices and not in centralized storage.In the Digi Yatra process, there is no central storage of passengers' Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data, it said.All the passengers' data is encrypted and stored in the wallet of their smartphone. It is shared only between the passenger and the airport of travel origin, where the passenger's Digi Yatra ID needs to be validated. The…

NASA Scientists Map 10 Billion Individual Trees in Africa’s Drylands To Estimate Carbon Stored

In a NASA-led study, scientists mapped almost 10 billion individual trees in semi-arid regions of Africa, such as the one shown here. Credit: Courtesy of Martin Brandt, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkUsing commercial, high-resolution satellite images and artificial intelligence, an international team including <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>NASA</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Established in 1958, the National…