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Restaurants, Grocery Stores Battle Over Consumers’ Stretched Dollars

Restaurants and supermarkets are ramping up competition for Americans’ mealtimes, as consumers gird for a souring economy while food bills continue to rise. Eating at home generally remains cheaper than dining out, with the typical restaurant meal costing 3.4 times as much as meals made using groceries, according to market research firm NPD Group. Inflationary forces that this year have driven up the cost of food, fuel and other necessities have pushed up price tags on grocery-store shelves at a faster clip than those on…

Algae-Powered Soft Devices Glow in the Dark When Squished or Stretched

Because the devices do not need any electronics to light up, they are an excellent choice for developing soft robots that explore the deep sea and other dark areas. Credit: University of California – San DiegoThe devices can be recharged with light.University of California San Diego researchers have created soft devices containing algae that, when subjected to mechanical stress, such as being squeezed, stretched, twisted, or bent, glow in the dark. The devices are perfect for creating soft robots that explore the deep sea…

LG’s latest display can be stretched by 20 percent

LG Disply has developed a 12-inch stretchable display that can be extended in size to 14 inches, the company announced. The displays could one day be used in materials with irregular surfaces like clothes and wearables to display messages on the uniforms of first responders, for example.  Stretchable displays, or free-form displays as LG Display calls them, can be pulled, bent and twisted. They go a step farther than the flexible displays used in Samsung's Galaxy Fold and other smartphones, which can be folded and bent…

World’s Emergency-Lending Capacity Is Getting Stretched as Crises Deepen

WASHINGTON—Rapidly rising interest rates are squeezing the flow of private capital to the world’s poorest countries. The problem is that the preferred alternatives—the International Monetary Fund and World Bank—are getting quickly committed.Lending by the pair has reached a record as they help poor and emerging countries cope with the pandemic, soaring energy costs and the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Government officials gathering in Washington for the two institutions’ annual meetings this week, while…

James Webb Space Telescope: First Three Layers of Solar Shield Deployed, Final Two to Be Stretched Today

NASA engineers have begun a crucial phase in deploying the James Webb Space Telescope. The engineers have started to tighten the tension in its tennis court-sized sunshield. The stretching of the first three layers of the five-layer sunshield was successful and the final two layers will be deployed today, January 4, the space agency said. A successful deployment of all the five layers is critical for the $10-billion (roughly Rs. 74,525 crore) observatory to remain cool enough to be able to do its job. Once fully…

Rapid Pace of U.S. Job Growth Stretched Into April

The U.S. labor market extended a run of rapid job growth last month despite jittery markets and increased economic uncertainty, as employers rushed to serve waves of consumers who are shopping, dining out and traveling more.The economy added 428,000 jobs in April, duplicating March’s increase and marking the 12th straight month of gains above 400,000, the Labor Department said Friday. The unemployment rate remained at 3.6%, just a shade above the prepandemic level of 3.5%, a half-century low.…