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How Susceptible Are You to Misinformation? There’s a Test You Can Take

Many Americans seem to worry that their parents or grandparents will fall for fake news online. But as it turns out, we may be collectively concerned about the wrong generation. Contrary to popular belief, Gen Zers and millennials could be more susceptible to online misinformation than older adults, according to a poll published online on June 29 by the research agency YouGov. What’s more, people who spend more time online had more difficulty distinguishing between real and fake news headlines. “We saw some results that…

Nitin Gadkari: Electric vehicle charging stations susceptible to cyber attacks: Nitin Gadkari

Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari.Electric vehicle charging stations are also susceptible to cyber-attacks and cyber security incidents like any other technological application, Parliament was informed on Thursday. In a written reply to Lok Sabha, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), which is mandated to track and monitor cyber security incidents in India, received reports of vulnerabilities in products and applications related to electric…

People’s trust of ‘fake faces’ could make them more susceptible to fake news and have dire consequences with trust

Only one face in this picture is real—the rest are AI images. Credit: Royal Holloway, University of London Participants in new research conducted by Royal Holloway and the Warburg Institute, both University of London, were likely to trust artificially generated faces, known as generative adversarial network (GAN) faces, than real ones, making them more susceptible to misinformation and creating a cultural visual landscape…

Immune-regulating nanoparticles prevent arthritis in susceptible mice

Autoimmune diseases are a common health problem, and while system-wide immune suppression can help relieve symptoms, this can cause other complications. In a new study, scientists at Scripps Research developed nanoparticles that can selectively target problematic immune cells, to significantly delay and even prevent arthritis in mice.The immune system is the body’s first and strongest line of defense against disease, but it can become a bit overzealous at times and begin attacking healthy cells and tissues. This can…

Why Are Women More Susceptible to Alzheimer’s? Scientists May Finally Have an Answer

Women are about twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as men.Researchers from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have discovered a brain tissue mechanism that might account for the disparity between men and women.Researchers from Case Western Reserve University have discovered a mechanism in brain tissue that may explain why women are more susceptible to <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div…

Dark personality traits make people susceptible to fake news

Würzburg psychologists studied what makes people more susceptible to fake news. Credit: Jan Philipp Rudloff / Unversität Würzburg People who deny the existence of facts believe in fake news more often. People with dark personality traits—those who always put their own benefit first—are particularly often affected.

Consumers are likely to be susceptible to slick graphic design of trading platforms

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain In today's digital society, online investment trading tools have become commonplace. So are user design elements like flashing graphs, zero commission trading, and notifications on mobile devices. But preliminary findings from a new study out of the Lally School of Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute indicate that new investors may be falling prey to these sophisticated elements…

25% of the World’s Internet Users Rely on Infrastructure That Is Susceptible to Attacks

According to a large-scale study conducted by computer scientists, about a quarter of the world’s Internet users live in countries that are more susceptible than previously thought to targeted attacks on their Internet infrastructure.About 25% of the world’s Internet users live in countries that are more vulnerable to targeted attacks on their Internet infrastructure than previously thought. Many of the at-risk countries are located in the Global South, which broadly includes the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa,…