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The Celestial Toymaker

Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Is Finally Joining Magic: The Gathering

Image: Wizards of the CoastA few months ago Wizards’ latest Magic: Universes Beyond release celebrated 60 years of Doctor Who in style, with decks filled with cards from every era of the show... except its then-upcoming present. That’s all changing very soon, thankfully.Today Wizards of the Coast revealed the latest addition to its Secret Lair drop store is a special new Doctor Who 60th anniversary collection, simply titled Regeneration. “We do have a plan ,” Magic: The Gathering Principal Game Designer Gavin Verhey

BBC Reveals Doctor Who Toymaker in New Giggle Clip & Animation

This weekend, Neil Patrick Harris will do battle with the Doctor and Donna Noble in the third and final Doctor Who 60th anniversary special—playing a new version of one of the show’s oldest and most obscure villains. Mostly obscured by the fact the last story they were in aired 57 years ago, and 75% of it is lost to time. That’s about to change though.Zillow Says You’ll Buy Your Next House With… AI? | AI UnlockedIn the run up to this weekend’s episode, “The Giggle,” the BBC has released a new preview clip briefly…