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The Doctor

Doctor Who Reveals David Tennant’s New Sonic Screwdriver

A new incarnation of the Doctor—even if they have a very familiar face—means, inevitably, a new sonic screwdriver for them to wave about the place with reckless Time Lord abandon. David Tennant’s 14th Doctor is no exception, but his updated tool of choice is suitably new and familiar at the same time.Spoilers of the Week: August 12thIn an elaborately staged video released today, the BBC unveiled the design for the Fourteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver, the magical wand-like scanning tool that has long been Doctor Who’s…

Doctor Who’s Ncuti Gatwa on Playing a Black Doctor

Image: Pool / Pool (Getty Images)Ncuti Gatwa’s press campaign for the new season of Doctor Who now includes a in-depth interview with Rolling Stone, where he goes into his personal connections with Doctor Who and how he balances his Black identity with the expectations of fans. Gatwa also reflects on how his childhood shaped his take on the character.Alan Cumming on playing King James in Doctor WhoMuch of the recent storyline for Doctor Who has exploredthe idea that the titular character is the last Time Lord after a war

Captain Janeway Didn’t Deserve Star Trek: Prodigy’s Fate

Paramount’s decision to unceremoniously both renege on its season twogreenlight for Star Trek: Prodigy and completely remove the show from its streaming platform has created a PR nightmare of its own making with many, many layers to it. But amid all the concerns, the thing I keep thinking about is just how rude it is to the legacy of one of Trek’s finest.io9 Q Star Trek Phone MessageThat finest is of course Kate Mulgrew’s Captain (now Admiral) Kathryn Janeway, the Voyager star who in Prodigy connected its young alien

Bonnie Langford Returns as Mel Bush In 2024 Season

Doctor Who usually likes to save its returning stars for anniversary events, but withthe upcoming trilogy of specials to celebrate its blockbuster 60th already jam-packed, now it’s up to Doctor Who’s 14th season to shoulder a few surprise appearances—and its latest certainly is quite the surprise.Spoilers of the Week: July 1stToday the BBC confirmed that Bonnie Langford would reprise her role as Melanie Bush, ‘80s companion to the Sixth and Seventh Doctors, in the next season of the show alongside Ncuti Gatwa’s 15th

David Tennant Stars in 60th Anniversary Specials

Image: BBCNews of David Tennant’s return to Doctor Who as a new-ish version of his old self felt like a big hit at the nostalgic feels for longtime fans. As part of the BBC’s 60th anniversary of the longtime series, he and a similarly returning Catherine Tate as Donna Noble will get into some more time travel shenanigans one last time before Ncuti Gatwa takes over as the new Fifteenth Doctor. Spoilers of the Week: July 1stThat special—or the first installment of it, as it’s a three-parter—won’t be appearing until the

Doctor Who Season 14 Adds Jonathan Groff in Key Mystery Role

Ncuti Gatwa’s debut season of Doctor Who is continuing its big-name casting streak, this time landing Jonathan Groff fresh off Knock at the Cabin for a mystery major role.Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard Nerd Out About Jurassic Park's Returning HeroesAnnounced by the BBC today, details of Groff’s character are currently being kept under wraps. “I am so thrilled to jump into the extraordinary mind of Russell T Davies and watch the incredible Ncuti Gatwa soar in this iconic role,” Groff said of joining the series in a

The Gathering Releases Doctor Who Card Set Details

Image: Wizards of the CoastAs we’ve run out of Doctors, the fourth deck in the series—and the only one to feature Black mana cards, alongside Blue and Red—will cover Doctor Who’s iconic villains, with a focus on the Master, the Daleks, and the Cybermen. Image: Wizards of the CoastAs we’ve run out of Doctors, the fourth deck in the series—and the only one to feature Black mana cards, alongside Blue and Red—will cover Doctor Who’s iconic villains, with a focus on the Master, the Daleks, and the Cybermen. FOLLOW US ON

Quiz—Can You Tell the Difference Between ChatGPT and a Doctor?

Photo: Phonlamai Photo / (Shutterstock)Dr. Robot will see you now. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine Friday suggests that ChatGPT will do a better job at answering emails than your human doctor. The study pulled questions from Reddit’s r/AskDocsand compared real doctors’ answers to responses from the AI. When a panel of medical experts reviewed the results, ChatGPT won in a landslide.The panel preferred ChatGPT’s answers a whopping 79% of the time. They weren’t just higher quality; the AI was

Doctor Who Composer Murray Gold Returns for 60th Anniversary

Russell T. Davies really is bringing everyone back now that he’s in charge of Doctor Who again, apparently.Spoilers of the Week: July 1stToday the BBC confirmed that composer Murray Gold will lead the BBC National Orchestra of Wales in scoring the upcoming trio of special episodes celebrating Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary this November. “I’m so happy to be invited back for another joyful ride in the TARDIS,” Gold said in a statement provided by the BBC. “I didn’t think twice. Working with Russell and his team is just a…

Drag Race’s Jinkx Monsoon Joins Doctor Who in New Role

Image: BBCThe TARDIS has picked up another new star for Doctor Who’s next season: drag star Jinkx Monsoon, who will appear in the upcoming 14th season of the show in what the BBC describes as a “major new role.”Spoilers of the Week: July 1stMonsoon—who has also appeared in Steven Universe, and recently on Broadway as Chicago’s Mama Morton, as well as performing and winning seasons of both Ru Paul’s Drag Race and Drag Race All-Stars—will appear alongside Ncuti Gatwa’s 15th Doctor in the 2024 season of Doctor Who.“In a