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Food giants reap enormous profits during times of crisis

Food and agribusiness billionaires reportedly raised their collective wealth by 42 per cent in the last two years. Credit: Shutterstock A recent report by Oxfam International has found that 62 new "food billionaires" were created during the pandemic. The report, released ahead of this year's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, highlights the record profits made by industry titans.…

Alibaba and Tencent are struggling to grow their cloud businesses after Beijing's tech crackdown and competition from politically…

Financial Times: Alibaba and Tencent are struggling to grow their cloud businesses after Beijing's tech crackdown and competition from politically favored Huawei and others — Chinese tech giants are struggling to grow their cloud businesses as Beijing favours state vendors Financial Times: Alibaba and Tencent are struggling to grow their cloud businesses after Beijing's tech crackdown and competition from politically favored Huawei and others — Chinese tech giants are struggling…

A Rogue Black Hole Roaming Our Galaxy May Have Just Been Confirmed

The first detection of what appears to be a rogue black hole drifting through the Milky Way, revealed earlier this year, just got important validation.A second team of scientists, conducting a separate, independent analysis, has reached almost the same finding, adding weight to the idea that we've potentially identified a rogue black hole wandering the galaxy.  Led by astronomers Casey Lam and Jessica Lu of the University of California, Berkeley, the new work has arrived at a slightly different conclusion, however. Given…

Bumble is pushing for legislation across several US states that penalizes "cyberflashing", the act of sending unwanted sexual…

Valeriya Safronova / New York Times: Bumble is pushing for legislation across several US states that penalizes “cyberflashing”, the act of sending unwanted sexual images to another person online — Payton Iheme, the head of public policy for Bumble in the Americas, is working to advance legislation that penalizes the act of sending unwanted sexual images. Valeriya Safronova / New York Times: Bumble is pushing for legislation across several US states that penalizes…

Using PCA to Reduce Number of Parameters in a Neural Network by 30x Times | by Rukshan Pramoditha | Jun, 2022

While still getting even better performance! — Neural Networks and Deep Learning Course: Part 17Original photo by MagicPattern on Unsplash, edited by authorIn the previous article, we created a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier model to identify handwritten digits.We used two hidden layers with 256 neurons for the network architecture. Even with such a small network, we got 269,322 total parameters (weights and bias terms). The main reason for getting such a big number of parameters for the network is the large size…

Canada to Suspend Random COVID-19 Testing till July to Reduce Airport Wait Times

Image for representation. (File photo/News18)The random testing will be discontinued from Saturday and will resume "off-site" on July 1, the statement said.Reuters Last Updated:June 11, 2022, 14:25 ISTFOLLOW US ON:Canada is suspending random COVID-19 testing at all its airports for the rest of June to ease the long wait times that travelers have encountered in recent weeks, a government statement said on Friday. The random testing will be discontinued from Saturday and will resume “off-site” on July 1, the statement said.…

New Device Can Filter Saltwater 1000 Times Faster Than Existing Methods: Research

In what could mark a major step toward solving the problem of freshwater scarcity, scientists have developed a device that filters saltwater a thousand times faster than conventionally used devices. On the industrial scale, seawater is made fit for drinking through the desalination process. It includes removing salt to produce fresh water that is further processed in plants and used for drinking or irrigation. In a recent study, Scientists devised a new method to purify saline water in a faster and more effective…

Recruiters say hiring in some tech sectors is holding firm; US developer job postings are up 120% on an early 2020…

Dave Lee / Financial Times: Recruiters say hiring in some tech sectors is holding firm; US developer job postings are up 120% on an early 2020 pre-coronavirus pandemic baseline — Despite job cuts and slowing growth in some parts of the sector, recruiters say others are holding firm Dave Lee / Financial Times: Recruiters say hiring in some tech sectors is holding firm; US developer job postings are up 120% on an early 2020 pre-coronavirus pandemic baseline …

New Device Purifies Saltwater Over a 1000 Times Faster Than Standard Industrial Equipment

A new study, published in Science on May 12th, 2022, found a new method to purify water that is 2400 times faster than even experimental carbon nanotube-based desalination devices.The future of desalination: Using a Teflon-like membrane to purify waterWater scarcity is a growing problem around the globe. In Africa alone, it is estimated that about 230 million people will face water shortages by 2025, with up to 460 million living in water-stressed regions.Water covers 70% of Earth, so it is easy to assume that it will…

Palantir is preparing to bid on a £360M contract to underpin UK NHS' operations, to be awarded in November; Palantir employs…

Financial Times: Palantir is preparing to bid on a £360M contract to underpin UK NHS' operations, to be awarded in November; Palantir employs 600 in the UK and plans to add 250 — US data analytics group hires health service executives in bid to secure £360mn contract Financial Times: Palantir is preparing to bid on a £360M contract to underpin UK NHS' operations, to be awarded in November; Palantir employs 600 in the UK and plans to add 250 — US data analytics…