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This Comic Artist Has A Knack For Surprising People With Twisted Endings (41 New Pics)

Ryan Pagelow stands out as a unique voice in the world of webcomics, particularly through his creation series, Buni comics. His work is a good blend of cute visuals and dark humor, often featuring animals, vegetables, fruits, and more in scenarios that start off seemingly innocent but take unexpected and humorous twists.Pagelow's approach to storytelling is especially notable for its reliance on visuals rather than text, making his comics accessible and relatable across language barriers. With a commitment to exploring…

If You Have A Twisted Sense Of Humor, You Might Like Comics By Ben Zaehringer (New Pics)

Weekly The week’s finest content carefully selected to bring you the best articles directly Daily Our top news, meme articles, and a dose of the best content delivered straight to your inbox. Funny The funniest articles of the week that had our audience in stitches Animals A delightful mix of top animal photos, memes, and a sprinkle of pet wellness articles Good News A dose of uplifting news delivered directly to your inbox. Pure positivity guaranteed Best Deals Exclusive…

47 Dark And Quirky Comics With Twisted Endings By This Artist

It’s time to kick off this new week with a big dose of good, yet slightly dark humor. This is brought to you by Daniel Scully and his hilarious comic series ‘The Mealstorm’. It’s a great escape for those whose occupation demands formality and prohibits the slipping of any silly jokes while dealing with day-to-day tasks. Good news for you folks: just take a break, relax, and enjoy this funny ride as we dive into the strips we've selected for you today.The cartoonist shared with us the background of him becoming a…

Some Babies Are Born With Twisted Insides, And We May Finally Know Why : ScienceAlert

Scientists have identified a possible cause for intestinal malrotation; a common but poorly understood condition present at birth in which the gut doesn't rotate properly during development.US researchers found that exposure to the herbicide atrazine can disrupt gut rotation development in frog embryos, whose guts develop similarly to humans."Our results have provided new avenues to explore the underlying causes of this prevalent birth anomaly," says molecular biomedical scientist Nanette Nascone-Yoder from North…

Lisa Frankenstein Review: Diablo Cody’s Return To Horror Is A Fun, Twisted Romance For Emo Kids

“Hell is a teenage girl.” Those now famous words were written by Diablo Cody and were the first words to be spoken in the 2009 movie Jennifer’s Body, starring Megan Fox. Fifteen years later, Cody has returned to the horror genre for the first time since then with Lisa Frankenstein, and those words still ring true for a new blood-soaked protagonist. But this time, Hell is a teenage boy, too… especially when it comes to one from Victorian times literally rising from the grave to help one teenage girl exact revenge on those…

25 Hilariously Ironic Comics, Perfect For Those With A Twisted Sense Of Humor (New Pics)

Do we have any fans of inappropriate jokes and dark humor out there? On the one hand, this kind of humor induces an awkward feeling of guilt while laughing, and on the other, brings a pure sensation of joy. Well, you might have stumbled upon the perfect post to scroll through for a while. The "Arcade Rage" comic is back on Bored Panda. For those who want to see our previous features of this dark series, make sure to check them out.To provide you with a better understanding of what you're about to experience, let's…

Artist Blends Twisted Humor And Uncanny Illustrations In Unique Comics (58 New Pics)

Prepare yourselves for another dive into the delightfully twisted world of Alex Gamsu Jenkins' comics! If you thought you'd seen it all, think again. Alex's unique blend of twisted humor and uncanny illustrations takes center stage once more, promising a fresh dose of the unexpected. Alex is a London-based illustrator whose talent for satire pushes the boundaries of conventional comic art. As you scroll down, buckle up for a rollercoaster of absurdity, humor, and jaw-dropping creativity!More info: Instagram | Facebook |…

‘The Last of Us’ to ‘Twisted Metal’

From Emmy-nominated zombie dramas to billion-dollar children’s blockbusters, these are the adaptations that elevated gaming’s Hollywood presence in 2023 In the past, when you’d think of “video game movies,” your mind likely shuddered at the thought of John Leguizamo’s cringey slapstick in 1993’s Super Mario Bros. or Raul Julia’s scenery-chewing final role as M. Bison in the disastrous Street Fighter. Over the last thirty-odd years, Hollywood has floundered in their attempts to

If You Are A Fan Of Dark Humor, You Might Enjoy These Twisted Comics By “Bathpoopoo” (30 New Pics)

Bathpoopoo, a 30-year-old Singaporean artist known for his edgy and humorously twisted comics, has captivated an audience of over 15.6K followers. While his real name remains a secret, his work speaks volumes, attracting attention with its unique blend of dark comedy and unexpected endings.His Instagram bio humorously 'claims' Barack Obama 'called' his comics the "most messed up ever". Besides his comedic talent, Bathpoopoo is also recognized for his spine-chilling spooky stories and comics which usually add another…

Twisted Metal Will Ride Again for Season 2

Image: PeacockA lot happened this summer, so it’s easy to forget that Twisted Metal aired on Peacock over the summer. Based on the now classic car combat PlayStation series, the show got decent reviews and was nominated at the recent Game Awards for Best Adaptation. Ultimately it lost out to—and got overshadowed by—HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us, but it sounds like it was overall good, disposable fun on a weekly basis. Zillow Says You’ll Buy Your Next House With… AI? | AI UnlockedFans of the show will be pleased to