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The first iPhone didn’t have copy and paste for a reason we can all understand

One of the original creators of Apple's iPhone has revealed that the first device didn't feature cut or copy and paste because he simply didn't have enough time to make it. Ken Kocienda took to Twitter this week to reveal some tidbits of inside information about the process that went into designing and creating the first iPhone. While the first iPhone was revolutionary in many ways thanks to its multi-touch touchscreen and more, one key feature it was missing was cut, copy and paste. Turns out Ken simply had too much on…

Do shared life experiences make it harder to understand others?

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Understanding each other's thoughts and feelings is a vital component of successful relationships. For example, when we're discussing emotional or stressful situations with other people, our intuition may tell us that someone who has gone through a similar experience is better at understanding what we're going through. But a new study, led by Annenberg School for Communication's Yoona Kang,…

Can computers understand complex words and concepts? Yes, according to research

A depiction of semantic projection, which can determine the similarity between two words in a specific context. This grid shows how similar certain animals are based on their size. Credit: Idan Blank/UCLA In "Through the Looking Glass," Humpty Dumpty says scornfully, "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." Alice replies, "The question is whether you can make words mean so many…

Want to Understand Delusions? Listen to the People Who Have Them

For the first decades of Sohee Park’s career in schizophrenia research, she rarely stopped to consider what life was like for her research subjects. Now a professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University, Park made a name for herself by studying working memory—the quick, scratch-pad-like memory that helps us keep track of what we’re doing. By using simple tasks to deconstruct the workings of the schizophrenic brain, Park hoped to puzzle out the underlying causes of the condition’s reality-bending symptoms—like delusions,…

Platinum Party at the Palace review – you can understand why the Queen didn’t turn up | Music

The last time the exterior of Buckingham Palace and the Mall was turned into a concert venue – for the Gary Barlow-curated diamond jubilee celebration in 2012 – the Queen arrived midway through: a canny bit of timing that meant she go there in time for Kylie, Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney but missed Jessie J, as well as Gary Barlow and Cheryl Tweedy’s unprovoked assault on Lady Antebellum’s Need You Know.This time, she gamely took part in a sketch with Paddington Bear, tapping out the rhythm of Queen’s We Will Rock You…

How digital twins help us understand tomorrow’s tech and infrastructure

A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real system – a building, the power grid, a city, even a human being – that mimics the characteristics of the system. A digital twin is more than just a computer model, however. It receives data from sensors in the real system to constantly parallel the system’s state. A digital twin helps people analyze and predict a system’s behavior under different conditions. The systems being twinned are typically very complex and require significant effort…

Manta, which offers a data lineage service that helps companies understand and visualize the flow of information, raises a $35M Series B led…

Paul Sawers / VentureBeat: Manta, which offers a data lineage service that helps companies understand and visualize the flow of information, raises a $35M Series B led by Forestay Capital — Manta, a date lineage platform that helps enterprises understand and visualize the flow of information through the organization … Paul Sawers / VentureBeat: Manta, which offers a data lineage service that helps companies understand and visualize the flow of information, raises a $35M Series B led by…

Meta Redesigns Privacy Policy To Make It Easy To Understand For Users

After Twitter, Facebook parent company Meta Platforms has “re-written and redesigned" the privacy policy, earlier known as data policy, to make it simple and easy to comprehend for lay users. Meta said the privacy policy now has shorter sentences, simple language, and “more detailed explanations" on how the social media network is using and sharing information with third parties. The redesign does not change any of the social network’s existing data collection and sharing practices,…

Find the order of ARIMA models. Understand and find the best parameters… | by Betty LD | May, 2022

Understand and find the best parameters for your time-series basic modelingImage by @m_____meARIMA is one of the best models to start a univariate time series experiment. It delivers state-of-the-art performances, especially in the case of small datasets, where deep learning models are not yet at their best.It is a simple, interpretable model but ARIMA is a parametric model. That means that it requires setting specific parameters before fitting the model. Indeed the Autoregressive, the Moving Average, and the stationarity…