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Create Climate Stripes Visualization with Python

A quick Matplotlib tutorial to build a remarkable visualizationGlobal Temperature Change (1850–2022) — Image by Author — Idea by Ed HawkinsClimate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. To help raise awareness and communicate the urgency of the problem, scientists and data analysts have developed a variety of ways to visualize climate data. One particularly effective method is the “climate stripes” visualization, first popularized by Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist at the University of Reading. In this…

Predicting the Future of Data Science

Data Science aids in extracting insights and knowledge from data that can be used to optimize decision-making and streamline business processes. In addition, it is used to make predictions about future trends and patterns in data and identify new opportunities and areas for growth. The domain also has countless applications across multiple industries and is called the sexiest job of the century. As the demand for skilled data science professionals grows, the future of data science looks bright. Data science has become an…

Become Fluent in Python Decorators via Visualization | by Chengzhi Zhao | Jan, 2023

Comprehend Python Decorators By VisualizationPhoto by Huyen Bui on UnsplashPython decorator is syntactic sugar. You can achieve everything without explicitly using the decorator. However, Using the decorator can help your code be more concise and readable. Ultimately, you write fewer lines of code by leveraging Python decorators.Nevertheless, Python decorator isn't a trivial concept to comprehend. Understanding Python decorators requires building blocks, including closure, function as an object, and deep knowledge of how…

Visualization Module in Arabica Speeds Up Text Data Exploration | by Petr Korab | Jan, 2023

Arabica now offers unigram, bigram, and trigram word cloud, heatmap, and line chart to further accelerate time-series text data analysisFigure 1. Bigram word cloud, image by author.Arabica is a python library for exploratory text data analysis focusing on text from a time-series perspective. It reflects the empirical reality that many text datasets are collected as repeated observations over time. Time series text data include newspaper article headlines, research article abstracts and metadata, product reviews, social…

The Soul of Blackleaf brings analog visualization to your music experience • TechCrunch

File this one under style over substance, but damn if these speakers don’t pack a whole lot of style into a small container. Under the amazing name Soul of Blackleaf, these stylish speakers use a magnetic fluid to visualize your music as its plays. “This basically a Bluetooth speaker that we combined with the visual effects. We have our own patented sound detection technology, and every time you play a song, we create patterns based on the music. It is customized every time, giving a different…

Interactive Geospatial Visualization with Shape Map Visual in PowerBI | by Jin Cui | Dec, 2022

A step-by-step guide/demonstration using public income and digital boundaries dataImage by authorPowerBI is a popular business intelligence reporting tool for most companies. In addition to the common use case of visualizing structured tabular data, it’s also able to read in geospatial data and turn them into interactive visualizations where reference layers such as average income for a particular region can be added to understand potential demographic patterns and relationships.Digital boundaries divide maps into…

Intermediate Guideline to Data Visualization

Interesting Data Visualization with Python: Standard GuidelinePhoto by aisvri on UnsplashMotivation“Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on you to give them a clear and convincing voice” ―Stephen Few.Without visualization, data is a collection of some numerical or categorical values. Proper visualization paves the way to finding valuable information. The more soothing the visualization, the more people will grasp the information.Most of us are familiar with common plots like scatter plots, bar charts, pie…

Basic Guide to Data Visualization for Data Science

Basic Data Visualization at a Glance: Standard GuidelinePhoto by Myriam Jessier on UnsplashMotivationEvery day we produce a huge amount of data. A survey suggests that the world produces at least 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day, and it’s increasing exponentially . But what can we do with this colossal amount of data unless we get insights into the data? Data turns into beauty when it is visualized.If we call back to early 2020, the world was hit by COVID-19, which turned into a pandemic. We kept an eye on the…

Mito: One of the Best Python Libraries For Data Visualization | by Ismael Araujo | Dec, 2022

PYTHONLet’s explore one of the coolest Python libraries for data analysisImage by Chase Chappell from UnsplashA few months ago, I wrote a blog about Mito, a handy Python library with a graphic user interface (GUI), turning data analysis just as easy as working with Microsoft Excel. For those who are learning Python or work with it daily, it’s a helpful tool. However, in my first blog, I mainly focused on how to accomplish data analysis, data cleaning, data modification tasks, etc. Now, it’s time to go over one of the…

New visualization tool helps weather forecasters and researchers more easily identify and study bands of heavy snow

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Predicting snowfall from winter storms is tricky, in no small part because heavy snow and regions of mixed precipitation look very similar in weather radar imagery. Mixed precipitation falls as a blend of rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow and can be mistaken for heavy snow on radar imagery, while translating to less snow accumulation on the ground.