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Stack Overflow CTO: From bootstrapped to scaling one of the Web’s biggest properties

"Software-as-a-service is all about the long tail," says Bailey, meaning, you can just keep adding more customers to it, and economically so, if you can really nail down the most efficient use of the public cloud. "There's just the economies of scale that come from being able to even offer that solution to some of the enterprise customers that maybe, you know, wouldn't require that dedicated instance." Stack Overflow"The big thing, my perspective on StackOverflow is, it's really shifted over the past couple of

Even Spiderwebs Are Now Hosting The Most Pervasive Plastic Pollution

If microplastics have boundaries, we don't yet know what they are. We seem to find this microscopic trash everywhere we look, from the bottom of the ocean to Earth's highest peak.  We're starting to figure out why. Beyond all the disturbing discoveries of microplastics turning up inside our bodies, we now know these tiny fragments can travel in the air, floating through the atmosphere, at least until they get stopped by something.In a new study, scientists made use of an ingenious method for tracking this insidious air…

Catching microplastics with spider webs

Oldenburg researchers study spider webs to track plastic particles in the air. Credit: University of Oldenburg/Daniel Schmidt Flies, mosquitoes, dust and even microplastics—spider webs capture whatever travels through the air. Researchers at the university have now for the first time tested if they can get an overview of plastic particles in the air by examining the eight-legged creatures' catch.…