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Man Wonders If He Would Be Wrong To Dump His GF Because Her Weight Gain Grosses Him Out

Relationships ultimately require open and honest communication, but that’s easier said than done. After all, it can be hard to talk about someone’s faults and even harder to admit your own. For better or worse, telling the truth can make or break a relationship. But certain topics are often a lot more touchy than others.A man wondered if he was wrong for wanting to leave his girlfriend after she started to gain weight and didn’t want to do anything about it. OP later shared an update about what happened and netizens…

Teen Wonders If She’s Wrong For Refusing To Babysit For Mom Who Took Advantage Of Her Last Time

Babysitting is often one of the first jobs a teenager can have. It provides the teen with flexible hours and a way to make money without having to commit to a company, and it allows parents an opportunity to go out for date night or have some time away from their little ones without needing to coordinate with a friend or family member.But just because babysitting can benefit both families and sitters doesn’t mean teens are immune to being taken advantage of. Below, you’ll find a story that was recently shared on Reddit,…

Hubble Transforms Invisible Infrared Mysteries Into Visual Wonders

The Hubble Telescope provides a stunning view of the star-forming region IRAS 16562-3959, offering insights into the formation of massive stars within the Milky Way. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Fedriani, J. TanHubble’s latest image reveals the colorful and dynamic star-forming region IRAS 16562-3959, showcasing the combination of technology and artistry in astronomy.If the Hubble Picture of the Week from two weeks ago was somewhat dim and subtle in appearance, then this week’s image is a veritable riot of color and…

Stepdad Refuses To Raise Wife’s Kids When She Passes Away, Wonders If He’s In The Wrong

Becoming a single parent after the loss of your spouse is a huge adjustment. Reddit user Pitiful_Shopping_818 tried his best to be a good dad while his heart was breaking but eventually, raising 4 children on his own proved too difficult for him to handle.This was mainly due to the problems that his two step teenagers were creating. In a post on the subreddit ‘Am I the ‘, the widower explained that it had gotten so bad that he felt like he had to drop them off at his in-laws’ so that he could focus on his own 2 young…

Android 15’s easy pre-set mode could do wonders for old-timers

Smartphones have improved a lot in the last ten years. If you compare one of the new mid-priced phones to a ten-year-old mid-budget PC, the phone can manage memory better. The software is also improving, and companies are always trying to make better hardware to handle it. We’re transitioning into an era where everything is getting smarter. But some people, like our grandparents or those who aren’t good with technology, might find it hard to use these phones. For example, my grandfather prefers using navigation buttons…

The Newest Obesity Drug Might Do Wonders for Blood Pressure, Too

The newest obesity drug on the market, Eli Lilly’s tirzepatide, may also help keep people’s blood pressure in check, new research out Monday has shown. The study looked at clinical trial participants and found that people taking it experienced a drop in their systolic blood pressure on average compared to a placebo group over a six-month span. The research is the latest to indicate that a new group of obesity drugs can offer health benefits beyond weight loss.Alex Winter on Innovative Horror Movies Tirzepatide, developed…

Netflix Co-CEO Calls Vision Pro ‘Subscale’ and Wonders if Anybody Would Actually Use It

Netflix is on everything. It’s on your phone, computer, and game console, going all the way back to the Nintendo Wii. Hell, you can get your Netflix fix on a Peloton if you really need to work off the vicarious carbo loads of Paul Hollywood while watching the latest season of The Great British Bake Off. One place where Netflix won’t be is Apple’s upcoming Vision Pro VR headset. Why isn’t Netflix planning an app for what is Apple’s big $3,500 gamble on the future of augmented reality? According to co-CEO Greg Peters, it’s…

Shiyu Site Unveils 45,000-Year-Old Technological Wonders

Reconstruction of Shiyu “horse-hunters.” Credit: Xiaocong GuoResearchers uncover evidence of advanced material culture from 45,000 years ago in East Asia, highlighting sophisticated toolmaking and cultural practices of early Homo sapiens.A team of researchers from China, Australia, France, Spain, and Germany has revealed advanced material culture in East Asia by 45,000 years ago.The new study will be published today (January 18) in Nature Ecology & Evolution.The researchers examined a previously excavated…

An L.A. institution closes its doors, and Lawrence Tolliver wonders what’s next

Lawrence Tolliver wasn’t ready to say goodbye, but circumstances were beyond his control, and the timing was downright cruel.The South Los Angeles building that housed Tolliver’s Barber Shop was being sold, and the new owner had different plans for the space. Early in December, the same month a documentary on his legendary shop was set to premiere, Tolliver found out he’d have to move out by Christmas.“On to the next,” he said one day, trying to stay positive. He told me he had read a column of mine in which the late…

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by Bettany Hughes review – wonder lust | History books

The phrase “seven wonders of the ancient world” is enough to make your heart sink. There is something so fly-blown about the notion of an archaeological greatest hits – all tourist buses, bossy tour guides and dodgy air conditioning. Bettany Hughes, however, is on a mission to re-enchant us with what she calls seven “test cases of the human imagination”, from the Great Pyramid at Giza to the Colossus of Rhodes by way of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. “I have travelled as the ancients did by land and sea to explore…