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New ‘Exercise Pill’ Could Induce Fitness Benefits Without Exercise : ScienceAlert

Scientists in the US claim to have boiled down some of the health benefits of exercise into a swallowable pill.The novel drug is in the very early stages of development, but in initial experiments on rodents, the medicine appears to tap into a natural metabolic pathway usually triggered by exercise. When administered to mice daily, the drug, called SLU-PP-332, seems to improve muscle function, fitness, and endurance – all without the animals having to move more than they're used to. Presenting the latest results at the…

Intermittent Fasting Linked to a 91% Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Death

Recent research presented at the American Heart Association’s 2024 sessions found that individuals adhering to an 8-hour time-restricted eating plan had a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to those eating over longer periods.Research Highlights:A study of over 20,000 adults found that those who followed an 8-hour time-restricted eating schedule, a type of intermittent fasting, had a 91% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease.People with heart disease or cancer also had an increased…

Scientists Reveal a Healthier Way to Cook Broccoli – But There’s a Catch : ScienceAlert

In recent years, broccoli has gained a reputation as an excellent vegetable due to its high levels of a particularly beneficial compound called sulforaphane.With some early-stage studies showing how this compound plays a role in blood sugar control and potentially even has anti-cancer benefits, it's no wonder that broccoli pills are on the rise. However, a 2011 study showed that eating the whole vegetable gets you more sulforaphane than taking a supplement – so a team of Chinese researchers decided to try and find the…

Princeton Scientists Discover Exotic Quantum Interference Effect in a Topological Insulator Device

A schematic representation of quantum interference of the topological motion of electrons along the symmetry-allowed sample hinges. Credit: Shafayat Hossain, postdoctoral research associate in the Zahid Hasan group at Princeton UniversityNew research expands opportunities for advancements in quantum physics and spintronics.In a novel experiment, physicists have observed long-range quantum coherence effects due to Aharonov-Bohm interference in a topological insulator-based device. This finding opens up a new realm of…

MIT Economists Reveal How To Outsmart the Winner’s Curse

MIT economists analyzed the “winner’s curse” in job-training and housing voucher programs, introducing analytical tools to improve policy evaluation accuracy. Their work highlights the complexities of replicating initial successes and underscores the importance of sound evidence in decision-making. Credit: SciTechDaily.comWhen interventions or policies perform well in studies, they may disappoint later on. An MIT economist’s tools can help planners recognize this trap.Back in the 1980s, researchers tested a job-training…

Breakthrough Study Discovers Ancient Mantle Flow Beneath Philippine Sea Plate

A collaborative study by Chinese and Japanese scientists has uncovered evidence of ancient lower mantle flow fields beneath the Philippine Sea Plate, offering new insights into the Earth’s deep interior dynamics and the widespread presence of seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle.Scientists from China and Japan have identified unique features of the flow field in the lower mantle. Through their study of seismic anisotropy in the upper section of the lower mantle beneath the Philippine Sea Plate, they discovered that the…

Dog-Killing Parasite Discovered in Southern California

UC Riverside scientists have discovered the potentially fatal liver fluke parasite, Heterobilharzia americana, in the Colorado River in California, a first for the region. Originating from research on local canine infections, the finding highlights the unexpected presence of parasite-carrying snails. Dog owners are urged to be cautious and watch for symptoms of infection. While the parasite can cause swimmer’s itch in humans, it poses no significant health risk and is unlikely to contaminate drinking water due to…

COVID-19 Vaccination’s Timing Linked to Menstrual Cycle Changes

A study by Oregon Health & Science University shows that COVID-19 vaccination timing can slightly and temporarily alter menstrual cycle length, especially when given in the cycle’s first half. These findings aim to reassure and inform about minor changes, highlighting the need for more research on menstruation’s significance for health and fertility.However, the findings present no cause for alarm and are an important step in understanding the vaccine’s overall impact on health.Researchers at Oregon Health &…

Scientists Discover Nightmarish New Species of Marine Lizard With Dagger-Like Teeth

Researchers have discovered a new species of marine lizard, Khinjaria acuta, from the late Cretaceous period, showcasing the diversity of marine ecosystems before the dinosaur extinction. This species, part of the mosasaur family, highlights a time when the oceans teemed with a variety of giant predators, unlike today’s ecosystems dominated by a few apex predators. Credit: Andrey AtuchinSixty-six million years ago, the oceans were full of large apex predators, unlike now.Paleontologists have discovered a strange new…

Webb’s “Astonishing Discovery” of Huge Black Holes in Early Universe – “Thought To Be Impossible”

The transition in star formation rates and black hole growth as redshift decreases from regimes where positive feedback dominates to a later epoch when feedback is largely negative. CreditSteven Burrows, Rosemary Wyse, and Mitch BegelmanThe James Webb Space Telescope’s discovery of early galaxies with massive black holes challenges traditional galaxy formation theories, proposing a synchronous development of black holes and stars, a finding that could reshape our understanding of cosmic evolution.Astronomers have long…