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Enhancing Collaboration of DataOps With Git

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Recently, ChatGPT has gained popularity, sparking a wave of enthusiasm for large-scale model products. As a result, major companies have been introducing or planning to launch their own large-scale model products. As someone who witnessed the previous AI wave, I have been thrilled because I have always hoped that AI could intelligently handle complex data governance tasks, freeing data professionals from cumbersome data operations.

DataOps is an agile data management methodology that accelerates the entire data collaboration process by automating workflows, standardizing processes, and promoting collaboration and monitoring. It aims to improve data quality, data security, and the management and utilization of data resources, resulting in higher efficiency and better business performance.

DataOps encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among data, algorithms, and business teams, fostering a data-driven decision-making mindset. In addition, it facilitates communication and collaboration between these teams, which traditionally took considerable time and effort (OpenAI mentioned in a public video that it took them two years to enable collaboration between their algorithm and engineering teams). The ultimate goal is to cultivate better data and AI-driven decision-making.

DataOps help enterprises adapt to rapidly changing business requirements. It emphasizes agility and scalability in processes, enabling faster response to business and demand changes, thus enhancing competitiveness and flexibility.

Furthermore, DataOps strengthens data security and compliance. It emphasizes data traceability, allowing organizations to manage better and control data access and usage, ensuring data security and compliance, and mitigating the risks of data leakage and unauthorized use.

In the field of AI and machine learning, data serves as the foundation for training and testing models, and the quality and processing of data have a significant impact on the performance and accuracy of large-scale models. Let’s explore the specific significance of DataOps for large-scale models:

Data Collaboration and Sharing

Large-scale models require a substantial amount of data for training, which often comes from diverse sources with different formats. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate and collaborate on data to facilitate model training and optimization. DataOps enables data collaboration and sharing by establishing data pipelines and other mechanisms, improving the efficiency and accuracy of large-scale model training.

Data Quality Management

DataOps helps organizations achieve quality management of training data, ensuring data reliability, consistency, and integrity. Through DataOps, standardized tools and processes can be used to automatically monitor data quality, detect and resolve data quality issues, and provide repeatable processes for data cleansing, transformation, and integration.

Data Security and Compliance

DataOps assists organizations in ensuring data security and compliance. Through standardized processes and monitoring, data security and confidentiality can be ensured while complying with regulations and industry standards. Additionally, DataOps helps identify and address data risks, protecting the interests of enterprises and customers.

Large-Scale Model Lifecycle Management

The development and management of large-scale models require collaboration between algorithm teams and engineering teams. DataOps helps organizations manage the entire lifecycle of large-scale models, from development and testing to deployment and maintenance. Through standardized processes and tools, it ensures the repeatability and consistency of model development and testing and the management of version control and deployment. This facilitates better management and utilization of machine learning models, improving their performance and reliability. In addition, automating the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of models enhances their operational efficiency and stability, reducing operational costs and risks.

Moreover, large-scale models need to be continuously optimized and updated to adapt to evolving data and requirements. DataOps facilitates model iteration and updates by establishing workflow update mechanisms, enhancing the accuracy and performance of the models, and driving business development and innovation.

Now that we have discussed the value of DataOps let’s delve into the central focus of this article—Git. Git’s powerful version control and collaboration capabilities have made it an indispensable tool for data scientists and engineers. Millions of developers worldwide use Git for development collaboration. It effectively manages process code and configuration files in data pipelines.

How To Use Git to Enhance DataOps Efficiency

In this article, I will share how Git can be used to improve DataOps efficiency, focusing on the following aspects:

Version Control of Code and Configuration Files

Using Git to version control code and configuration files is a wise decision. In data and AI projects, code and configuration files for data processing or algorithm training often undergo continuous changes over time. Git allows tracking changes to each file, ensuring version control of code and configuration files. This enables team members to easily access previous versions, understand the history and changes of the code, and revert to previous versions when needed. In DataOps, version-controlling code and configuration files with Git are particularly important as they directly impact the execution and output of training iterations.

Development With Git Branches

Using Git branches in DataOps allows for more efficient development. Branches enable team members to work on independent branches without affecting the code on the main branch. This enables team members to freely experiment and make changes without disrupting the main codebase. Once development is complete, branches can be merged back into the main branch. This approach makes it easier for multiple people to work on different features simultaneously.

Automated Deployment

Integrating automated deployment with Git significantly improves DataOps efficiency. By using Git hooks, code and configuration files can be deployed automatically. For example, when a team member pushes code to the main branch, it can be automatically deployed to the production environment and undergo automated testing. This eliminates the need for manual code deployment and reduces the interaction time between development and operations teams.

Collaborating With Git

Git is a collaboration tool that facilitates teamwork. In DataOps, using Git for collaboration makes it easier for multiple team members to work on the same pipeline. Team members can use Git for collaboration, exchanging and reviewing each other’s changes, and providing feedback. This greatly improves code quality and team efficiency.

Git Commit Messages

Writing meaningful Git commit messages can significantly enhance DataOps efficiency. When committing code, it is essential to write clear, concise, and meaningful commit messages. This allows other team members to better understand code changes and quickly revert erroneous changes. Therefore, including detailed explanations and descriptions in commit messages is a good practice.

After discussing the significance of Git, let’s now explore its practical application in DataOps. But before we dive into using Git for DataOps in practice, let’s introduce some basic Git concepts and common operations to familiarize everyone with the terminology.

Basic Concepts and Operations of Git

Before delving into how Git can be applied in DataOps, let’s briefly review the basic concepts and operations of Git.

Git Basic Concepts

  • Repository: The storage space for a project containing all the files and historical records of the project.
  • Working Directory: The local copy of project files used for editing and modifications.
  • Staging Area: Used to temporarily store modified files waiting to be committed to the repository.
  • Commit: Updates the repository with files from the staging area, creating a new version.
  • Branch: Enables parallel development within the same repository without affecting other branches.
  • Merge: Integrates changes from different branches.
  • Clone: Copies a remote repository to the local environment.
  • Pull: Fetches updates from the remote repository and merges them into the local repository.
  • Push: Pushes local repository updates to the remote repository.
  • Commit: Commits changes to the local repository.
  • Branch Management: Creates, switches, merges, and deletes branches.

Common Git Operations

Now that we have covered the basics let’s move on to applying Git in DataOps. First, we will explore an example of integrating Git with WhaleScheduler, the enterprise edition of Apache DolphinScheduler, to achieve efficient collaboration and workflow, providing comprehensive enterprise-level data and AI task processing orchestration, permission security protection, dynamic scaling, complete task lifecycle management, security vulnerability fixes, and full-stack support for creativity.

In this practical example, we will create a DataOps project that utilizes WhaleScheduler as the workflow scheduling platform and Git for team collaboration.

  1. Create a Git Repository: First, create a new repository on a Git platform such as GitHub or GitLab. Then, add team members to the repository so they can contribute code and collaborate.
  2. Initialize Git Integration Configuration
  3. Use Git Flow Branching Strategy: Implement the Git Flow branching strategy to enable parallel work and maintain code quality. Create a branch called “dev-wjp” as the main development branch. Team members can develop this branch or create other branches.

The project lists for each branch are different. The “Pull” and “Push” buttons on the right allow pulling and pushing updates. “Pull” fetches branch content from the Git remote, and if there are conflicts, a prompt will appear, allowing the choice to overwrite or ignore.

  • Develop Workflows and Commit Changes
  • Code Review and Merge: In the merge request, team members can review changes, provide suggestions, and request modifications. After the review is complete, merge the feature branch back into the main branch, such as the “develop” branch. This ensures the quality of the workflow and encourages sharing through team member reviews.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: Use CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, or GitHub CI/CD to automate testing and deployment processes. Configure the CI/CD tool to automatically run tests when code changes are pushed to the Git repository. If the tests pass, deploy the workflow definitions and scripts from the “develop” branch to the WhaleScheduler instance.
  • Release: When the code on the “develop” branch reaches a stable state, create a release branch and perform final testing. Once completed, merge the release branch into the main branch and tag it with a version label. This signifies a stable release version. Additionally, merge the release branch back into the “develop” branch to ensure all changes related to the release are incorporated.
  • Team Collaboration: Team members can effectively communicate using Git’s collaboration features, such as discussions, issues, and code reviews. Write clear documentation and comments, storing them in the Git repository for team members to understand the purpose and functionality of changes.
  • Version Control and Rollback: Using Git to manage the project’s history allows for easy rollback to any previous commit. This is particularly useful when troubleshooting, as it helps quickly identify the cause of problems and resolve them.

By following the above steps, teams can effectively use Git for collaboration in DataOps projects. This ensures code quality and stability while facilitating seamless teamwork. In practice, teams can adjust the workflow to meet their specific needs and scale accordingly.

In summary, DataOps helps enterprises efficiently manage and utilize data, ensuring data quality, secure data processing workflows, and compliance, as well as managing the entire lifecycle of AI models. Git undoubtedly plays a significant role in enhancing the collaboration and development efficiency of data and algorithm teams.

Recently, ChatGPT has gained popularity, sparking a wave of enthusiasm for large-scale model products. As a result, major companies have been introducing or planning to launch their own large-scale model products. As someone who witnessed the previous AI wave, I have been thrilled because I have always hoped that AI could intelligently handle complex data governance tasks, freeing data professionals from cumbersome data operations.

DataOps is an agile data management methodology that accelerates the entire data collaboration process by automating workflows, standardizing processes, and promoting collaboration and monitoring. It aims to improve data quality, data security, and the management and utilization of data resources, resulting in higher efficiency and better business performance.

DataOps encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among data, algorithms, and business teams, fostering a data-driven decision-making mindset. In addition, it facilitates communication and collaboration between these teams, which traditionally took considerable time and effort (OpenAI mentioned in a public video that it took them two years to enable collaboration between their algorithm and engineering teams). The ultimate goal is to cultivate better data and AI-driven decision-making.

DataOps help enterprises adapt to rapidly changing business requirements. It emphasizes agility and scalability in processes, enabling faster response to business and demand changes, thus enhancing competitiveness and flexibility.

Furthermore, DataOps strengthens data security and compliance. It emphasizes data traceability, allowing organizations to manage better and control data access and usage, ensuring data security and compliance, and mitigating the risks of data leakage and unauthorized use.

In the field of AI and machine learning, data serves as the foundation for training and testing models, and the quality and processing of data have a significant impact on the performance and accuracy of large-scale models. Let’s explore the specific significance of DataOps for large-scale models:

Data Collaboration and Sharing

Large-scale models require a substantial amount of data for training, which often comes from diverse sources with different formats. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate and collaborate on data to facilitate model training and optimization. DataOps enables data collaboration and sharing by establishing data pipelines and other mechanisms, improving the efficiency and accuracy of large-scale model training.

Data Quality Management

DataOps helps organizations achieve quality management of training data, ensuring data reliability, consistency, and integrity. Through DataOps, standardized tools and processes can be used to automatically monitor data quality, detect and resolve data quality issues, and provide repeatable processes for data cleansing, transformation, and integration.

Data Security and Compliance

DataOps assists organizations in ensuring data security and compliance. Through standardized processes and monitoring, data security and confidentiality can be ensured while complying with regulations and industry standards. Additionally, DataOps helps identify and address data risks, protecting the interests of enterprises and customers.

Large-Scale Model Lifecycle Management

The development and management of large-scale models require collaboration between algorithm teams and engineering teams. DataOps helps organizations manage the entire lifecycle of large-scale models, from development and testing to deployment and maintenance. Through standardized processes and tools, it ensures the repeatability and consistency of model development and testing and the management of version control and deployment. This facilitates better management and utilization of machine learning models, improving their performance and reliability. In addition, automating the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of models enhances their operational efficiency and stability, reducing operational costs and risks.

Moreover, large-scale models need to be continuously optimized and updated to adapt to evolving data and requirements. DataOps facilitates model iteration and updates by establishing workflow update mechanisms, enhancing the accuracy and performance of the models, and driving business development and innovation.

Now that we have discussed the value of DataOps let’s delve into the central focus of this article—Git. Git’s powerful version control and collaboration capabilities have made it an indispensable tool for data scientists and engineers. Millions of developers worldwide use Git for development collaboration. It effectively manages process code and configuration files in data pipelines.

How To Use Git to Enhance DataOps Efficiency

In this article, I will share how Git can be used to improve DataOps efficiency, focusing on the following aspects:

Version Control of Code and Configuration Files

Using Git to version control code and configuration files is a wise decision. In data and AI projects, code and configuration files for data processing or algorithm training often undergo continuous changes over time. Git allows tracking changes to each file, ensuring version control of code and configuration files. This enables team members to easily access previous versions, understand the history and changes of the code, and revert to previous versions when needed. In DataOps, version-controlling code and configuration files with Git are particularly important as they directly impact the execution and output of training iterations.

Development With Git Branches

Using Git branches in DataOps allows for more efficient development. Branches enable team members to work on independent branches without affecting the code on the main branch. This enables team members to freely experiment and make changes without disrupting the main codebase. Once development is complete, branches can be merged back into the main branch. This approach makes it easier for multiple people to work on different features simultaneously.

Automated Deployment

Integrating automated deployment with Git significantly improves DataOps efficiency. By using Git hooks, code and configuration files can be deployed automatically. For example, when a team member pushes code to the main branch, it can be automatically deployed to the production environment and undergo automated testing. This eliminates the need for manual code deployment and reduces the interaction time between development and operations teams.

Collaborating With Git

Git is a collaboration tool that facilitates teamwork. In DataOps, using Git for collaboration makes it easier for multiple team members to work on the same pipeline. Team members can use Git for collaboration, exchanging and reviewing each other’s changes, and providing feedback. This greatly improves code quality and team efficiency.

Git Commit Messages

Writing meaningful Git commit messages can significantly enhance DataOps efficiency. When committing code, it is essential to write clear, concise, and meaningful commit messages. This allows other team members to better understand code changes and quickly revert erroneous changes. Therefore, including detailed explanations and descriptions in commit messages is a good practice.

After discussing the significance of Git, let’s now explore its practical application in DataOps. But before we dive into using Git for DataOps in practice, let’s introduce some basic Git concepts and common operations to familiarize everyone with the terminology.

Basic Concepts and Operations of Git

Before delving into how Git can be applied in DataOps, let’s briefly review the basic concepts and operations of Git.

Git Basic Concepts

  • Repository: The storage space for a project containing all the files and historical records of the project.
  • Working Directory: The local copy of project files used for editing and modifications.
  • Staging Area: Used to temporarily store modified files waiting to be committed to the repository.
  • Commit: Updates the repository with files from the staging area, creating a new version.
  • Branch: Enables parallel development within the same repository without affecting other branches.
  • Merge: Integrates changes from different branches.
  • Clone: Copies a remote repository to the local environment.
  • Pull: Fetches updates from the remote repository and merges them into the local repository.
  • Push: Pushes local repository updates to the remote repository.
  • Commit: Commits changes to the local repository.
  • Branch Management: Creates, switches, merges, and deletes branches.

Common Git Operations

Now that we have covered the basics let’s move on to applying Git in DataOps. First, we will explore an example of integrating Git with WhaleScheduler, the enterprise edition of Apache DolphinScheduler, to achieve efficient collaboration and workflow, providing comprehensive enterprise-level data and AI task processing orchestration, permission security protection, dynamic scaling, complete task lifecycle management, security vulnerability fixes, and full-stack support for creativity.

In this practical example, we will create a DataOps project that utilizes WhaleScheduler as the workflow scheduling platform and Git for team collaboration.

  1. Create a Git Repository: First, create a new repository on a Git platform such as GitHub or GitLab. Then, add team members to the repository so they can contribute code and collaborate.
  2. Initialize Git Integration Configuration
  3. Use Git Flow Branching Strategy: Implement the Git Flow branching strategy to enable parallel work and maintain code quality. Create a branch called “dev-wjp” as the main development branch. Team members can develop this branch or create other branches.

The project lists for each branch are different. The “Pull” and “Push” buttons on the right allow pulling and pushing updates. “Pull” fetches branch content from the Git remote, and if there are conflicts, a prompt will appear, allowing the choice to overwrite or ignore.

  • Develop Workflows and Commit Changes
  • Code Review and Merge: In the merge request, team members can review changes, provide suggestions, and request modifications. After the review is complete, merge the feature branch back into the main branch, such as the “develop” branch. This ensures the quality of the workflow and encourages sharing through team member reviews.
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment: Use CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, or GitHub CI/CD to automate testing and deployment processes. Configure the CI/CD tool to automatically run tests when code changes are pushed to the Git repository. If the tests pass, deploy the workflow definitions and scripts from the “develop” branch to the WhaleScheduler instance.
  • Release: When the code on the “develop” branch reaches a stable state, create a release branch and perform final testing. Once completed, merge the release branch into the main branch and tag it with a version label. This signifies a stable release version. Additionally, merge the release branch back into the “develop” branch to ensure all changes related to the release are incorporated.
  • Team Collaboration: Team members can effectively communicate using Git’s collaboration features, such as discussions, issues, and code reviews. Write clear documentation and comments, storing them in the Git repository for team members to understand the purpose and functionality of changes.
  • Version Control and Rollback: Using Git to manage the project’s history allows for easy rollback to any previous commit. This is particularly useful when troubleshooting, as it helps quickly identify the cause of problems and resolve them.

By following the above steps, teams can effectively use Git for collaboration in DataOps projects. This ensures code quality and stability while facilitating seamless teamwork. In practice, teams can adjust the workflow to meet their specific needs and scale accordingly.

In summary, DataOps helps enterprises efficiently manage and utilize data, ensuring data quality, secure data processing workflows, and compliance, as well as managing the entire lifecycle of AI models. Git undoubtedly plays a significant role in enhancing the collaboration and development efficiency of data and algorithm teams.


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