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Segmenting Text Into Sentences Using NLP | by Arun Jagota | Jan, 2023

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Image by Nile from Pixabay

In NLP, segmenting a text document into its sentences is a useful basic operation. It is the first step in many NLP tasks that are more elaborate. Such as detecting and correcting errors in the text as it is being written [1], or detecting named entities [2].

In the former, the idea is that common errors don’t cross sentence boundaries. This holds for the latter as well. Named entities also tend not to cross sentence boundaries.

In either case, this simplifies the problem considerably. For instance, training and evaluation can work off a corpus of sentences. Even sentences derived from longer documents can be treated independently.

In this post, we will cover the problem of segmenting text into sentences. We will take a “Socratic method” style approach. By this, we mean that we will iteratively build up a heuristic predictor from scratch in a sort of “iterative hypothesis refinement” style. With suitable speculations and questions driving refinements. ChatGPT will be quite helpful during this process.

The particular approach we will end up with is similar in spirit to the popular Punkt algorithm [5] for this problem.

Let’s get started.

First, let’s be clear upfront that we will start from the raw text. No preprocessing such as tokenizing into words, downcasing words, removing stop words, whatever. All these risk losing some signal for this prediction task.

We all know that most sentences end at periods. So our simplest predictor is

If the current character is a period
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

The obvious question is, “where does this fail”? Well, for one, the sentence could end in a question mark. Or in an exclamation point. Ok, let’s abstract this rule out a bit.

If the current character is boundary_marker
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

We’ll set boundary_marker to {period (.), question-mark (?), exclamation point (!)}.

Okay, so now the same question, “where does this fail”? Consider Ph.D. We wouldn’t want the first period to be deemed a sentence boundary.

Intuitively, if the period is within a word, we are not at a sentence boundary.

So the following rule should work better.

If the current character is boundary_marker and followed by a white space
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

Okay, so this filters out false positives involving periods within words and does not seem to lose any recall.

While looking at the sentences in this post, we also notice that the first word in the sentence that follows is capitalized. Duh, that’s a basic grammar rule. Well, now it’s also a predictor of sentence boundary.

In view of the above, let’s refine our rule further.

If the current character is boundary_marker and followed by right_context
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

where right_context is “white space followed by a capitalized word”.

By adding “by a capitalized word” we have tightened the condition. How does this impact precision and recall?

Precision cannot have dropped. The recall could. Consider the following scenario. The text is short and informal and perhaps hastily written–such as in a text message. We may miss actual sentence boundaries because the first word in a new sentence may not be capitalized.

Well, actually this makes us ponder whether we want a sentence boundary predictor for clean text or for not-necessarily clean text. It seems the complexity of the problem changes.

Should we want to predict sentence boundaries in not-necessarily clean text, since the recall can drop, we need to ask if the precision increases when we tighten the condition.

Consider this example which I managed to cajole out of ChatGPT when I asked it the question

give me examples of sentence boundary false positives involving periods

I am not certain that it understood the question, however, I did find an answer buried in its response I could use.

The U.S. is a big country.

The condition “period followed by white space” would flag a sentence boundary immediately after U.S which is clearly wrong.

Okay, let’s keep going. Onto the next pondering. What if we added a left context to our condition? The new condition would look like

If the current character is boundary_marker and is preceded by 
left_context and is followed by right_context
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

On not-necessarily-clean text, it might. We could drop “capitalized word” from the right context. This would help with recall but may reduce precision. We can try to increase precision by adding a left context.

I asked ChatGPT this.

give me examples of words that serve as the last word in a sentence.

The first few lines in its response are below.


Okay, seems like it didn’t quite get my question, possibly because it wasn’t expressed clearly enough. Nonetheless, these answers are useful, even if very limited. Indeed in one-word sentences, these words are good left contexts.

This also helped me refine my question to ChatGPT. First, I rephrased my question as

give me examples of words that serve as the last word in a multi-word 

That didn’t help. Its response was still comprised of one-word sentences, albeit the actual words were good new candidates for being in the left context.

The question below

give me examples of left context to predict sentence boundaries.

generated an interesting and possibly useful response, albeit not quite what I was looking for. So I won’t elaborate.

The question below

Which words tend to be the last word in a sentence.

did lead to a more useful response.

Words that tend to be the last word in a sentence in written English 

questions (e.g. What?, How?)
exclamations (e.g. Wow!, Oh!)
commands (e.g. Stop!, Go!)
short, one-word sentences that express a complete thought (e.g. Yes, No, Okay)
proper nouns (e.g. London, Bob)
some adverbs (e.g. Today, Yesterday, Finally)

Note: These are general tendencies, and the last word in a sentence can
vary depending on the context and the type of sentence.

Nice response! From this, we can surmise that adding a left context can help. This response also gives the following tangible insights that move us forward.


If the current character is boundary_marker and is preceded by 
left_context and is followed by right_context

by a less rigid condition. Something like left_context features, right_context features, boundary_marker. The point is that left_context and right_context expressed in a condition may lead us into a combinatorial explosion. Features can be combined more softly for predictive purposes.

This can be powerful especially if we have a way to leverage supervised learning, that is feedback. The parameters that govern how the collection of features gets used for predicting sentence boundaries then become learnable and may alleviate the need to introduce new features as new scenarios are encountered.

Leveraging supervised learning in this setting is not as hard as one might imagine. We don’t need to construct a large training set of sentence boundary positives and sentence boundary negatives. Rather we could proceed as follows.

Start with an initial condition, say

if the current character is a boundary_marker and it is followed by 
white space

which has a high recall. Posit additional left_context and right_context features.

Run the initially-configured sentence boundary predictor on one or more sufficiently large documents and output pairs of adjacent predicted sentences in an easily visualizable and labelable format. Even a CSV file will be adequate. Inspect the CSV file and label any false positives you find as such. Even time-boxing this work will likely yield an improved sentence boundary predictor.

Sure, investing more time in labeling data would likely improve the predictive accuracy further. a rich labeled data set would likely yield even better results. This investment doesn’t need to be done upfront though. It could be incremental.

Next, let’s discuss specific sensible features to include. These are inspired by our investigations thus far. First, to our examples let’s add a few we found from [5], as these will help with the feature engineering.

... Mr. Smith ...
... Johann S. Bach ...

1. The number of words that precede the boundary_marker in the current sentence.

2. If the boundary_marker is a period then the number of additional periods in the current token that precedes it.

3. The part-of-speech of the previous word.

4. The identity of the word that precedes the boundary_marker.

5. The length of the word that precedes the boundary_marker.

6. If the boundary_marker is a period then whether it is embedded within a named entity.

Feature 1) combined with feature 4) is obviously useful for one-word sentences.

Feature 2) is inspired by the example

The U.S. is a big country.

It could help predict that the second period in U.S. is not a sentence boundary.

Feature 3) is inspired by ChatGPT’s response involving proper nouns.

Feature 5) when combined with feature 2) may be useful in predicting that a boundary marker is in fact part of the preceding word, meaning it’s a false positive.

Feature 6) helps with this example.

... Johann S. Bach ...

Supervised Statistical Algorithm

Now we’ll describe what we think is an effective supervised algorithm of a statistical nature. Tuned to this problem. Relatively straightforward to implement.

The algorithm will assume we are at a character that is a boundary_marker. It will make a probabilistic inference which we will refer to as equation (1).

P(this boundary is real|boundary_marker, left context features, right context features)

Here boundary_marker means the actual value of the marker: period, question mark, or exclamation point).

While we won’t develop this algorithm in full detail, we’d like to call out certain characteristics we have in mind:

  1. If we so deem, the contributions of certain features could be specified in advance and not allowed to change. For example, if the character that follows boundary_marker is not a space and we want to be sure this boundary_marker is predicted to be a false positive in this case, we can force eqn (1) to evaluate to zero always.
  2. We do not necessarily want to assume that the features in eqn(1) are conditionally independent given the outcome — the boundary is real or not. For instance, the features could be connected up by a suitable probabilistic graphical model, whose structure is possibly set by the modeler for this particular use case. Or it could be in the spirit of a product-of-experts model in which the “experts” are particular values of features or combinations of features that strongly predict that the boundary marker is a false positive. See [4] for the product-of-experts model.
  3. We can imagine a variant of eqn (1) that is not entirely probabilistic while remaining in the same spirit. Specifically, we can replace eqn(1) with two score functions: score_true(boundary_marker, left context features, right context features) and score_false(boundary_marker, left context features, right context features). In doing so, we have potentially doubled the number of learnable parameters in the model, which makes it richer.

Learning Illustrated

Now let’s illustrate learning in a concrete setting. We’ll go with a product-of-experts-like formulation as it both makes intuitive sense in our setting and the learning is also convenient to explain.

Say we want to learn that if the boundary marker is a period and the previous token has additional periods, then we should predict that this boundary marker is not real. For defensive purposes, let’s throw in the previous token’s length as an additional predictor.

Our hope is that the second ‘.’ in U.S. gets flagged as a false positive boundary_marker.

Let’s imagine that we formulate this expert as

P(boundary_marker is real| boundary_marker is ‘.’, previous_token’s length, number of periods in the previous token).

This models a particular expert who weighs in only when the boundary_marker is a period. In this case, it uses the combination of the previous token’s length and the number of periods in it to decide whether to predict that the boundary_marker is real or not.

Say initially we set the priors so that

P(boundary_marker is real|boundary_marker is ‘.’, l, np) is 1

for various sensible combinations of l and np. Say the initial algorithm predicts periods such as the second one in U.S. as sentence boundaries. Say we provide feedback that these are false positives. If we see enough such examples, we should be able to learn that

P(boundary_marker is real|boundary_marker is ‘.’, 3, 1) is near-zero

We chose l=3 and np=1 for our illustration because it applies to U.S.

Next, imagine a different expert, modeled as

P(boundary_marker is real|the character that follows boundary_marker is not space)

Again, we may set the priors for this to near 1 so initially, for example, the first period in U.S. gets predicted as a real sentence boundary. The user then provides feedback to label this as a false positive. This feedback can be used to drive

P(boundary_marker is real|the character that follows boundary_marker is not space)

towards zero.


In this post, we covered the problem of segmenting text into sentences. We approached this problem as follows. We iteratively built up a sentence boundary predictor by starting from the most basic rule and refining it from questions and answers. We asked what false positives or false negatives a particular rule would lead to. The answers helped us refine the rule. During this process, we solicited help from ChatGPT in the manner described earlier.

Somewhere along the way, it became clear that we should pivot from hard rules to a feature-based approach. We then developed this approach under a particular probabilistic model, brought in specific features that our earlier investigations had suggested, framed this in a product-of-experts setting, and also discussed learning from feedback in this setting.


  1. Text Correction Using NLP. Detecting and correcting common errors… | by Arun Jagota | Jan, 2023 | Towards Data Science
  2. Named Entity Recognition in NLP. Real-world use cases, models, methods…
  3. ChatGPT
  4. Geoff Hinton — Products of experts
  5. nltk.tokenize.punkt

Image by Nile from Pixabay

In NLP, segmenting a text document into its sentences is a useful basic operation. It is the first step in many NLP tasks that are more elaborate. Such as detecting and correcting errors in the text as it is being written [1], or detecting named entities [2].

In the former, the idea is that common errors don’t cross sentence boundaries. This holds for the latter as well. Named entities also tend not to cross sentence boundaries.

In either case, this simplifies the problem considerably. For instance, training and evaluation can work off a corpus of sentences. Even sentences derived from longer documents can be treated independently.

In this post, we will cover the problem of segmenting text into sentences. We will take a “Socratic method” style approach. By this, we mean that we will iteratively build up a heuristic predictor from scratch in a sort of “iterative hypothesis refinement” style. With suitable speculations and questions driving refinements. ChatGPT will be quite helpful during this process.

The particular approach we will end up with is similar in spirit to the popular Punkt algorithm [5] for this problem.

Let’s get started.

First, let’s be clear upfront that we will start from the raw text. No preprocessing such as tokenizing into words, downcasing words, removing stop words, whatever. All these risk losing some signal for this prediction task.

We all know that most sentences end at periods. So our simplest predictor is

If the current character is a period
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

The obvious question is, “where does this fail”? Well, for one, the sentence could end in a question mark. Or in an exclamation point. Ok, let’s abstract this rule out a bit.

If the current character is boundary_marker
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

We’ll set boundary_marker to {period (.), question-mark (?), exclamation point (!)}.

Okay, so now the same question, “where does this fail”? Consider Ph.D. We wouldn’t want the first period to be deemed a sentence boundary.

Intuitively, if the period is within a word, we are not at a sentence boundary.

So the following rule should work better.

If the current character is boundary_marker and followed by a white space
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

Okay, so this filters out false positives involving periods within words and does not seem to lose any recall.

While looking at the sentences in this post, we also notice that the first word in the sentence that follows is capitalized. Duh, that’s a basic grammar rule. Well, now it’s also a predictor of sentence boundary.

In view of the above, let’s refine our rule further.

If the current character is boundary_marker and followed by right_context
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

where right_context is “white space followed by a capitalized word”.

By adding “by a capitalized word” we have tightened the condition. How does this impact precision and recall?

Precision cannot have dropped. The recall could. Consider the following scenario. The text is short and informal and perhaps hastily written–such as in a text message. We may miss actual sentence boundaries because the first word in a new sentence may not be capitalized.

Well, actually this makes us ponder whether we want a sentence boundary predictor for clean text or for not-necessarily clean text. It seems the complexity of the problem changes.

Should we want to predict sentence boundaries in not-necessarily clean text, since the recall can drop, we need to ask if the precision increases when we tighten the condition.

Consider this example which I managed to cajole out of ChatGPT when I asked it the question

give me examples of sentence boundary false positives involving periods

I am not certain that it understood the question, however, I did find an answer buried in its response I could use.

The U.S. is a big country.

The condition “period followed by white space” would flag a sentence boundary immediately after U.S which is clearly wrong.

Okay, let’s keep going. Onto the next pondering. What if we added a left context to our condition? The new condition would look like

If the current character is boundary_marker and is preceded by 
left_context and is followed by right_context
Predict that we are at a sentence boundary

On not-necessarily-clean text, it might. We could drop “capitalized word” from the right context. This would help with recall but may reduce precision. We can try to increase precision by adding a left context.

I asked ChatGPT this.

give me examples of words that serve as the last word in a sentence.

The first few lines in its response are below.


Okay, seems like it didn’t quite get my question, possibly because it wasn’t expressed clearly enough. Nonetheless, these answers are useful, even if very limited. Indeed in one-word sentences, these words are good left contexts.

This also helped me refine my question to ChatGPT. First, I rephrased my question as

give me examples of words that serve as the last word in a multi-word 

That didn’t help. Its response was still comprised of one-word sentences, albeit the actual words were good new candidates for being in the left context.

The question below

give me examples of left context to predict sentence boundaries.

generated an interesting and possibly useful response, albeit not quite what I was looking for. So I won’t elaborate.

The question below

Which words tend to be the last word in a sentence.

did lead to a more useful response.

Words that tend to be the last word in a sentence in written English 

questions (e.g. What?, How?)
exclamations (e.g. Wow!, Oh!)
commands (e.g. Stop!, Go!)
short, one-word sentences that express a complete thought (e.g. Yes, No, Okay)
proper nouns (e.g. London, Bob)
some adverbs (e.g. Today, Yesterday, Finally)

Note: These are general tendencies, and the last word in a sentence can
vary depending on the context and the type of sentence.

Nice response! From this, we can surmise that adding a left context can help. This response also gives the following tangible insights that move us forward.


If the current character is boundary_marker and is preceded by 
left_context and is followed by right_context

by a less rigid condition. Something like left_context features, right_context features, boundary_marker. The point is that left_context and right_context expressed in a condition may lead us into a combinatorial explosion. Features can be combined more softly for predictive purposes.

This can be powerful especially if we have a way to leverage supervised learning, that is feedback. The parameters that govern how the collection of features gets used for predicting sentence boundaries then become learnable and may alleviate the need to introduce new features as new scenarios are encountered.

Leveraging supervised learning in this setting is not as hard as one might imagine. We don’t need to construct a large training set of sentence boundary positives and sentence boundary negatives. Rather we could proceed as follows.

Start with an initial condition, say

if the current character is a boundary_marker and it is followed by 
white space

which has a high recall. Posit additional left_context and right_context features.

Run the initially-configured sentence boundary predictor on one or more sufficiently large documents and output pairs of adjacent predicted sentences in an easily visualizable and labelable format. Even a CSV file will be adequate. Inspect the CSV file and label any false positives you find as such. Even time-boxing this work will likely yield an improved sentence boundary predictor.

Sure, investing more time in labeling data would likely improve the predictive accuracy further. a rich labeled data set would likely yield even better results. This investment doesn’t need to be done upfront though. It could be incremental.

Next, let’s discuss specific sensible features to include. These are inspired by our investigations thus far. First, to our examples let’s add a few we found from [5], as these will help with the feature engineering.

... Mr. Smith ...
... Johann S. Bach ...

1. The number of words that precede the boundary_marker in the current sentence.

2. If the boundary_marker is a period then the number of additional periods in the current token that precedes it.

3. The part-of-speech of the previous word.

4. The identity of the word that precedes the boundary_marker.

5. The length of the word that precedes the boundary_marker.

6. If the boundary_marker is a period then whether it is embedded within a named entity.

Feature 1) combined with feature 4) is obviously useful for one-word sentences.

Feature 2) is inspired by the example

The U.S. is a big country.

It could help predict that the second period in U.S. is not a sentence boundary.

Feature 3) is inspired by ChatGPT’s response involving proper nouns.

Feature 5) when combined with feature 2) may be useful in predicting that a boundary marker is in fact part of the preceding word, meaning it’s a false positive.

Feature 6) helps with this example.

... Johann S. Bach ...

Supervised Statistical Algorithm

Now we’ll describe what we think is an effective supervised algorithm of a statistical nature. Tuned to this problem. Relatively straightforward to implement.

The algorithm will assume we are at a character that is a boundary_marker. It will make a probabilistic inference which we will refer to as equation (1).

P(this boundary is real|boundary_marker, left context features, right context features)

Here boundary_marker means the actual value of the marker: period, question mark, or exclamation point).

While we won’t develop this algorithm in full detail, we’d like to call out certain characteristics we have in mind:

  1. If we so deem, the contributions of certain features could be specified in advance and not allowed to change. For example, if the character that follows boundary_marker is not a space and we want to be sure this boundary_marker is predicted to be a false positive in this case, we can force eqn (1) to evaluate to zero always.
  2. We do not necessarily want to assume that the features in eqn(1) are conditionally independent given the outcome — the boundary is real or not. For instance, the features could be connected up by a suitable probabilistic graphical model, whose structure is possibly set by the modeler for this particular use case. Or it could be in the spirit of a product-of-experts model in which the “experts” are particular values of features or combinations of features that strongly predict that the boundary marker is a false positive. See [4] for the product-of-experts model.
  3. We can imagine a variant of eqn (1) that is not entirely probabilistic while remaining in the same spirit. Specifically, we can replace eqn(1) with two score functions: score_true(boundary_marker, left context features, right context features) and score_false(boundary_marker, left context features, right context features). In doing so, we have potentially doubled the number of learnable parameters in the model, which makes it richer.

Learning Illustrated

Now let’s illustrate learning in a concrete setting. We’ll go with a product-of-experts-like formulation as it both makes intuitive sense in our setting and the learning is also convenient to explain.

Say we want to learn that if the boundary marker is a period and the previous token has additional periods, then we should predict that this boundary marker is not real. For defensive purposes, let’s throw in the previous token’s length as an additional predictor.

Our hope is that the second ‘.’ in U.S. gets flagged as a false positive boundary_marker.

Let’s imagine that we formulate this expert as

P(boundary_marker is real| boundary_marker is ‘.’, previous_token’s length, number of periods in the previous token).

This models a particular expert who weighs in only when the boundary_marker is a period. In this case, it uses the combination of the previous token’s length and the number of periods in it to decide whether to predict that the boundary_marker is real or not.

Say initially we set the priors so that

P(boundary_marker is real|boundary_marker is ‘.’, l, np) is 1

for various sensible combinations of l and np. Say the initial algorithm predicts periods such as the second one in U.S. as sentence boundaries. Say we provide feedback that these are false positives. If we see enough such examples, we should be able to learn that

P(boundary_marker is real|boundary_marker is ‘.’, 3, 1) is near-zero

We chose l=3 and np=1 for our illustration because it applies to U.S.

Next, imagine a different expert, modeled as

P(boundary_marker is real|the character that follows boundary_marker is not space)

Again, we may set the priors for this to near 1 so initially, for example, the first period in U.S. gets predicted as a real sentence boundary. The user then provides feedback to label this as a false positive. This feedback can be used to drive

P(boundary_marker is real|the character that follows boundary_marker is not space)

towards zero.


In this post, we covered the problem of segmenting text into sentences. We approached this problem as follows. We iteratively built up a sentence boundary predictor by starting from the most basic rule and refining it from questions and answers. We asked what false positives or false negatives a particular rule would lead to. The answers helped us refine the rule. During this process, we solicited help from ChatGPT in the manner described earlier.

Somewhere along the way, it became clear that we should pivot from hard rules to a feature-based approach. We then developed this approach under a particular probabilistic model, brought in specific features that our earlier investigations had suggested, framed this in a product-of-experts setting, and also discussed learning from feedback in this setting.


  1. Text Correction Using NLP. Detecting and correcting common errors… | by Arun Jagota | Jan, 2023 | Towards Data Science
  2. Named Entity Recognition in NLP. Real-world use cases, models, methods…
  3. ChatGPT
  4. Geoff Hinton — Products of experts
  5. nltk.tokenize.punkt


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