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Common Medications Could Increase Diabetics’ Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Recent research at the EASD meeting reveals that certain medications, low fasting blood sugar, and cardiovascular conditions significantly increase sudden cardiac arrest risk in type 2 diabetics, underscoring the need for careful management by GPs. Low fasting blood sugar is associated with sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), a leading cause of mortality. Recent findings presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Annual Meeting in Hamburg, Germany, highlight several factors linked to an increased risk of…

Solving the Mystery Behind Bacteria’s Extensive Weaponry

University of Oxford researchers have uncovered the evolutionary reasons behind the diverse weaponry of bacteria. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa, they demonstrated that short-range weapons are effective in low-density conditions, while long-range weapons excel at higher densities. This knowledge could be pivotal in developing new methods to fight drug-resistant bacteria. A new study led by the University of Oxford has shed light on why certain species of bacteria carry astonishing arsenals of weapons. The findings,…

Common Skin Bacteria Could Save Millions of Lives

Researchers in Tromsø have discovered a new bacteriocin in a common skin bacterium, named Romsacin, which shows potential in combating antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This discovery could lead to new treatments for infections currently without effective remedies. The process of developing Romsacin into a usable drug involves extensive research, testing, and compliance with bureaucratic processes, underscoring the long and uncertain journey of medical advancements.Infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria are an…

No Better Than Water – Popular Hospital Disinfectant Ineffective Against Common Superbug

A new study finds that hospital disinfectants, including high-concentration bleach, are ineffective against C. diff spores, a leading cause of antibiotic-associated sickness. This discovery, highlighting the urgency for new disinfection methods, comes amid increasing concerns about antimicrobial resistance and the global impact of C. diff infections.Research conducted during World Antimicrobial Awareness Week examines the effects of employing suggested chlorine-based chemicals to combat Clostridioides difficile, the…

Antibiotic Breakthrough – Researchers Create New Molecule To Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

Maynooth University researchers have discovered a novel molecule to fight drug-resistant bacteria, leveraging supramolecular chemistry. The new findings offer a potential new approach to antibiotic development, with significant implications for public health. Credit: Ella Maru StudiosResearchers at Maynooth University have developed a new molecule designed to combat drug-resistant bacteria.An international team, including researchers from Maynooth University, has developed a novel molecule with the potential to combat…

A Surge in Babies Born With Syphilis Is a Warning Sign

Those trends have combined to affect “women from vulnerable communities … usually women who are Black or brown, with lower financial means, lack of access to transportation, inability to take time off work,” says Natasha Bagdasarian, a physician and the chief medical executive for the state of Michigan, which had 38 congenital cases of the disease in 2022. “What we're seeing when we review cases of congenital syphilis are individuals who, rather than have a single healthcare provider through their pregnancy, have gone to…

Dr. Alison Todd’s Inventions May Save Your Life

“At the risk of sounding arrogant, I would say one of my greatest and ongoing challenges stems from being ahead of my time,” Dr. Todd explains. “My vision for medicine is, on occasion, years ahead of clinical practice. As such, I need to dig deep to find the patience and perseverance to see things through.”While Dr. Todd is always looking ahead at what’s coming next for diagnostic medicine, she’s also looking at the next generation of scientists and the changes that need to happen in the industry (and the world itself) in…

Scientists Develop New Class of Antibiotics To Fight Resistant Bacteria

Researchers at the University of Zurich and Spexis have re-engineered the chemical structure of a natural peptide, thanatin, to develop a new class of antibiotics capable of combating resistant bacteria. The synthetic peptides have demonstrated effectiveness, safety, and resistance to bacterial immunity in mice tests, bringing the potential for a new type of antibiotic that can combat resistant strains.There’s a pressing demand for fresh antibiotics among healthcare experts to combat resistant bacteria. A team of…

Fruit Fly Compound Could Lead to New Antibiotics

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have discovered that a natural peptide from fruit flies, named drosocin, can bind to bacteria’s ribosomes and hinder protein production, thereby forcing bacterial cells to self-destruct. This finding, along with the understanding of its working mechanism, could facilitate the creation of new antibiotics.A new study reports on peptide’s antibacterial mechanism.Researchers from the University of Illinois Chicago have discovered that a peptide derived from fruit flies may…

AI Could Quickly Screen Thousands of Antibiotics to Tackle Superbugs

Developing new antibiotics presents a complicated challenge, but scientists are now using artificial intelligence to design new drugs to address the problem. In May researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and McMaster University published a study on their use of an AI algorithm to identify an antibiotic that can kill a particularly resistant type of bacterium. The pathogen, called Acinetobacter baumannii, can lead to serious infections, including meningitis and pneumonia, and is often found in hospital…