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Caribou breeding program aims to boost dwindling herd numbers in Alberta

A new $24 million matchmaking program is aiming to help rebuild caribou populations in Jasper National Park that are too small to recover on their own.  The federal government announced Tuesday that its previously announced proposal to carry out a first-of-its-kind caribou conservation breeding program is going ahead. "We've determined through that work over the last few years that using conservation breeding is the only tool available to Parks Canada and Jasper National Park to be able to recover these small herds," said…

What is Plant Breeding?- Definition, Objectives, Types, Steps

Plant breeding is made up of two words- plant and breeding. This means there is breeding among two different species of plant of desired varieties.  The desired varieties mean plants should have increased tolerance to environmental stresses (salinity, extreme temperatures, drought, etc.), resistance to pathogens (viruses, fungi, and bacteria), and increased tolerance to insect pests. All these qualities will help in getting better yield and disease-free plants. These all traits altogether, increase the yield of plants and…

Entocycle grabs $5 million for its insect breeding technology • TechCrunch

Even if insects don’t sound appealing to you, black soldier flies could play an essential role in the food chain in the coming years. In particular, these flies’ larvae can become an important source of proteins for livestock and fish. That’s why Entocycle is raising another $5 million in a Series A funding round led by Climentum Capital, a European climate-focused VC firm. Lowercarbon Capital and ACE & Company are participating in the round as well. Teampact Ventures is also investing in Entocycle. This new…

Obasanjo Farms introduces new cassava breeding technology

The Olusegun Obasanjo Farms in Owiwi, Ewekoro Local Government Area of Ogun State, has adopted the Green House Technology for breeding cassava. Mr Obasanjo said he first noticed the Semi Autotrophic Hydrophonic Facility for Cassava Stem Multiplication technology during a visit to Central African Republic (CAR) last year and decided to introduce it to the Nigerian agricultural sector Using the technology, he said the farm can produce about three million plantlets of cassava annually. The project, under the…

The Netherlands is the ideal breeding ground for green tech startups

The Netherlands is one of the best places in the world for startups and businesses working on green tech. Managing the climate is deeply rooted in Dutch culture. With nearly a third of its land below sea level, the country has been highly-adaptive to environmental challenges — finding ways to turn them into opportunities for technological growth. Think, for instance, of how the Dutch have managed to reclaim land from sea with polders, or avoid flooding from the North Sea with the construction…

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Breeding guide

People breed Pokémon for different reasons — whether it's for competitive play, as a means of getting shiny Pokémon, or to complete the Pokédex. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, a lot of conventional mechanics like traversal and progression have been fundamentally redesigned. Chief among them is breeding, which is much more easily accessible this time around. Here's how to get the Pokémon Egg train rolling!Where is the Pokémon Day Care?Where's the Day Care in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? Simply put, there is none! For…

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet breeding guide: How to breed Pokémon at picnics

Breeding in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been completely reworked. Instead of dropping your compatible Pokémon off at daycare and waiting for your couple to produce a single egg, you can now breed them on your own in the wild and have several eggs in your inventory with way less effort. All you need to do is set up a little picnic for them. We'll show you how to do it. How to breed Pokémon in Scarlet and VioletBreeding Pokémon in this generation is easier than ever, but there are a few…

These Punk Rock Penguins Have a Bizarre Breeding Strategy

Christopher Intagliata: For 60-Second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata. Hundreds of miles southeast of New Zealand, lie the windswept Bounty and Antipodes Islands. It's there you'll find the breeding grounds of what may be the world's most punk-rock penguin. … which sports twin bleached-blond mohawks.  Lloyd Davis: "It's like if you took a penguin and put its flipper in an electricity outlet and it got a shock. That's what you might imagine it looks like."  Intagliata: Lloyd Davis of New Zealand's University of…

Scientists Track Eels to Their Ocean Breeding Grounds in World-First : ScienceAlert

After generations of speculation, scientists have finally managed to track European eels the entire way back to their breeding grounds in the Sargasso Sea – following their movements thousands of kilometers along what is considered one of the most impressive animal migrations in nature.Scientists are gushing with excitement because this is the first direct evidence of a long-suspected part of the eels' life cycle that was proposed almost 100 years ago.Until now, no eggs or eels had been found in the North Atlantic…

Could New NFT Breeding Cryptocurrency HachiFi be as Successful as Ethereum and Solana?

NFTs are a very popular platform for web artists, but why? What does NFT trading have to offer? Firstly, NFTs remove the gatekeepers, giving true ownership to creators and consumers. In Web2, creatives have the rules and economics regularly changed leaving them feeling manipulated and at a disadvantage. However, in Web3 ownership is clear and certain. NFTs have also been a platform for 910 artists to sell over $100Ks worth of NFTs, proving that they can launch creators into fortunes. One of the most exciting elements of…