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A Dog Breed’s Size and Face Shape Might Predict How Long It Lives

Every dog has its day, but some dogs get more days than others. Toy poodles can live 18 years or more, while the average Great Dane is lucky to live half that long. This large discrepancy in the life spans of animals within a single species is uncommon, yet scientists aren’t sure which traits help certain dog breeds outlive others.Researchers in England recently set out to determine what impacts canine life expectancy. The team amassed a dataset of more than 580,000 domestic dogs of more than 150 different breeds in the…

Scientists Determine The Dog Breeds That Live Longest – And It’s All in The Nose : ScienceAlert

Small dogs with long noses, such as whippets and miniature dachshunds, live for years longer than large flat-faced breeds such as English bulldogs, new research said on Thursday.The study, which is based on data from more than half a million dogs across the UK, aims to help people planning to get a dog ensure they choose a breed that will have a long and healthy life.Lead author Kirsten McMillan, data manager at UK charity Dogs Trust, said it was the first study to look at how life expectancy varies across such a broad…

I Used Generative AI to Detect Cat Breeds: Here's How It Went

For the front end, I decided to make use of a native web platform feature to access the user's camera via a simple HTML form field. By using capture="camera" on an input tag, you directly get access to the device camera. There are more advanced ways of doing this, but for quick and simple, it works fine. Even better, on a desktop, it simply acts as a file selector.Read All For the front end, I decided to make use of a native web platform feature to access the user's camera via a simple HTML form field. By using…

New Drug Could Extend the Lifespans of Giant Dog Breeds

The animal pharmaceutical company Loyal announced that the FDA has accepted the development of a drug that could extend the lifespans of large and giant dog breeds.Like It or Not, Your Doctor Will Use AI | AI UnlockedThe drug is codenamed LOY-001. In a blog post published today, Celia Halioua, the founder and CEO of Loyal, said that the company earned the FDA’s acceptance of the drug. “In regulatory parlance,” Halioua wrote, “we have completed the technical effectiveness portion of our conditional approval application for…

This family breeds millions of insects to help farmers choose predators over pesticides

You can smell the bees before you see them.Mixed between honey and pollen, the scent is overwhelmingly sweet as it wafts through the door in a shed placed on a rural piece of property in Amherstburg, Ont.When the door is opened that's when you hear them — thousands of bumblebees angry with the light and noise.The bees are waiting to be purchased by local greenhouses that will use them for pollination. "Pollination is how much fruit you're going to get, so for a farmer, they're not going to play around with their…

Which Dog Breeds Are Most Sensitive to Pain? The Results Might Surprise You : ScienceAlert

More than 90 percent of us – including vets – think that different dog breeds have different levels of sensitivity to pain, even though there's little scientific evidence for it. Or at least there wasn't, until now.In a study involving 10 different dog breeds, researchers from North Caroline State University confirmed canines do have a varying tolerance for, and sensitivity to, pain. Interestingly though, the findings didn't always match up with how vets view pain sensitivity across breeds."Veterinarians have a fairly…

The Lifesaving Sled Dog Balto Had Genes unlike Those of Dog Breeds Today

When it comes to heroic dogs, Balto is high on the list. The famous Siberian husky inspired a 1995 animated film and was immortalized as a statue in New York City’s Central Park for being part of a dogsled team that delivered lifesaving antitoxin to a remote Alaskan town that was struck by diphtheria in 1925. And now Balto’s DNA is offering new insight into how genetic diversity affects the health of dogs—past and present. In a study published on Thursday in Science, biologists found that Balto’s genome is more…

The Most Popular Dog Breeds on Instagram Are Also the Sickest

Image: Angyalosi Beata (Shutterstock)The French Bulldog, or as they’re more affectionately known, “Frenchies,” are the most popular pup on Instagram, with 37,426,453 on the #FrenchBulldog hashtag. Unfortunately, vets in the UK aren’t falling for Frenchie fever, and point out that hairless French bulldogs are a result of extreme breeding that’s subjecting these dogs to a barrage of genetic abnormalities. Like pugs, Frenchies are short-faced (or brachycephalic) dogs, and this particular skeletal structure can lead to

The Unhealthiest Dog Breeds

Image: Shutterstock (Shutterstock)Dogs have been humanity’s stalwart companions for tens of thousands of years. Unfortunately, not every dog is as genetically healthy as they deserve to be, thanks largely to our meddling influence. Over the past few centuries, human-guided breeding has split dogs into hundreds of distinct breeds, based on specifically desired physical characteristics. And sometimes, these characteristics, or the inbreeding needed to create them, can lead to a highrisk of health problems.Scientists,

Genetics study upends stereotypes around modern dog breeds and behavior

The way we associate certain behavioral traits with certain breeds can be a huge factor in our relationships with dogs, from parents with toddlers and family-friendly labradors to couch potatoes and their sleepy greyhound sidekicks. A fascinating new study has provided compelling evidence that all is not what it seems when it comes to such stereotypes, demonstrating that the genetic reasons for different behavioral traits came thousands of years before the advent of modern-day dog breeds.While the divergence of dogs from…