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Introduction to JWT (Also JWS, JWE, JWA, JWK)

The security and privacy of users' data have been a growing concern for the past few years. At the same time, JWT, as one technology to combat it, has been used more and more. Understanding JWT will give you an edge over the other software engineers. JWT might seem simple at first, but it is pretty hard to understand. In this article, we will explore mainly JWT and JWS. In addition, we'll also go through JWE, JWA, and JWK quickly. This article aims to make the reader understand the concept of JWT without diving too…

Neural Networks and Decision Trees

Over the past decade, neural networks have succeeded immensely in various industries. However, the black-box nature of their predictions has prevented their broader and more reliable adoption in fields such as health and security. This has led researchers to investigate ways to explain neural network decisions.  One approach to explaining neural network decisions is through saliency maps, which highlight areas of the input that a neural network uses most while making a prediction. However, these methods often produce…

Maximizing the Potential of LLMs

LLMs do Natural Language Processing (NLP) to represent the meaning of the text as a vector. This representation of the words of the text is an embedding. The Token Limit: The LLM Prompting Biggest Problem Currently, one of the biggest problems with LLM prompting is the token limit. When GPT-3 was released, the limit for both the prompt and the output combined was 2,048 tokens. With GPT-3.5, this limit increased to 4,096 tokens. Now, GPT-4 comes in two variants. One with a limit of 8,192 tokens and another with a limit of…

Enhancing Threat Intelligence and Cybersecurity

In the face of mounting cybercrime risks, enterprises and institutions are progressively leveraging IP geolocation as an efficacious instrument for detecting and alleviating internet-based menaces. IP geolocation involves the identification of a device or user's geographical location through their IP address. This advanced technology empowers organizations to track and oversee online activities, recognize looming threats, and proactively thwart potential cyberattacks. Understanding IP Geolocation in Cybersecurity IP…

Customer Support and Vector Databases With ChatGPT

Most organizations consider customer service an overhead while it is an opportunity. It allows you to drive continued value from the customer even after the sale. Successful businesses understand that customer service doesn't just help you retain customers but also gain more revenue. It is an underrated tool to enhance your marketing and sales efforts through referrals, testimonials, and classic word-of-mouth. However, it is critical to service customers in real-time without delays. With the emergence of AI, this…

Beat the Machine Learning Interviews at FAANG — Part 1

Cracking a machine learning interview at companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Snap, etc., really comes down to nailing a few patterns that these companies look for.  In this article, I plan to share my experience interviewing with these companies and also how I went about preparing. About Me I have six years of experience working as a Machine learning engineer at Meta. I have been part of two teams at Meta. I was an early ML engineer of a misinformation modeling team working on hoax classification models. After three…

Building a Scalable Search Architecture

Creating a scalable search architecture is a popular and important task for many systems. There are different solutions for this task. Choosing the right one depends on the requirements of your project. Sometimes, as a project grows and its requirements change, you may run into new problems that you cannot solve with the search architecture you are using. For example, when increasing the amount of data, including synonyms in the search, adding multilingual search, etc. In this case, you need to think about creating a new,…

Quantum Support Vector Machine 101

Welcome to this blog on quantum support vector machines! SVMs are a type of supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used for classification and regression tasks. They identify the hyperplane in a high-dimensional space that maximally separates different classes and are known for their robustness and ability to process large amounts of data. Quantum support vector machines (QSVMs) are a variant of SVMs that use quantum computers to perform the optimization required to find the hyperplane. By leveraging the…

Embeddings Search With Qdrant and FiftyOne

Neural network embeddings are a low-dimensional representation of input data that gives rise to various applications. Embeddings have some interesting capabilities, as they can capture the semantics of the data points. This is especially useful for unstructured data like images and videos so that you can encode not only pixel similarities but also some more complex relationships. Embeddings from the BDD100K dataset were visualized using FiftyOne and Plotly. Performing searches over these embeddings gives…

Building a Computer Vision Model Using TensorFlow

What Is Computer Vision? Computer vision (CV) is a major task for modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) systems. It is accelerating almost every domain in the industry, enabling organizations to revolutionize the way machines and business systems work. Academically, it is a well-established area of computer science, and many decades' worth of research work have gone into this field to make it rich. The use of deep neural networks has recently revolutionized the field and given it new life. There is…